v20 Chapter 83: Finally took away the Phoenix Egg

Listening to Wu Yang's words, Bai Suzhen couldn't help but give Wu Yang a stern glance. The best result for Feng Shen? I'm afraid this is the worst result.

"Wu Yang, isn't it good to just leave this egg here? Do you have to take it away? I think it would be best for her to stay here." Bai Suzhen still wanted to persuade Wu Yang.

"Su Zhen, it seems that you haven't understood the situation well." Wu Yang sighed and started to pretend again.

Looking at Wu Yang like this, Bai Suzhen has anger in her heart, this guy must want to flicker her.

"what's the situation?"

"The situation is that this place is no longer safe. If anyone enters the inner space, it will be easy to find it. Do you think those who break into this place have no idea after seeing this Phoenix egg? "

Although Wu Yang was trying to make excuses for his shameless behavior, Bai Suzhen had to admit that this guy was justified.

Although the "sex" of others entering here is very small, it is still possible. If anyone comes in and finds this place, there is no chance that the Phoenix Egg will miss.

Wu Yang looked at Bai Suzhen's expression "Lu" with a smile, and continued: "I'm right, after all, not everyone is as kind as we are."

Kindness? ?

This should be the best joke ever heard by Bai Suzhen. As long as you are kind, there should be no bad people in the next day.

Judging from Wu Yang's various performances, this person is absolutely indifferent to kindness. On the contrary, he is also cruel and harsh.

For example, when fighting with Lei Gong before, he fiercely played with Lei Gong, humiliating, insulting, and killing him. Although he is an enemy, he does not need to show mercy to the enemy, but can he kill him directly? Have to engage in those tricks.

Wu Yang continued: "So, the best way to protect this Phoenix Egg is to take it away and protect it with me. Su Zhen, what do you think?"

Bai Suzhen wanted to despise Wu Yang. He obviously wanted to take away the Phoenix Egg, and he had so many excuses.

"Wu Yang, you are so powerful. I think the best way is to restore this place as it is. This place is the inner space of the inner space. As long as you restore it, it will be difficult for others to find it."

The inner space in this inner space is difficult to find even by Wu Yang, but Wu Yang broke the inner space in this inner space, and now he can see it at a glance.

But if the inner space in this inner space is repaired, then there is no problem.

Bai Suzhen thinks that Wu Yang should be able to do it. After all, Wu Yang should know how to do this.

Wu Yang shook his head, with a look of embarrassment: "Su Zhen, I really want to, but I can't do it. My power is the power to attack" **** ", not the power in space."

Of course it can be done. If you use the cosmic cube, you should be able to restore the inner space in this inner space.

But Wu Yang is not stupid enough to say it, that is the behavior of sb.

"Really?" Bai Suzhen was very skeptical.

"Su Zhen, because of your relationship, I can still lie to you? If you can't do it, you can't do it. If it does, I will definitely do it." Wu Yangxin swore.

Bai Suzhen was a little helpless. She thought it was 80% possible. Wu Yang was lying to her, but she couldn't do anything about it.

"Su Zhen, for the future of Fengshen, only this Phoenix egg can be taken away. Rest assured, with me, I will definitely let Fengshen grow up well."

What else could Bai Suzhen say, "I hope."

I can only hope.

auzw.com "Wu Yang, promise me, you must not hurt her." Bai Suzhen looked into Wu Yang's eyes.

"Trust me, it won't hurt."

What's the matter to hurt this phoenix? Wu Yang not only won't hurt her, he also wants to grow up well and become his ... summoning beast.

The Phoenix is ​​a summoning beast, it is very domineering to think about it, hahaha ...

"Su Zhen, why do you care so much about Fengshen? In this way, I will be jealous." Wu Yang's **** "color" has the meaning of tune / play in it.

Bai Suzhen couldn't help glaring at Wu Yang. Could this guy, please say such misleading words, be jealous and so on ... think of it is uncomfortable.

"Don't you say anything weird?"

"Have you? I just say what I really think."

Bai Suzhen didn't care about Wu Yang's crazy words, but just said: "Because the Phoenix God is also a woman, as a woman, should have helped each other."

Wu Yang grinned, and why? ?

Listening to Wu Yang's satirical "sex" smile, Bai Suzhen's mouth twitched a little, why did she want to hurt the guy?

How did this guy become so unpleasant?

Taking a breath, Bai Suzhen calmed herself down and continued: "And Feng Shen is not a bad person. She is a legendary character. I am in awe."

"Oh, this." Wu Yang nodded casually.

Bai Suzhen had a kind of confession, and said angrily: "Wu Yang, you are just a bastard!"

"Uh ..." Wu Yang froze, and was suddenly scolded like this, it was strange.

"I don't want to care about you." Bai Suzhen quickly walked outside.

Wu Yang looked at the back of Bai Suzhen's departure, and "Lu" smiled a little evil, "Oh, I'm a bit angry, so angry."

Wu Yang's white light flashed on his hand, sucking the Phoenix Egg below.

Buzz ...

I saw the phoenix egg shaking in his hand, and seemed to want to break his hand out of his control.

"Small egg, this can't help you any more." Wu Yang smiled, white light on his hands.

The shaking of the Phoenix Egg was suppressed in this way.

The flash of blue "color" flashed, and the Phoenix Egg disappeared into Wu Yang's hand, and he was put into a small independent space that he carried with him.

After doing this, Wu Yang ran outside, "Su Zhen, wait for me."

After Wu Yang ran outside, the inner space of the inner space composed of the flame hemisphere completely collapsed and dissipated.

Bai Suzhen stood not far away, and Wu Yang came to her side.

"What's wrong? Suzhen?"

Wu Yang found Bai Suzhen a bit silent, and asked with a look of concern. ..