v20 Chapter 90: Losing things is trivial, happiness is the big thing

"Yes, yes, every caviar counts as a life. Once the caviar is born, they will become small fish." Yang Yan strongly agreed with Xiao Qing's words.

Xiao Qian also nodded, and found another female fish full of caviar. She smiled and said, "There is also one. There must be many pregnant fish among so many fishes. Let's find them. "


Wu Yang wiped the sweat on her head and said, "You don't count like this. A fish is a fish. If you count the roe in their stomachs ..."

Before Wu Yang's words were finished, he was interrupted by Xiaoqing: "Why not count ?? You can count ants, can you not count caviar? Do you look down on caviar? Caviar is life."

Wu Yang was so speechless.

In this way, Xiaoqing, Xiaoqian, and Yang Ming found a total of more than 20 pregnant fish.

"Wu Yang, do you think there are more ants now, or do we have more caviar?" Yang Yan smiled proudly.

Wu Yang was convinced. "Or you can play, can I still lose if I lose?"

In fact, Wu Yang can certainly find more ant nests, but in this case, it always feels meaningless.

The main purpose is not to win, but to mobilize their positive "sex" and make them feel happy.

Now that this purpose has been achieved, winning or losing is secondary.

If Wu Yang loses, he loses.

"Yeah!" Xiao Qian, Xiao Qing, and Yang Yan all made a sound of joy at the same time, and the three of them gave each other a blow.

"We won, what do the losers do?" Xiaoqing looked at Wu Yang's eyes.

Wu Yang spread his hands indifferently: "Just whatever you want me to do, I'll do whatever I want. As long as I can do it, it is not a problem."

"Wu Yang, this is what you said." Yang Yan smiled.

"What to let Xianggong do is really tangled." Xiao Qian was also happy.

"You think about it slowly, anyway, I'm here, and I won't go anywhere. You think about it, just tell me. Now, naturally, you have to eat well!" Wu Yang loud Talking.

"Okay, these fish must taste good. I want to eat grilled fish."

"I want to eat bear paw."

"I need to……"

Wu Yang said with a smile: "You can eat anything you want, roast, fry, stir-fry ... all kinds of methods are fine."

With him Wu Yang, eating this, absolutely everything.

"But there aren't so many tools at all," said Bai Suzhen. "Except for baking with fire, how else can I get it?"

"Su Zhen, do you think I am the kind of person who is not prepared?"


Wu Yang grinned, "then keep your eyes open, and it's time to witness the miracle."

"What miracle?"

"Looking forward."

With a wave of Wu Yang's hand, the blue "color" flashed.

Then all kinds of kitchen utensils appeared, suspended in the air, and slowly landed.

What kind of oven, grill, pot, table, and all kinds of sauces ... It's full of everything.

Several people Bai Suzhen watched for a while, how these things look so novel, it feels very advanced, many things, they don't know.

auzw.com "What is this? How do I use it?" Xiao Qing stood in front of a jar, fiddling with curiosity.

"This, this is a gas tank. It can be burned. Look, this way." Wu Yang spun on the gas stove, and the flames "shot" from it.

"It's just like that, it's amazing!"

Several women expressed surprise.

"Wu Yang, what is this?"

"This, this is a microwave."

"what about this……"

"what is this?"

Wu Yang gave a brief introduction to the four and taught them how to use it.

The four women are smart people. After teaching these things, they will basically be used, and the original novelty will disappear.

"Such a large grill will be able to grill a lot of fish at one time." Xiao Qian stood in front of the grill, holding a slender iron spur, which was used to penetrate fish.

"Yes, I can't wait to eat it, Wu Yang, let's hurry up." Xiao Qing urged.

"Okay, let me show you, my cleaning practice in Wu Yang."

Wu Yang will display some of the power to kill and clean all the animals and fish.

Bai Suzhen said immediately, "Wu Yang, didn't you say you want to release some, so much is really a waste."

"Indeed, whether there are too many animals or fish, it would be a waste to kill them too much." Xiao Qian and Yang Yan agreed.

They are not people who like killing / killing, and unnecessary killing is unnecessary.

"Since you have all said so, of course, I will agree with this small request."

Four-fifths of Wu Yang's long white line was disconnected.

The animals in the disconnected place regained their freedom and ran their legs one by one toward the forest in front of them, scrambling to scramble.

Therefore, animals are instinctual, and in the face of powerful creatures, they all know to escape.

Then there are three piles of fish.

With a wave of Wu Yang's hand, two piles of fish flew up and fell into the big water pond one by one.

"It's almost like that," Wu Yang said.

Yang Yan frowned slightly: "It still feels too much, we are just a few people, can we really eat so much?"

"Is this more?"

"More!" Xiao Qian said in unison.

Yang Ye gave his own suggestion: "Well, Wu Yang, you can let go of your remaining animals by half, and then let go of the remaining pile of fish."

"Okay." Wu Yang nodded.

The animals and the fish were all halved.

Xiao Qian put one hand on her chin. "It still feels a lot, should you let it go a little more?"

Wu Yang immediately said: "That's it, it's really not enough, and we can't put it anymore."

Just kidding, that's it, just let it go, he can't have a good taste.

So kill them directly.

The rest of the animals flew up, a white light swept across their necks, and their heads were chopped off instantly, blood splattered. ..