Chu Qingyue carefully looks at fengyifan's bedroom. His bookshelf is full of books, and half of the books are on the head of the bed. On the wall are several sets of clothes of locomotive drivers.

It turned out that he had also participated in the professional race of air riders.

"Here comes the water, here it is." Feng Yifan wants to feed her with her own hand. Chu Qingyue hesitates for a moment, takes the cup from his hand, and still says hoarsely, "I'll do it myself, thank you."

"Be careful. It's warm." The wind reminds me with a warm fan.

"Whether to take you to the hospital or not, you still look very uncomfortable." Feng Yifan frowned and worried.

Chu Qingyue shook her head and said, "no I'm fine. "

"What do you think of your hoarse voice and headache?" Feng Yifan then asked.

"I'll be fine after a night's rest. You don't have to worry." Chu Qingyue moistened her throat, but fortunately she was not so dumb just now.

When the discussion ended, the anger suddenly calmed down.

When Feng Yifan didn't speak, Chu Qingyue became more silent. Seeing the sky outside was more gloomy, Chu Qingyue got up. Feng Yifan immediately stepped forward to stop her and asked, "what are you going to do?"

"It's getting late. It's time for me to go home." Chu Qingyue looks up at Xiangfeng and says with fan.

"How can you go home like this? You can either stay in my house all night. If you feel uncomfortable at night, someone will take care of you." Wind to fan brow lock, brow is not open to worry.

Chu Qingyue looked at him quietly. Seeing that Chu Qingyue didn't speak, Feng Yifan said, "I still have a room in my home. I sleep in the guest room. Doctor Chu, you don't have to think about it."

Chu Qingyue doesn't think so. She just looks at Feng Yifan's expression. Today's Feng Yifan looks a little different.

There seems to be a kind of grievance between his eyebrows, and the words are not as bright as before, like a child secretly gambling with anger.

Feng Yifan didn't find it himself, but the sensitive Chu Qingyue found it.

"What's the matter with you?" Chu Qingyue asked directly.

Feng Yifan didn't know what Chu Qingyue meant. He was puzzled and asked: "me? What's the matter with me? "

The moon of Chu Dynasty was silent. Feng Yifan immediately explained, "no, I didn't. what's the matter?"

"Come on, what's the matter, you Don't try to deceive me. " Chu Qingyue is outspoken and points to the wind with fan's evasive eyes.

Feng Yifan slowly released Chu Qingyue's hand and stood up. After a moment's silence, he still said, "no, I'm really OK."

As soon as the wind and fan's voice fell, Chu Qingyue stood up holding the head of the bed.

"Oh, Dr. Chu, what are you doing up?" The wind to fan a surprised, rushed to help Chu Qingyue.

Chu Qingyue shook off his hand and said coldly, "don't worry about it. I want to go home."

Chu Qingyue is blackmailing him, is playing small temperament.

"Well, well, I said, I said you lie down first, OK?" Feng Yifan was defeated by the "coercion" of the Chu and Qing Dynasties, and finally he was relieved.

"Actually It's nothing. If I say it, you should promise me not to be angry. In addition, I have another request... "

"Help me up!" Before Feng Yifan's words were finished, Chu Qingyue interrupted him and got up again.

"I'm wrong! Let me just say, "I'm not going to make any conditions with you, OK?"

Feng Yifan, who has been treated by Chu Qingyue, is obedient. Just like a child, he is clearly arranged by Chu Qingyue.

"It's nothing! That is That is When you were confused, you were calling a person's name So I want to ask the person you called Gu Yingting Who is it? "

When Chu Qingyue heard Gu Yingting's name, she was as numb as an electric shock.

Did she name Gu Yingting just now? Just now in the dream, the scene of her chasing a car on the street was repeated in the dream, and The scene of Gu Yingting's car accident.

In the dream, her heart was cut to pieces, so painful that she couldn't breathe.

Chu Qingyue hasn't thought about following the wind to mention Gu Yingting's past. She doesn't even plan to. At this time, she hears Gu Yingting's name from Gu Yingting's mouth, which makes her feel at a loss for a moment.

Feng Yifan saw that Chu Qingyue didn't answer. He guessed that Chu Qingyue didn't want to mention it, so he said, "doctor Chu, what you don't want to say It doesn't matter if you don't say it. "

The wind said so in fan's words, but the loneliness that flashed through his eyes betrayed him.

He was disappointed, mostly because he guessed that Gu Yingting was a man's name. The man who could make Chu Qingyue cry out must be unforgettable.

"I can tell you." Chu Qingyue looked at the wind and said, "after I tell you, you will seriously consider our relationship. Do you want to If you want to go on, just as soon as possible. "

Wind to fan heart, Chu Qingyue will say so serious! The wind is more heavy with fan's heart."Wait a minute -" before Chu Qingyue spoke, Feng Yifan interrupted her speech.

The wind with fan's tangled face, his heart is struggling repeatedly, he is curious about the past in Chu Qingyue's mouth, that is Chu Qingyue's past, he wants to know, but he is so afraid.

What is Feng Yifan afraid of? He doesn't know. He's just afraid. He's really afraid.

"Don't you want to know? Why, are you afraid? " Chu Qingyue has a smile on her face, but it looks like a mockery to Feng Yifan.

It seems to be a test, a challenge for him.

Her past is definitely related to the man she is calling "Gu Yingting".

"Go ahead, but I can tell you in advance that no matter what you are going to say next, my answer is only one, that is, to be with you. This is an undoubted decision." The wind is determined by fan, and there is no room for doubt.

Chu Qingyue's smile gradually disappears. In the face of such a firm commitment, she suddenly feels selfish. She seems In betraying, in hurting the person in front of you.

She transfers her tragedy to this person. She doesn't seem to be a good woman

"Gu Yingting He's the man I've loved since I was 15 years old. He's Gu Jingting's brother. " Chu Qingyue said softly, and her tone was very calm. She didn't have the tearing heart and splitting lung in her dream just now.

"Gu Jingting Gu Yingting... " The wind to fan Mo read the names of the two people twice, he suddenly remembered!

That day, on that day, he got on Gu Jingting's car and followed him to the graveyard. The name on the graveyard was "Gu Yingting"!

that man is as like as two peas. He is a twin.