v21 Chapter 2: Endless loop

Zhao Li sent madly forward, yelling, "Ghost, ghost, don't come, don't come ..."

Qing'er came to Wu Yang's side, and smiled with a hint: "Her courage is so small, dad cannot see it."

"People in this world are afraid of ghosts, although there are no ghosts or anything in this world." Wu Yang laughed.

"Dad, just let her go like this?" Athena asked.

"Of course not. I am a very stingy person. I want her to watch her die over and over again." Wu Yang "showed" a cold smile.

"Looking at myself dying again and again?" Gwen's eyes showed a hint of curiosity.

What kind of death is this?

"Just look at it."

Zhao Li was still running wildly. When she reached a fork in the road, she didn't notice that a car was coming, and it was fast.



A scream came out.

I saw Zhao Li was hit by a car nearly ten meters away and fell to the ground, and the blood quickly stained the ground.

The car stopped, and the driver in the car was full of panic and fear. He hit someone, no, he had to run quickly. He couldn't be here while no one found it.

As soon as the accelerator was stepped on, the car sped away.

Zhao Li twitched a few times on the ground, slowly disappearing.

Gwen watching from a distance said: "Wu Yang, this is your punishment, hasn't you killed her? Such punishment is nothing new."

"What are you anxious for?" Wu Yang laughed.

Wu Yang turned around and looked at Zhao Li who came slowly.

Gwen, Athena and Qing'er's eyes widened. Is this Zhao Li?

But she was killed by the car just now.

Why is there another Zhao Li now.

Zhao Li also noticed Wu Yang, who was looking at her, and suddenly felt jealous. The men were handsome and the women were beautiful.

She used to be a beauty, and she could be with the son of the military commander.

But now, it's all ruined.

It was Wu Yang's beast who hated it and ruined everything.

Wu Yang, Wu Yang ...

How that man looks like Wu Yang. Although there have been great changes, his face is really like that.

Zhao Li was panicked. Was this person Wu Yang?

No, Wu Yang is dead.

But a hint of fear in her heart made Zhao Li quicken her pace and want to leave here quickly.

Wu Yang just looked at her and didn't talk to her.

After she went away, Qing'er asked, "Dad, why did you have another Zhao Li? Isn't she dead?"

"It seems interesting," Gwen laughed.

Zhao Li went to the fork in the road and saw a person wandering in a pool of blood. Obviously, it was a woman.

The horrible scene made Zhao Li's hair fall for a while, and she didn't care about her affairs, so she didn't care about such things, and hurried away.

In Wu Yang, another Zhao Li passed by.

auzw.com But this time the three of Athena were not surprised, they all saw what was going on.

This is the time cycle created by Wu Yang using his ability.

If Zhao Li fell in a pool of blood as Zhao Li1, then Zhao Li who came to the fork in the road is Zhao Li2, and now Zhao Li walking towards the fork in the road is Zhao Li3.

According to the cycle of time, there will be Zhao Li 4, Zhao Li 5, Zhao Li 6 ... and so on.

Zhao Li 2 was about to leave without even noticing a car coming.


Zhao Li 2 was hit by a fly.

Zhao Li3, who had almost reached the fork in the road, opened his eyes wide and looked at the person who was hit by the fly.

Zhao Li 3 paused and stared at it like this.

The car that hit the person escaped quickly.

Zhao Li 3 wakes up, she looks at the two people lying in a pool of blood, why are they two?

Did someone get hit before?

No no no, these things that don't concern her, she has to leave quickly.

"Ah ..." A scream sounded from behind her.

Zhao Li3 turned around and her eyes widened again because she saw herself.

In front of her was an identical person, exactly the same, and still screaming, probably because she saw the two women lying in a pool of blood and was frightened.

And the screaming woman, let's call it Zhao Li4.

Zhao Li4 no longer screamed, but instead stared at Zhao Li3, "Who ... are you?"

"I ... Zhao Li, you, you ..." Zhao Li3 shook her head and kept back.

"I am Zhao Li, you are not." Zhao Li 4 cried.

Zhao Li3, who was receding, had already retreated to the middle of the road. She didn't notice a car coming.

And this car looks exactly the same as the two previous cars.


In a scream, Zhao Li 3 was hit by a car and fell on the road. Blood quickly stained the ground.

Zhao Li 4 watched, but the car escaped.

Looking at the three fallen in a pool of blood, Zhao Li4's eyes widened, because she found that the three fallen in a pool of blood all had the same face.

And this face is exactly the same as her face! !!

what happened?

How is this going? ?

"Ah ..." Zhao Li 4 screamed and ran towards the right side in horror. She wanted to leave, and quickly left here.

The four of Wu Yang stood on top of a tree and watched what happened.

"Dad, that Zhao Li ran away on the 4th without being hit by a car." Qinger said.

Wu Yang shook her head slightly: "If she runs away, she will only enter a larger cycle of time. Even if she finally finds herself in a constant cycle, she cannot change anything."

"She can never change her death, she can only watch her die, she can never break out of this cycle. This is my punishment for her."

"Okay, we should go. It's time to play with the next person."

The three women nodded.

Four white lights flashed and Wu Yang's four disappeared here.

On the road not far from the fork, Zhao Li5 was slowly walking towards the fork ...