v20 Chapter 71: Here comes the heaven

Listening to Wu Yang's other words, but here to talk about what the future, the four women get strange and doubtful for a while.

Wu Yang, who is so powerful, also needs to worry about the future? I still have such a deep look.

"Speaking of such a serious situation, is there anyone who is going to target you? You killed the East China Sea Dragon King. This is indeed a big trouble, but as long as it is handled properly, the problem should not be too big," Yang said.

Wu Yang shook his head and said, "It's not a matter of heaven, but the whole world. The strong men of this whole world will become my enemies."

"A strong man in the whole world?"

All four women were taken aback. Is it so serious?

"Yes, the strong men in this world will be against me, without any friends. What I said is true, in this case, do you still want to stand with me?" Wu Yang's **** "color" With a touch of solemnity.

Wu Yang's **** "color" doesn't seem to be a joke, that serious look is something they haven't seen before.

Is what he said true?

"No matter what enemy Sangong has, I will always stand by Sangong unless I die." Xiao Qian looked at Wu Yang's eyes and said resolutely.

"Marry a chicken and a chicken, marry a dog and a dog, do I leave because you have an enemy?" Yang Yan glanced at Wu Yang.

"Wu Yang, as long as it is your enemy, that is my enemy, I will stand with you to face all of this." Xiao Qing affirmed.

Bai Suzhen looked to the side and said, "Wu Yang, you have great gratitude to me. If you are in trouble, if I leave like this, it will be ingratitude. If there is any need, I will certainly help."

Wu Yang's eyes glanced from the four women. "I am very moved. At this time, you are standing with me. The next time will be when the danger comes, so I hope ..."

Wu Yang's words stopped.

"What do you want?"

The eyes of the four women were on Wu Yang, waiting for him to continue.

"I hope that we can unite together, do not have any internal disputes, those minor contradictions or something, you can put aside." Wu Yang said this, but looked at Xiaoqing and Yang Yan.

Xiao Qian grinned: "Sangong, I have no problem whatsoever."

Both Xiao Qing and Yang Yan were shown by Wu Yang to be uncomfortable, and their looks were a bit unnatural.

"Why, who wants to have a conflict with her? If she wasn't so arrogant, I wouldn't find it uncomfortable." Yang Yan hummed.

"Cut! This is what I said, right, Wu Yang, you can rest assured, as long as someone does not find fault, I will definitely not go and care about her." Xiaoqing said slightly disdainfully.

"What do you mean by that? What made me find the difference?" Yang Yan stared at Xiaoqing.

"I didn't say you, what are you excited about?" Xiaoqing froze without hesitation.

Seeing the two men showing signs of tearing up, Wu Yang called out, "Enough."

"If you are like this, don't say unity at all. Internal conflicts give me a headache. How can you fight the enemy like this? It only gives me a headache." Wu Yang said politely, "This way If you do, you don't have to stand by me at all. "

Looking at Wu Yang's angry look, Xiaoqing and Yang Yan were flustered for a while.

"I ... Know, I won't quarrel with her again, don't be angry." Yang Yan looked at Wu Yang with some grievances.


"Wu Yang, don't be upset, am I wrong? Is it okay? I will support you well, and it will definitely not give you a headache." Xiao Qing also said immediately, her color was a little nervous, and Wu Yang would not be so And hate her?

Wu Yang said lightly: "Really?"

"Really, really." Xiao Qing and Yang Yan said.

"I don't believe what you say." Wu Yang shook his head. "It's nice to say, but what do you really think inside, who knows?"

"Then how do you believe it?"

Wu Yang's eyes rolled: "Unless ..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless you hug each other and swear to get along well, whoever violates is a puppy."

"What? Give her a hug?" Xiao Qing and Yang Yan exclaimed at the same time.

Obviously letting them hug each other, that is extremely difficult, after all, they don't like each other.

"Can't do it? Can't all do this? How can you make me believe what you say?" Wu Yang's disappointment was "color".

Looking at Wu Yang's disappointment, Xiao Qing and Yang Yan were both anxious, okay ...

"Come on, hug, it's not a big deal, is it?" Xiaoqing came to Yang Ye.

"I think so too, it's no big deal." Yang Yan said.

The two sides opened their arms to each other, and slowly the man embraced them stiffly.

"Swear," Wu Yang said.

Yang Ye and Xiao Qing were helpless for a while, but now that they have embraced, there is nothing to swear.

"I swear that I want to get along with Xiao Qing (Yang Ye). Whoever violates it is a puppy." Yang Ye and Xiao Qing said at the same time.

Wu Yang's "Lu" smiled satisfactorily: "That's right, isn't it good?"

In fact, Wu Yang also understood that this would not completely resolve the contradiction between Xiao Qing and Yang Yan, and they were just looking good.

But it doesn't matter, after all, this is also a good start.

Over time, they will definitely be able to get along with each other. Wu Yang has this confidence. What kind of woman can he not deal with?

Suddenly, in the sky ahead, dark black clouds rolled up, and thunder and lightning were screaming there, and the wind was strong.

Several people in Wu Yang looked at them and they all felt that this was to come to trouble.

"Are there any enemies?" Xiao Qian said.

"Who killed the Dragon King of the East China Sea? This crime should be ridiculed!" A thunderous voice sounded ahead.

In the dense clouds, a group of people appeared during the release of thunder and lightning.

Apparently it's coming from heaven. ..