v20 Chapter 59: This is not Wu Yang's style

On the second floor of the tea house, Wu Yang laughed and said, "Everything is perfect, everything that can be done for Xu Xian has already been done."

"His bad luck arises because of me, but I also gave him such a big compensation, allowing him to marry his wife" wife ", allowing him to embark on the peak / peak of his career in an instant, which is enough to make up for his bad luck.

Yang Xun poked his lips: "I feel that you are purely for your own sake. In this case, even if Bai Suzhen wanted to repay Xu Xian, she would find nothing to repay."

There was some cold sweat on Wu Yang's head, and his thoughts were completely guessed. Now women, it is not easy to deceive.

"Why do you think so? I just want to help someone. Don't think too much."

"Sangong, there is a beggar there, are you going to help?" Xiao Qian asked pointing to a place.

"Oh, cough, I suddenly feel a little stomach ache, I go to the bathroom, you continue to ha." Wu Yang stood up and left quickly.

Xiao Qian and Yang Yan glanced at each other, and that was really the case.


The wedding of Xu Xian and Ru Hua started, because Xu Xian, who had obtained half of the rights of Baolin's "pharmacy" room, naturally did not have a shabby wedding, and banqueted many people.

"Sister, I really didn't expect it. There is someone like this who wants to marry him. It's either ugly enough that no one wants it, or blind." Xiaoqing looked at the passing sedan and looked disgusted.

"Xiao Qing, don't talk like this." Bai Suzhen frowned slightly.

Bai Suzhen was really surprised. It's only been a few days. Xu Xian not only married his wife, but also became the owner of the "pharmacy" room. All this is really fast.

It feels like someone has arranged it all secretly, but who can do it?

"Well, then I'll say something practical. Xu Xian's personality suddenly broke out. He married his wife and became the owner of the" pharmacy "room. He is on the road to happiness. Sister, do you want to repay? Xu Xian no longer needs anyone to give him anything. "

Bai Suzhen thought for a while and thought, "Xiao Qing, you are right, everything about Xu Xian is on the right track. If I go back and give him gratitude, it will only disturb his good life now. Bless him."

Does Xu Xian need someone like this to get him on the road to a well-off society? No need at all.

Bai Suzhen thinks so, if she appears in front of Xu Xian, it will only disturb his life.

Xiao Qing's face was happy, "Really?"


"That's great, elder sister, you should have thought that way. Let's go quickly. The sound of drums and gongs is really too noisy." Xiaoqing pulled up Bai Suzhen's hand and walked quickly toward the front.

This kind of thing is really in line with Xiao Qing's mind. It is a waste of time for such a garbage man to repay.

"It feels like freedom." Xiao Qing shouted happily.

"So Xiaoqing, what are you going to do now?"

"Naturally, I'm looking for ... Wu Yang." Xiao Qing's expression seemed a little shy. "I don't plan to quit like this, go to Wu Yang and go straight to the two fox spirits!"

Bai Suzhen had a feeling of speechlessness. Why did others become fox spirits? You look like a junior.

"But you don't even know where Wu Yang is now. Maybe they have left Hangzhou City."

"This ..." Xiao Qing's face "color" changed.

auzw.com "I don't know, you don't even know where anyone is, how can you find him?"

Xiaoqing looked at Bai Suzhen for help immediately, "Sister, do you know where he is? Help Xiaoqing, Xiaoqing's life's happiness depends on you."

With a smile on Bai Suzhen's face, "I beg me this time."

"Sister ..." Xiao Qing shook Bai Suzhen's arm.

Looking at Xiaoqing with a coquettish look, she smiled and said, "I remember Wu Yang and the girl Yang Yang said before that they seemed to be going to Huaguoshan. Maybe they went there."

"Huaguo Mountain? Isn't that place Sun Wukong's place, Wu Yang are they going there?" Xiaoqing said a little surprised.

"This ... I don't know. Are you going?"

Xiao Qing's face was firm: "Go, of course, if they can go, can't we go? Sister, let's go."

"I don't think so much."

"Sister, you can't be like this, if I'm alone ... sister, go with me, please."

"Haha ... just kidding with you, how could I not be with you, let's go."

"I knew, sister, you are the best." Xiaoqing said excitedly.

Looking at Xiaoqing with a happy face, Bai Suzhen "showed off" a smile, but the smile seemed to have a little trouble. If she really met Wu Yang, how should she face it?

Suddenly I was upset.


"Xiangong, are you really planning to leave?" Xiao Qian asked strangely.

Yang Ye and Xiao Qian are very strange. This is not Wu Yang's style. ?

Wu Yang said expressionlessly, "Otherwise, I'm going to Huaguo Mountain, so I can't delay time here."

"But Xianggong, aren't you going to meet with Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing?" Xiaoqian asked.

Wu Yang spread his hand and said helplessly, "Why is this? Why do you think I want to happen with Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing?"

"Actually, they and I just met each other and helped them by the way, that's it."

"They have their lives, I have my lives. Why should I go to see them? Is it necessary? Not at all, let's go, let's go."

Listening to what Wu Yang said, Xiao Qian and Yang Yan both thought that there was something wrong with their ears. Is this what Wu Yang said? ?

Wu Yang jumped up and flew into the sky, "Let's go!"

"Really gone?" Xiao Qian and Yang Yan said together in surprise.

"Let ’s go, of course."


Xiao Qian and Yang Yan both flew up into the sky. Although they didn't understand what Wu Yang was thinking, they didn't always feel that simple.

There was a hint of evil in Wu Yang's eyes. Bai Suzhen and Xiaoqing had already gone to Huaguo Mountain. Why should I go to them? ..