v20 Chapter 105: There must be something wrong with your IQ

Watching Wu Yang turn into a mosquito and fly towards Nantianmen, Little Phoenix's anger, "Abominable death metamorphosis ..."

Dare to speak to her like this.

"Abominable, abominable, abominable, don't wait for me to grow up, otherwise I will beat you to my knees on the ground and scratch my head!"

After scolding Wu Yang fiercely, Little Phoenix tried to calm himself down.

Calm, calm, calm, don't get angry.

It's totally unworthy to get angry because of that pervert.

Little Phoenix wanted to fly directly to Nantianmen. The flame swept away, blasting the entire Nantianmen, and then killing him.

However, such an idea can't be achieved at all now.

Now she is too far from the peak.

"Ah, I want to grow up quickly," cried Little Phoenix. "Let that dead pervert know that I am great."

The flame flickered, and the body of the little phoenix continued to shrink, eventually becoming the size of a hummingbird. If you don't look closely, you won't notice it.

Little Phoenix felt very aggrieved, and her dignified Phoenix **** turned out to be like this.

"It's all that perverted fault!" Exclaimed Little Phoenix.

"It's all like this, so don't complain, so the little girl is the little girl, and she's not mature at all." Wu Yang's voice sounded in the ear of Little Phoenix.

Little Phoenix was startled, looked towards the side, and saw that the white "color" mosquito that Wu Yang had changed was next to her.

"Why are you here?" Fenghuang asked angrily. "Don't you already go?"

"This point of distance, I can come in an instant. In addition, I can not rest assured that you can not leave you alone."

Little Phoenix hummed, "Who wants you to feel relieved, do you think I will have any problems?"

Although he said this in his mouth, Xiao Feng was thinking in his heart that there was still some conscience in calculating this abnormality.

But in a word from Wu Yang, he almost killed Little Phoenix.

"If you are not by your side, you are so weak that you are caught and eaten, what can you do?" Wu Yang pretended to be pretending.

"Ahhh ... you bastard!"

Little Phoenix's fried "hair".

"Calm down, just a joke, why be so serious?"

"You guy die."

Little Phoenix screamed and slammed into Wu Yang.

Wu Yang avoided it easily, "Can you not be so naive? Can you be as mature as me?"

"Mature you, a big-headed ghost, you pervert."

"Let's go."

"Just don't go with you."

Even so, Little Phoenix and Wu Yang flew towards Nantianmen.

Wu Yang and Little Phoenix flew to the top of Nantianmen. There are only a dozen heavenly soldiers guarding it. There is no fairy impressed by the cow.

But this is understandable.

Nantianmen is guarded by Erlang **** Yang Yan and the four heavenly kings.

Yang Yang's three eyes were killed by Wu Yang, and the four heavenly kings were also killed by Wu Yang a few hours ago.

These gatekeepers were killed, and Nantianmen's defense was naturally relaxed.


Wu Yang and Little Phoenix flew directly into Nantianmen, and the guarded soldiers did not find it at all.

Tiangong is indeed a luxury, but Wu Yang sees too much about such luxury.

Anyway, that's it.

"You guy, where are we going now?" Little Phoenix asked.

"This, naturally, to search for some good things, otherwise you thought I was sneaking in to do something."

"Cut! What good can this place have?" Little Phoenix was very disdainful.

Wu Yang just smiled: "After all, it is heaven, even if it is a garbage place, there must be a little good."

The first is the elixir in the alchemy furnace of Taishang Laojun.

Then it must be Tao Tao.

This is the world of the myth of the dynasty, so Xiandan and Taotao are definitely the best and the most authentic.

"But it's so big here. How are you going to find the so-called good things in your mouth, shall we find it slowly? When should we find it?" Little Phoenix despised, it seemed to indicate that Wu Yang had no brain.

Wu Yang gave Little Phoenix a look.

"What kind of look do you have?" Little Phoenix blew "Mao" again, "hate!"

From Wu Yang's eyes, Little Phoenix felt ridicule and contempt for her, this dead pervert!

"Little Loli, I estimate that you have only five IQs." Wu Yang sighed. "IQs like you really make me deeply worried about your future."

"Ah ... what do you mean? You **** ..."

Little Phoenix was angry and felt like a volcano erupted. If it wasn't for Wu Yang, she would definitely have cooked Wu Yang.

How dare to laugh at her IQ! !!

Wu Yang just smiled and said, "Little God of Fengshen, it's not enough to have strong power, but you also need a good mind, otherwise, it's just a reckless husband. Take you for example. You, you're pretty good, right? "

"That's nature!" Little Phoenix proudly said.

"But the result ..."


Wu Yang said with a smile: "You were flattened by those people."

"That's because they have so many people, solo ..."

Wu Yang didn't wait for Xiao Feng to finish speaking, and interrupted directly: "Don't say that there are too many others. If you lose, you lose. After all, your IQ is not enough."

"Ah, you talk about my IQ, I fight with you."

"Whether I say it or not, this is a fact. If you can be smarter, I don't think you will be so miserable!"

"You pervert ... abominable." Little Phoenix was speechless.

If she was smarter then, maybe she wouldn't be like that.

Wu Yang waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I won't reveal your sad past. But rest assured, you don't have to worry about being bullied because of IQ problems. Just follow me and my IQ will take you to fly."

"You bastard, do you want to say that you have a high IQ? I think you are a fool with only 5 IQs. Damn, I really want to get rid of you."

Wu Yang didn't care: "Let's continue with the topic just now. It's very simple to find a place with a baby. Just explore it with mental energy."

"Mental strength……"

Little Phoenix froze, and she ... why didn't she think? ?

Is there really a problem with her IQ?

No, there is absolutely no problem with her IQ, absolutely no! ..