The next afternoon, Qin Xiaoyue felt the back of her head and gradually regained consciousness. She opened her quilt and was about to sit up. She felt a chill on her chest.

Looking down, his clothes had already disappeared. Qin Xiaoyue screamed subconsciously and pulled the quilt to wrap himself.

As the quilt was pulled apart, Gu Jingting, who was unarmed in the upper body, slowly appeared in front of Qin Xiaoyue.

"Ah Qin Xiaoyue looked at Gu Jingting and closed his eyes and cried out.

Gu Jingting was finally woken up by Qin Xiaoyue's shouting voice. Holding his headache and splitting head, he sat up wobbly.

Lift heavy eyelids, see Qin Xiaoyue holding quilt sitting on the other side of the bed, eyes with tears, red eyes looking at himself.

"You What are you doing here? " Gu Jingting's consciousness was not fully awake, and he felt a great pain in his head.

Qin Xiaoyue shook his head and answered with a shaking voice: "I I don't know... "

She secretly kissed Gu Jingting yesterday. She just ran to the living room in a hurry. Then the bodyguard who brought her to the hotel came into the door and knocked her unconscious.

Until now, when I wake up, a large part of my memory is blank.

No matter what, only the pain in the back of her head made her remember clearly.

Gu Jingting only raised his half exposed bathrobe, then reluctantly sat up and tried to find his mobile phone from his clothes, but he couldn't find it anywhere.

Qin Xiaoyue sobbed in a low voice. She had never experienced such a thing before. When she woke up, Gu Jingting was lying beside her, and all her clothes were scattered on the ground

This makes Qin Xiaoyue have to think in a direction she shouldn't think about. She hasn't been through human affairs, and she has read some of the bridge sections described in novels before. She should be sore all over, but now she has no pain except for the back neck she was hit yesterday

Just as Qin Xiaoyue was daydreaming, Gu Jingting had already put on his clothes. He turned his back to Qin Xiaoyue and said in a deep voice: "should It's a misunderstanding. This place shouldn't stay long. You'd better get dressed and leave with me as soon as possible. "

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Jingting immediately went out of the bedroom.

Gu Jingting recalled the way Huo Junqi talked to him yesterday, and the glass of wine he handed to himself. He already understood it.

Huo Junqi has already arranged, waiting for himself to jump into the trap. If he is not wrong, Huo Junqi must tell chuerya what happened yesterday.

Gu Jingting said that calmness is false, but now his heart is beating very hard. He always feels that something is going to happen. He has to go to the hospital now.

Qin Xiaoyue put on his clothes in a hurry. When he was about to leave, he opened the quilt and looked at the sheets. They were white.

With a sigh, she left the room in a hurry.

"The door of this room has been locked..." Qin Xiaoyue pretended to be indifferent and said to Gu Jingting pointing to the door.

Gu Jingting took a few steps to the door. He pressed the door down and opened the door.

Qin Xiaoyue is a little embarrassed. Yesterday, she was pushed in by the man, but she was locked inside. She couldn't open the door.

"How could that be After I was pushed in yesterday, the door was locked Qin Xiaoyue anxiously dances with Gu Jingting's explanation.

Gu Jingting looked at Qin Xiaoyue silently and asked, "are you bound?"

Qin Xiaoyue was in a state of mind. He dropped his eyes and shook his head. "I I came here on my own initiative. I saw you in the bar yesterday, so I wanted to say hello to you. Later, I went to your box to find you. The bodyguard at the door said that you were no longer in it, and asked if I knew you. I said yes, and then I was brought here... "

Qin Xiaoyue told Gu Jingting about the cause and effect from the beginning, without any concealment, for fear that he would misunderstand her intention.

She likes Gu Jingting very much, but from the beginning to the end, she didn't want to use this way to attract his attention and snatch him from chuerya.

Her self-esteem, her kindness, did not allow her to do so.

"And then? You How can you... " Gu Jingting didn't ask me how you slept with me. Qin Xiaoyue immediately understood and rushed to explain: "I I fell asleep. As soon as I was ready to leave and walked into the living room, the man who pushed me in knocked me out... "

Qin Xiaoyue secretly covers up the fact that she secretly kisses Gu Jingting. It's better for her to rot in her stomach. Gu Jingting must not know about it,.

If Gu Jingting knew, who would he become?

Gu Jingting's mind of the mystery completely solved, Huo Junqi, now has been crazy to unscrupulous.

Qin Xiaoyue saw that Gu Jingting was lost in thought again, and quickly assured him: "don't worry, yesterday was a misunderstanding, I won't tell Erya! You Don't take it to heart, either

Gu Jingting turned back and gave Qin Xiaoyue a meaningful look.Now it's not a question whether she says it or not. I'm afraid Huo Junqi has to start his next plan and poke it in front of chuerya.

If not, Gu Jingting can no longer think of the purpose of Huo Junqi's painstaking efforts.

"Let's go." He didn't ask any more. The most important thing at the moment is to go to the hospital immediately.

From yesterday to now, chuerya certainly has not been able to contact himself, while Runrun is still in unstable condition in the hospital.

I hope nothing happens.

Out of the door of the hotel, Qin Xiaoyue said to Gu Jingting ahead of time: "go and be busy. My house is nearby. Goodbye."

Qin Xiaoyue turns around and leaves in a hurry. Gu Jingting takes a look at her back and runs towards the parking lot.

In the hospital, chuerya's face was haggard and decadent at the door of ICU ward.

Just in the middle of last night, chujiarun suddenly had a high fever and was rescued urgently. The doctor said that the white blood cells in chujiarun's body increased sharply and the situation was very dangerous.

Chu Erya is so flustered that she calls Gu Jingting subconsciously, but no one answers her call.

until the reminder that "the phone you dialed has been turned off" comes from the phone, she has no strength to dial it any more.

Chu Qingyue, who is on duty in the emergency room, changes shifts with others, and accompanies Chu Erya all night without closing her eyes.

Chuerya watched as chujiarun was pushed out of the operating room. She was still a good child during the day. At this time, she was already wearing a ventilator. The doctor stopped her and Chu Qingyue held her and didn't let her get close to her.

Then, Chu Jiarun was sent to the intensive care unit.

"Erya, you listen to me and have a rest first. Runrun is out of danger now. There is a special person watching. If you go on like this, your body will collapse!" Chu Qingyue kindly persuades chuerya to leave in advance.

But chuerya didn't listen at all.

Until Chu Jiarun's attending doctor came over, "is Chu Jiarun's relative guardian in?"