v20 Chapter 30: You are a goddess, just hold on

"Wait." A soft voice came from behind.

But Wu Yang is a "sexual" person, do you let me wait? I'll wait? Wouldn't it be too shameless to keep you from coming out? Now I do n’t play anymore, let ’s play with eggs by myself, no, Yang Yan has no eggs.

Wu Yang strode forward, as if he hadn't heard.

Xiao Qian who stayed in Yu Pei was a little happy, Wu Yang went as fast as possible, and never looked back at the woman, hum.

Xiao Qian still remembers the words that Yang Yan said when she found her the night before, which made her mind a bit rude.

Yang Yan looked at Wu Yang, who was still striding forward, couldn't help but stomped, "Hey, stand still."

Wu Yang didn't react at all and continued to walk.

Yang Ye's figure flickered, blocking Wu Yang in front of her, and she said, "Don't you hear me?"

Looking at Yang Yang who was a little angry, Wu Yang just smiled, "Girl, who are you?"

"You, you ..." Yang Yan was very angry, this jerk.

"Don't be angry, just a joke, then you have been peeping at me for several days, I am not angry, see if I am very serious?" Wu Yang said with a smile.

Yang Yan's face suddenly turned red, her eyes dodging, and she looked to the side: "Who, who has peeked at you, don't talk nonsense, defile her."

"Hey, hey, lying is not good."

Looking at Wu Yang ’s playful smile, Yang Ye ’s face was “red”, but how can such things be admitted, “Who is so big in the world, who and who will peek at you, me, I ’m just here Well, that's it. "

However, at the moment Yang Yan's heart was filled with embarrassment and embarrassment, and he could not wait to find a place to dig into it. Who is this bad guy? Why was she spotted?

Xiao Qian in Yu Pei is a little depressed, she feels that she should say something, and it is still the kind of words that can hit the woman in front of her.

A soft and pleasant voice came out of Yupei: "Xiangong, what is your relationship with her?"

"Uh uh uh, what do you call me?"

Wu Yang froze for a moment, Xiaoqian directly called him to be a good man, isn't this too direct? Well, he doesn't object, as a good man, it is always bad to refuse a woman.

Yang Yan was a little embarrassed. She was listening clearly just now.

Xiao Qian floated out of Yupei and looked at Wu Yang with a look of shame ~ "Xiao Qian called you Xianggong! Xianggong saved my last name, Xiao Qian should repay Xianggong with her body."

Yang Yan's **** looked at Wu Yang fiercely. She was very angry now, very angry. I don't know why she was so angry.

Wu Yang coughed twice to cover up: "I always do good things without leaving a name, so I don't have to repay anything."

This is still hypocritical, if it is directly said that I want your return, it is too implicit.


Xiao Qian looked at Wu Yang resentfully: "Xiao Qian knew that she wasn't worthy of being a good man, so she didn't want any status. She was ordered to be a good friend for Ji Wei's full screen."

Talking about weeping, that resentful look. I'm afraid any man can't help but hold it in his arms and comfort him.

As a normal man, Wu Yang can't resist it, but he can't be too hungry. It's just like never seen a woman.

"Since Xiaoqian has called Xianggong shamelessly, now she has been rejected by her son, and she has no face to live in this world." Xiaoqian's face fell into tears and she could not say the sadness.

Wu Yang sweated secretly, how could the ghost die? You are all dead.

What's more, have I rejected you? It's just a man pretending to be reserved, don't take it seriously.

"Xiao Qian, I don't mean that, in fact, what I want to say is," Wu Yang worked hard to organize the language. In Yang Yan's eyes, he was also a little stressed.

"What is it?" Xiao Qian looked at Wu Yang with expectation.

"It's like this, you can't just decide your whole life casually. Although, your decision is correct, after all, a man like me ... No, what I really want to say is that you don't know me We have known each other for such a short time, and you gave yourself to me. It was too hasty, but it wasn't really hasty ... "

Yang Yan said angrily: "What on earth do you want to say?"

Wu Yang spread his hand: "Xiao Qian, you don't know anything about me, and I don't want you to pass your life on me because of retribution."

Xiao Qian shook her head and looked at Wu Yang's eyes: "Xiangong, you are a good person."

Is this a good card?

Being said to be a good person, Wu Yang felt a little uncomfortable. When words like good people were used on him, he felt a strong disobedience.

"Although I and Xianggong have only known each other for a short time, and I have said a lot, I do not know Xianggong, but I believe in Xianggong. Xiao Qian wants to be with Xianggong, not just because she wants to repay Xianggong, It's because I like to be the same. "

Xiaoqian's blushing face "color" is now extremely red and very shy, but as a ghost, she has no intention of relying on it. If she does not grasp such an opportunity, she may hate herself.

Of course, there is another reason, that is Yang Ye is here, Xiao Qian knows that Yang Ye is a god, and she is just a ghost, which makes her very stressed.

But even a ghost can't be arrogant and take the initiative to fight for this is her advantage.

What else can Wu Yang say? His charm couldn't even stop the ghosts. There was no way. It was his fault. He was too handsome.

Yang Yan's **** "color" is very complicated. Xiao Qian, a female ghost, is fighting for her own happiness, which makes her feel a little overwhelmed. As a fairy, she is emotionally speaking white, just a blank piece of paper .

But something must be said, otherwise, wouldn't it be obvious that she was too weak and was suppressed by a female ghost.

"Are you a little shameful or shameful like this? How can you say such a thing, as a daughter's house, you are too stubborn." Yang Xuan said something bitterly.

Xiao Qian's **** "color" reveals a bit of disdain: "You're a goddess, just hold on, I'm a female ghost, I don't need that much hold."

There was a tearing atmosphere in the air. ..