As soon as Gu Jingting, with his back to chuerya, hears her voice, his originally frowned brows gradually stretch out. Chuqingyue is right, but Chuer can't notice.

Gu Jingting turned slowly, looked at chuerya and said to her, "nothing. You heard me wrong, not us."

Then he took chuerya's hand and walked out of the office door.

Gu Jingting holds Gu Jialang and Chu Erya and sits in front of Chu Jiarun's hospital bed.

Gu Jialang looked at Chu Jiarun, who was sleeping in the past. He turned to Gu Jingting and said, "Dad, what's wrong with him? Why didn't you wake up all the time? "

Gu Jingting took a look at Gu Jialang, then turned his eyes to Chu Jiarun, who was lying on the hospital bed. A burst of bitterness came to his heart.

However, he still had to pretend to be calm. He quietly replied to Gu Jialang, "my brother, he has a fever. He will wake up later."

Chuerya has been holding chujiarun's little hand, while stroking his forehead to test his temperature, while kneading his little hand.

He murmured to himself: "Runrun has been better than Lang Lang since he was a child. Although he was born five minutes later than Lang Lang Lang, his physical fitness is still good. He seldom has a fever or cold. Jing Ting, what's the matter with him?"

Gu Jingting didn't know how to answer her for a moment.

Chuerya then said: "it's also strange that Lang Runrun is a twin. One of them often gets sick, and the other will get sick. Fortunately, Lang Lang didn't get sick with a fever this time."

Gu Jingting's tight heart clattered for a moment, looked at Gu Jialang sternly, and immediately said to chuerya, "no! Don't worry about it. Lang Lang and run run will be OK. It's just a little fever. Don't think too much about it. "

Gu Jingting suddenly serious face, let Chu Erya stunned.

At this time, Chu Qingyue entered the ward.

Chuerya immediately got up and asked Chu Qingyue, "Qingyue, has Runrun's inspection report come out? What's the result of the examination? "

Chu Qingyue's face is calm. She can't see any changes in her expression. She goes to Chu Jiarun's bed and looks at Chu Jiarun who is still sleeping.

Then he whispered to chuerya, "it's OK. You don't have to be so nervous. You may have to stay in the hospital for a few more days. After all, it's not the first time, is it?"

Chuerya sighed a sigh of relief, nodded slightly and said, "yes, you're right. As long as there's no big deal, just stay for a few days, don't you? Jing ting

Gu Jingting and Chu Qingyue looked at each other, and some absently replied, "well, yes, that's right."

Chu Qingyue put her hands in her white coat. After looking at Gu Jingting, she said to him unnaturally, "well, you come out with me, and you want to do the hospital operation."

Gu Jingting puts Gu Jialang down on his leg, gets up and goes out to the ward with Chu Qingyue, then turns his head to chuerya and says, "I'll go to the hospital for an operation. Erya and Lang Lang are waiting for me in the ward, and I'll be right back."

Gu Jingting and Chu Qingyue leave the door in a hurry. Chu Erya looks at Gu Jingting, who is a little flustered. He always feels strange, but he can't tell.

Gu Jialang then said to her, "Mom, is Runrun going to die?"

Chuerya clapped in his heart for a moment, and immediately said, "bah, bah, tongyanwuji!"

Then holding Gu Jialang's small face, he said, "silly Lang Lang, Runrun is just a fever. What are you talking about?"

Gu Jingting and Chu Qingyue go to the office again.

As soon as Gu Jingting came in, Chu Qingyue carefully took the ward door with her.

Gu Jingting looked at her series of actions, already can't wait, anxiously said: "how? What are the results? "

Chu Qingyue dropped her head and walked quickly to her desk. She said to Gu Jingting, "sit down first. I know you are in a hurry now, but it's no use worrying now."

Gu Jingting sat down patiently in front of Chu Qingyue, looking at her with his eyes, waiting for her to speak.

Chu Qingyue slowly sat down and put Chu Jiarun's examination report in front of Gu Jingting. She said: "all the routine examination reports have come out. Runrun's number of white blood cells has exceeded that of normal people. The initial diagnosis is acute leukemia. Next, we must make a bone marrow puncture to make a diagnosis."

As soon as Chu Qingyue's voice fell, a dead silence suddenly appeared in this small office.

Gu Jingting's face didn't change. No one noticed how tightly he held his hand under the table.

Chu Qingyue doesn't know what to say at this time. She is a doctor. She has seen too many cases of life, old age, death, and all kinds of incurable diseases. However, just when she got Chu Jiarun's examination report, she felt helpless and sad when she was a doctor.

At this time, Chu Qingyue could not even use any words to comfort Gu Jingting sitting in front of her. In front of the illness, all the words seemed too pale and powerless.

A moment later, Gu Jingting finally spoke. He asked, "tell me, how high is the cure rate of this disease?""If we find the right bone marrow matching, there is hope, but before the bone marrow puncture, before the diagnosis, we may be able to wait."

As soon as Chu Qingyue's voice fell, Gu Jingting suddenly stood up and said to Chu Qingyue with a straight face: "what are you saying, wait? You found that Runrun had this omen before. Why don't you say it? "

When Gu Jingting said this to Chu Qingyue, she felt that she could not argue. Looking at Gu Jingting's tears, she knew that his heart was almost on the verge of collapse, so she didn't explain. She just comforted him and said, "if these words can make your heart feel better, then you'd better think about it. Runrun's bone marrow puncture is scheduled for tomorrow morning. You'd better make mental preparations first I'll go to inspect the room first

Chu Qingyue then hurried out of the office, leaving only Gu Jingting standing there alone. From his back, he seemed to be ten years old in an instant. His resolute back was decadent now.

Chu Qingyue didn't take anything in her hand, and she walked out of the room. Her mind was in a mess, just like the paste.

"Hello! Clear moon

Wind to fan courage to come to the hospital to find her, but see Chu Qingyue with a pair of life can't love the appearance appeared in front of him, so didn't want to stop her immediately.

Chu Qingyue looked up at him and did not roll her eyes at him as before. Feng noticed her red eyes with fan's face. The smile on her face disappeared immediately. She asked with concern: "what's the matter, is it, crying? Who bullied you? Is there a family member of the patient picking up a quarrel? "

Chu Qingyue doesn't care about him, so she goes outside.

The wind with fan Wu wound followed up, begged in vain to ask: "you say ah, what's the matter? Aren't you very good? Why are you crying today? "