Chu Erya followed him to the door, and Chu Xingyu remembered the main thing: "I asked my friend to find you a job before, and you don't have to work as a temporary worker in the future, and you will certainly like it. As a fashion designer, isn't your major in college fashion design?"

Chu Erya didn't expect Chu Xingyu to tell her this. For a moment, she was a little happy, but soon she was in a dilemma. "But I have all this work experience, and when I'm an intern, I don't think my salary will be too much. I'm afraid..."

"Don't be afraid of anything. You must go. You are still young. Do you want to be a temporary worker all your life? You should also do something you like. I have already agreed with my friend that you can take a part-time assistant position and settle two salaries for you. "

Chu Xingyu's words all said this, Chu Erya has no reason to shirk, thanks him again and again, and then sent him out of the door.

Fashion designer? Is she really OK?

Chuerya was a little nervous, but also a little expectant.

The night is as cool as water, in the room of Gu Jingting in Wanrong hotel.

Gu Jingting is standing in front of the huge French window. He is waiting for a piece of information.

He still doesn't give up. He has to verify the owner of the phone number.

Ding, the mail came in.

Gu Jingting quickly walked to the computer desk and quickly opened the email.

"Mr. Gu, all the information of the owner of this number has been found for you -

Name: Chu Erya, female, 27 years old, unmarried, without proper occupation, has twin sons, Chu Jialang and Chu Jiarun, who are studying in the children's Department of Xuri Education Group..."

Seeing this, Gu Jingting's breath became stagnant, and his hand on the mouse even began to tremble.

When Erya's face appeared in his eyes, Gu Jingting didn't dare to blink more. He was angry that what he saw was not real at all.

After reading the materials back and forth for several times, he finally determined that she was chuerya. His ecstasy instantly filled his whole body. He couldn't help laughing and his eyes became moist.

"Chuerya, you are still alive! I knew you were still alive, still alive... "

His eyes also turned to the screen again, and his fingers rubbed the faces of Chu Jialang and Chu Jiarun in the photo. This time, he finally looked carefully.

The eyes of these two little guys are carved in the same mold as chuerya's. They look a little like him. His two children are not only alive, but also grow up healthily

Gu Jingting sat down on the sofa and looked up at the bright chandelier at the top of his head. A tear fell from the corner of his eye. "Chuerya, I won't let you go this time..."

Gu Jingting didn't sleep all night. He looked at the email until dawn when he went out of the door.

Chuerya tossed and turned all night last night, and finally decided to listen to Chu Xingyu's opinions and go to the studio to be an intern fashion designer.

Chu Xingyu is right. It's not a long-term plan to work as a temporary worker. Jialang and Jiarun are looking at their growing up. She has to give them a more stable living environment.

Because she slept too late, chuerya overslept that morning. When she woke up, it was almost eight o'clock.

"Jialang, Jiarun, get up, you're going to be late for school!"

Chuerya hurriedly puts on her clothes and rushes to the brothers' room, only to find that the two babies are gone.

When she thought about it, she remembered that it was the weekend and she didn't go to school today. Where were the two of them going?

Chuerya is so anxious that she takes her coat and goes out. As soon as she gets to the door, chujialang and chujiarun open the door and come in.

"Mom, are you going to work?" Chu Jialang is not aware of the seriousness of the matter, and speaks innocently to Chu Erya.

Chuerya was relieved to see them. She raised her voice and asked them, "didn't I tell you not to run around? Do you want to kill me? "

Chuerya had never been so angry with them. Chujialang and chujiarun were suddenly confused, and tears poured into their eyes.

The two men lowered their heads and handed the breakfast in their hands to chuerya. They said in an open voice: "Mom, I think you are still sleeping. You are so tired from work that we don't want to wake you up, so we went downstairs to buy breakfast for you secretly..."

Chu Jiarun then added: "we are not running around. Mom, don't be angry."

Chuerya looked at the two brothers with tears, and immediately felt very guilty. She held them in her arms and sobbed an apology: "Lang Lang Runrun, I'm sorry, mom wronged you..."

Chu Jialang touched Chu Erya's head like a little adult. He immediately took back his tears and comforted her and said, "Mom, if you don't eat it again, the soymilk will be cold."

Chuerya smiles with tears. God is fair.

She lost so much, but got these two little angels.

After breakfast, chuerya repeatedly told the two brothers not to run around, so she went out of the door.

Hearing the sound of chuerya coming down the stairs, chujiarun bounced up from the sofa and turned to ask chujialang, "brother, why don't you tell mom that we saw the uncle who borrowed our mobile phone downstairs?"Chu Jialang twisted his eyebrows, pointed his chubby little hand on Chu Jiarun's forehead, and said: "don't you remember when my mother received this uncle's call that day, she said that she was afraid?"

"We can't tell mom about this. That uncle is definitely not a good man. We should protect mom." Chu Jialang said with righteous words in her arms, and her one meter two son suddenly had the momentum of one meter eight.

Chujiarun covered her mouth and chuckled, "brother, we are still children. How can we protect our mother?"

Chujialang, who was poked by chujiarun's big truth, lost an eye knife and said: "all actions are under my command. If you tell mom secretly, I'll tell Mulan about your bed wetting and let her not play with you!"

Mulan is the little flower in Chu Jialang's and Chu Jiarun's class. Chu Jiarun likes her. When Chu Jialang says this, he covers his mouth and guarantees: "I won't tell my mother! You must not tell Mulan

Chu Jialang picks his eyebrows with pride. He has many ways to deal with Chu Jiarun!

Time goes back to half an hour ago.

When Gu Jingting arrived at the downstairs of chuerya unit, the breakfast sellers downstairs had not come out yet.

I got up earlier than the breakfast man. So far, I have met two people. One is chuerya, who lives in unit 6 of Building 2. The second one is Gu Jingting.

Chuerya took a part-time job as a milkman at that time. Getting up at four o'clock was a routine.

"Young man, are you a milkman, too?" The old man called Gu Jingting and asked him intimately.

Gu Jingting was asked by the old man, are there any milkmen these days?

He shook his head in denial.

The old man enthusiastically brought the soy sauce sticks to his desk and suddenly laughed, "look at my memory, the milk delivery company went bankrupt. I thought you took over the job of the single mother in our community?"

The word "single mother" attracted Gu Jingting's attention. He immediately thought of Chu Erya and asked, "do you know that single mother?"