Chuerya is confused by Ren Zimeng's quick words. She doesn't mean that.

"No, you may be mistaken. I don't mean that. I really want to apologize to you. Didn't you just say that you are going to be on stage soon? I'll have a new dress sent right away

Chuerya apologizes to Ren Zimeng with the utmost sincerity.

It's a pity that Chu Erya's humble behavior is more like showing off and mocking in Ren Zimeng's eyes. Isn't it that she has a man who is more rich and powerful than he Diyu?

She Ren Zimeng doesn't need other people's pity, doesn't need this kind of overlooking kindness.

"No! If it's OK, please go away! I can't afford it, can I? "

"No Then your dress... "

"You don't have to meddle in your business. I don't want to repeat it for the third time. Please disappear!" Ren Zimeng has a firm attitude, and doesn't give chuerya any room for negotiation.

Chuerya's hand with the skirt tightened a little. Ren Zimeng's words are all about this. If chuerya insists on it, it will be more reluctant and overbearing.

Chuerya had to give up for a while, turned to leave, and came to Qin Xiaoyue.

Chuerya didn't even think about it. She lowered her head subconsciously, as if it was her. Qin Xiaoyue's figure came closer and closer until she passed by chuerya.

Chuerya felt a burst of chagrin in her heart. She pursed her lower lip and walked towards the direction of the banquet venue. Just a few steps later, Qin Xiaoyue's voice rang behind her.

"Sister Erya!"

Chuerya stops. In fact, she can take it as if she didn't hear it, but she seems to be instigated by an idea in her heart. It's not her who should avoid. Why should she keep her head down.

Qin Xiaoyue quickened her pace behind Chu Erya and carefully tried to call out her name again: "elder sister Erya? Is that you? "

After taking a deep breath, chuerya slowly turns around and faces Qin Xiaoyue.

"It's me, that's right." Chuerya tried hard to control the surging resentment in her chest and try to keep calm on her face.

In the past, Qin Xiaoyue was in Chu Erya's eyes the benefactor who helped to recover her two sons who ran away from home. Now, yes, even if Qin Xiaoyue had been involved in her marriage, she could not erase the fact that she had helped.

Chuerya tries to keep herself calm and keep her sense online.

But the more I remind myself to be calm, the disgusting "photos" of Qin Xiaoyue and Gu Jingting reappear in my mind, as if they were conditioned reflex.

Disgusting, very disgusting.

Qin Xiaoyue was cheated by chuerya's calm, unprepared and unnecessary thoughts. If his heart beat faster suddenly, his reaction would not count.

"Sister Erya, you are so beautiful today."

As soon as Qin Xiaoyue said that, chuerya's face immediately collapsed.

"You have a clear conscience when you say something like this, don't you?" Chuerya became aggressive, and his words came out of his mouth without thinking.

Chuerya really feels silly. When Chu Qingyue kindly reminds her, she still doesn't believe that Qin Xiaoyue looks so simple and kind.

Qin Xiaoyue was stunned. Chuerya had something to say, and she quickly responded.

Qin Xiaoyue lowered his head, clenched his lower lip and did not speak. In Chu Erya's opinion, Qin Xiaoyue's action is the expression of guilty heart.

Is poor Chu her master of Qin Xiaoyue?

"Enough, I don't want to have too much involvement with you. In this way, we are even. We don't need to say hello to each other when we meet. I won't say the rest. You know it in your heart."

Chuerya's reason forces her out of control emotion to stop the car. She doesn't want to become the image she once hated. She makes herself ferocious for the sake of men.

It's not worth it. There's no need for it. She and Gu Jingting have been cut off for a long time.

Chuerya turned around and walked away, but Qin Xiaoyue rushed up to stop her. "Wait, elder sister Erya, what do you mean by even? I don't understand

Chuerya stares at Qin Xiaoyue coldly. She can't guess whether Qin Xiaoyue really doesn't understand or pretends not to understand. She only knows that she doesn't want to face this seemingly simple face.

Emotions come quickly, but it's not so easy to calm the intense emotions immediately.

"Well, let me tell you, even means that the time you helped me stop the two children who ran away from home, if you were cheating on me, I would turn a blind eye to Gu Jingting. Do you understand now? "

"Gu Jingting may take this from you. When there is no one around, you don't have to do this in front of me. With respect, I can't stand women who are ambitious but act more innocent than anyone else!"

Chuerya's words are all with sharp thorns, each of which is accurate in Qin Xiaoyue's heart.

Qin Xiao grew up so big that no one ever described him like this. Tears began to turn in his eyes. The valve of blood supply to his heart seemed to be tightened. He was too hard to breathe and his chest was blocked badly.Chuerya turns a blind eye to Qin Xiaoyue's tears. Who did she show her when she cried?

Smart women will cry in front of others. Only in front of people can tears shake people's hearts and gain the power of compassion.

Unfortunately, chuerya is not a smart woman.

Seeing that chuerya is going to leave, Qin Xiaoyue stops her again. In a hurry, he grabs chuerya's arm and says to her chokingly, "elder sister Erya, wait. I want to explain to you. Can you listen to my explanation?"

Chuerya doesn't hesitate to throw her hand away. She doesn't need anyone's explanation, let alone Qin Xiaoyue's explanation. Things have happened and the harm has been caused. This is already the case. If the explanation can't let the misunderstanding disappear, then the explanation is meaningless.

"No, I don't want to hear it."

"Sister Erya, I can really explain to you that things are not what you think..." Qin Xiaoyue turns around with tears in his eyes, and chuerya stops.

The door leading to the banquet venue was pushed open, and a man pushed the door with a little crack against the light.

It's Gu Jingting.

Gu Jingting walks in this direction. Qin Xiaoyue's tearful eyes are staring at Gu Jingting. Does he go to chuerya?

Or go to yourself

Near, near, Gu Jingting came. He walked straight over, passed chuerya, where he was staying, and stopped just a step away from Qin Xiaoyue.

"People don't want to hear it, why do they have to force it? What can I explain... " Gu Jingting turns his back to Chu Erya, and his eyes look elsewhere. Qin Xiaoyue's eyes are full of tears. In a blink of an eye, they fall.

Chuerya heard a sound, like a signal from her chest, broken.