v21 Chapter 8: Take down this Phoenix completely


When Wu Yang came out of the room, he heard such an angry voice coming.

Wu Yang looked over and saw Feng Shen standing there, looking at him with a scornful look, just like looking at one of the most dregs in the world.

"Xiaofeng, why do you say that? Are there any better men than me now?" Wu Yang shook his head and walked towards Fengshen.

"Hum, you all do your own daughter, what else can you not be scum?" Feng Shen snorted, despising more and more.

Wu Yang smiled and didn't care.

"When it comes to our realm, why bother with morality and whatever you want to do. Besides, my daughters are my father's lover in the past life. Is there anything wrong with me in the past life?" Wu Yang A serious talk.

"It's shameless. I can think of such a shameless reason."

"I'm shameless, I'm shameless, embarrassed? Even if you despise me, you can't change the fact that you are my woman." Wu Yang came to Feng Shen.

"Well, I'm not your woman, you have so many women, I don't want to be one of them." Feng Shen said proudly.

As a powerful Phoenix god, she is very pursued.

Wu Yang nodded: "You are right, you are not my woman."

Fengshen's face changed in color, so she could say it by herself, but if Wu Yang said it, it wouldn't work.

"You scumbag, I followed you here, how could you say that? What do you think of me?" Feng Shen stared at Wu Yang very unhappyly.

"Because your body doesn't belong to me yet, it can only be regarded as half a woman now." Wu Yang looked at Feng Shen with a silver face, "I'm ready to make you completely my woman." "

Feng Shen is naturally not that stupid. What Wu Yang means by this is obvious.

"You scumbag, don't think too much, I won't let you get rid of it." Feng Shen hummed, his face "red" a little red.

There was an inexplicable expectation in my heart.

So, women, they say nothing, but their bodies are honest.

Wu Yang wouldn't do nothing because of the word of Feng Shen, just take advantage of the present and eat this hot / hot girl paper.

"Really? Then I'll be fine today."

"You don't come here, if I come again, I will attack."

Although Feng Shen said that she was attacking anything, she didn't attack anything until Wu Yang came to her.

Wu Yang smiled and hugged the Phoenix God, and smiled evilly, "Xiaofeng, I know you can't bear to attack me."

Fucked in Wu Yang's arms, Feng Shen only felt that she herself had softened and her strength disappeared quickly.

But still blushing and annoyed, "You scumbag, do you really think I won't attack you? Let go."

"You will not attack, I believe this. In addition, I will not let go if I kill, because we have to go on." Wu Yang looked at Feng Shen's eyes and said sincerely.

Feng Shen trembled a little, even if she knew it was the sweet talk of Wu Yang's goods, but she ... still enjoyed listening.

Even my mood became very happy.

She was really easy to satisfy, because Wu Yang was happy with a word.

"Asshole, scumbag, you are free. If you dare not treat me well in the future, I will not let you go." Feng Shen hummed and put a hand on Wu Yang's waist.

Then he retracted his head in Wu Yang's arms, and let Wu Yang “chaos”.

Wu Yang certainly won't understand the style / love, the next step is to completely take down this phoenix, hehehe ...

"Xiao Feng, rest assured, if I am not good to you, I will not be able to die, and I will be split into **** by lightning." Wu Yang vowed with poison.

auzw.com But he was thinking in his heart: Who dares to let him die? Dare to hack him?


One arm held Feng Shen, a flash of white light, and the two disappeared in total.

On a big chuang with extravagant extravagance, Wu Yang pressed the Phoenix God underneath, and neither of them had any trace of clothes.

This scene makes people take vacation.

"Wu Yang ... hurry up." Feng Shen said impatiently.


Shortly after.

A loud cry sounded here.

"Dead, it hurts ..."


The beast named "Harmony" is passing by here.


After about half a day, the strange sounds disappeared.

Wu Yang stepped out of the room, stretched a lazy waist, and a battle with Fengshen made him feel like he was playing against each other, but in the end he won.

Feng Shen is sleeping heavily now.

And some boring Wu Yang went out first and walked away.

After walking a bit, he saw the son-in-law sitting on the rock in front.

Wu Yang's heart suddenly moved, his son-in-law, sister, but he made him covet for a long time.

But there has been no chance.

However, it cannot be dragged on in this way. There must be some substantial "sexual" progress.

So he went to his son-in-law and smiled, "Sister-in-law, what do you want?"

The son-in-law gave Wu Yang a glance and smiled. "I didn't think about it. I just sat like this. Wu Yang, what is the meaning of life?"

"The meaning of life, such a profound question, I never thought about it."

"You can think about it now."


Wu Yang began to think. For him, the meaning of life is probably to become stronger, to protect the people he likes, and to be with them forever.

There is nothing else but this.

So he said, "I want to be with your son-in-law forever, and that is the meaning of my life. I am stronger, and I do everything else to stay with you forever, not to be bound by anyone constraint."

Son-in-law looked forward: "Are you always together? Do you think you did it?"

"I did it!" Wu Yang said with certainty.

If he can't do it now, what is it called?

Son-in-law nodded slightly, "Yes, you did."

"So what is the significance of Nu Wa's life?" Wu Yang asked.

"Oh." The son-in-law "shows" a look of "mystery", "I don't know now." ..