v20 Chapter 153: Heaven manifest

Looking at the arm penetrating from the heart, Taishang Laojun's expression was stagnant, almost unbelievable.

He ... lost.

"Turtle son, you obediently die." Wu Yang whispered in the ear of Taishang Laojun.

"You, you will fail ..." Tai Shang Laojun said hard, "Teacher, teacher him ..."


Another thick thunderbolt struck down from the sky.

Wu Yang looked up and said coldly, "Animals, and want to grab food again, I'll go to your mother."

This time Wu Yang didn't plan to let it go. The Tongtian leader had been robbed before. The current Taishang Laojun had absolutely no intention to let it go.

A thick purple "color" and "shoot" line was violently struck from the eye of Wu Yang's heaven punishment, and the Hongmeni thunderbolt struck towards the past.

The two sides collided together.

Boom! !!

Endless purple "color" light and lightning rays spread here, instantly covering a range of several kilometers in the air.

The powerful anti-shock wave spread toward the turbulent surroundings.

Under the impact of this huge force, Wu Yang receded one after another, staying back for nearly a thousand meters before stopping.

Fengshen flew to Wu Yang's side quickly and asked with concern: "Is it all right?"

"It's all right."

It was only impacted, but this did not break Wu Yang's defense.

After the light had dissipated, Tai Shang Laojun's figure had disappeared.

"It's gone." Feng Shen screamed.

"Stolen." Wu Yang's fist clenched and looked at the void.

Feng Shen also looked up and said, "Is it ..."

Suddenly I heard only a sorrowful cry from the void: "Teacher, you, ah ..."

"That's the voice of Tai Shang Laojun."

"No matter how much it is, go and kill the original Celestial Master."


Wu Yang and Fengshen flew together towards the son-in-law and the original Tianzun.

After a collision between the son-in-law and the original Tianzun, Yuanshi Tianzun sprayed blood and flew out.


Suddenly a thunderbolt hit Yuanshi Tianzun, who was flying backwards.

Wu Yang called out: "Grass mud horse!"

He wanted to stop it was too late, the thunderbolt disappeared with Yuanshi Tianzun.

Wu Yang, Fengshen and son-in-law merged together.

Nuwa frowned slightly: "The thunder and lightning just now ..."

"Similarly, Tai Shang Laojun and Tongtian leader are also taken away by thunder and lightning."

"The thunder and lightning can only be sent by heaven." Nuwa looked at the void. "Does heaven do this to devour them?"

"Only this is possible." Wu Yang nodded.

After all, the Tao needs to be restored, and nothing is swallowed up fast.

The son-in-law said: "After that war, Tiandao has become a semi-disabled Tiandao, and it must be recovering for so many years. The three men of Yuan Shi Tianzun have been swallowed, and I think he has recovered almost all.

Feng Shen snorted: "That's right, even he died together today."

"Xiao Feng, don't look down on heaven, we must be careful now."

Sun Wukong flew over and said, "Is there only the last big boss left?"

auzw.com "Yes."

"Tiandao is much stronger than the original Tianzun. Even if we add up, it is difficult to shake him." Sun Wukong said seriously, "It is difficult to destroy Tiandao!"

Wu Yang said unpleasantly: "Monkey, Lao Tzu came to this world, not to listen to your crookedness here, to grow others' aspirations and destroy your own prestige."

"I came here to break the day !!"

Wu Yang yelled and compared a **** to the void.

Feng Shen looked at Wu Yang and her face was "red" slightly red. She even felt that Wu Yang was now handsome and overbearing.

The son-in-law also moved in his heart. This is Wu Yang.

The four Xiaoqian who were protected in the protective cover were all excited, this was the person they liked.

Sun Wukong nodded for a moment, then slaps his palms with a smile, and said, "Wu Yang, I have to applaud you. You are a" force ".

"Do you dare to pretend?" Wu Yang despised.

"What dare not pretend?"

Sun Wukong dismissed his face, then shouted into the sky with his hands compared to his middle finger, "Heaven, Lao Tzu Cao Mu Ma, come out and die for Lao Tzu."

Feng Shen shook his head: "I didn't feel the slightest domineering, only saw a monkey scolding here."

Sun Wukong "touched" his nose, and although he was upset, he said nothing.

Do not care about women.

There was no movement in the sky, even if Wu Yang and Sun Wukong scolded like this.

It seems that Tiandao is calm.

Son-in-law said, "We have to wait now."

"Wait? That's not my style." Wu Yang shook his head.

There is never any other person waiting for him, but no reason why he waits for others.

"If not, let Lao Tzu come out to help you out."

Wu Yang burst into a sigh, emitting a strong purple light all over his body.

The eye of the sky punishment in the middle of his forehead burst into dazzling light, more than the previous few times.

"Eat Lao Tzu's most powerful day penalty line!"

Wu Yang shouted.

A purple "color" laser that was as thick as a dozen meters blasted and "shot" into the void instantly.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The sound of explosion was constantly breaking, the space in the void was shattering, and dark clouds swept madly.

The sight is as exaggerated as the end of the world!

"Abominable boy ..."

A furious cry came from the void.

A huge face flashed in the void, it was an old face with white beard fluttering.

Wu Yang stopped the bombardment of the line of "penalty" of the punishment, and said loudly, "Tiandao, you grandson, don't hide, come out to your grandpa.

"Then as you wish!"

With this sound, a large area of ​​purple air was released in the void, and those places bombed by Wu Yang's Tianpu “shooting” line quickly recovered.

"It's Hongmeng Ziqi, heaven is about to come out."

The goddesses of the son-in-law and others became serious, and even Wu Yang frowned slightly.

Because it will be the strongest he has ever encountered.

Hongmeng Ziqi kept rolling, and a purple "color" thunderbolt struck down and landed more than 100 meters in front of Wu Yang and others.

The purple "color" lightning writhing constantly, a figure slowly emerged from it.

It was an old man, watching them coldly.

"I am heaven, I am heaven, I am Hongjun!" ..