If fengyifan still has some value for Qin Kainan, most of these values are due to the existence of Qin Xiaoyue.

If Qin Xiaoyue didn't care so much about him, maybe Feng Yifan would have been a pawn of Qin Kainan.

It's not that the wind is concerned with fan, but that the wind is well known by the hearts of fan and Qin Kainan.

That year, Qin Xiaoyue was 13 years old, accompanied by Feng Yifan, and always took care of Qin Xiaoyue.

That night, Qin Xiaoyue suddenly had a fever. In the middle of the night, he lived in a small wooden house in the suburb. The sound of the wind had not yet recovered, and the driver was not there. The wind picked Qin Xiaoyue up and ran out.

It was five kilometers from the cabin to the road. Qin Xiaoyue was sent directly to the emergency room.

A high fever of 41 degrees almost burned the brain. The doctor said that fortunately it was delivered in time. If the temperature continued to rise a little later, there would be the possibility of meningitis.

When Qin Kainan arrived, Qin Xiaoyue had not come out of the emergency room. Feng Yifan was tired and fell asleep on the chair.

Qin Kainan came up without saying a word and slapped the wind to the ground. His eyes were full of stars.

"How do you take care of Xiaoyue? Let her into the emergency room Qin Kainan is in a rage. He wants to tear off the skin of Feng Yifan and drink blood.

At that time, Feng Yifan couldn't say a complete word. Qin Kainan attacked him in the corridor of the hospital with the most ugly words and the most heartbreaking words. Feng Yifan was like a stray cat and dog. The only difference was that he didn't beg for mercy.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Hate me? But for Laozi, would you have lived to this day? "

The wind to fan Fu wall can stand firm, Qin Kainan once again rushed past, at this time, Qin Xiaoyue pushed out from the emergency room.

This is the only way to escape the disaster.

Finally, the misunderstanding was solved, and Qin Kainan followed suit and apologized to fan.

From then on, Feng Yifan knew what kind of existence he was in front of Qin Kai.

Without Qin Xiaoyue's dependence, perhaps he would not have existed for such a long time in front of Qin Kai's south.

Anyway, Qin Xiaoyue is Qin Xiaoyue and Qin Kainan is Qin Kainan.

From beginning to end, Qin Xiaoyue regarded Feng as his elder brother.

I don't know where Qin Xiaoyue heard the wind from. When he learned that something had grown in Feng Yifan's brain, he immediately fried the pot.

As soon as I checked in at school, I rushed back without putting down my luggage.

As soon as I entered the door, I went crazy and looked around for Feng Yifan's figure?! Brother, are you there

Qin Xiaoyue was so anxious that he almost cried. At the thought of Feng Yifan's illness, his heart was like beating a drum. He was so afraid.

This feeling of fear can be traced back to the year when Qin Xiaoyue was 12 years old. That year was the day when Qin Xiaoyue's mother left.

In the days after his mother left, Qin Xiaoyue became autistic and didn't talk to others, so he gradually became thin.

Until the appearance of fengyifan, it seems that fengyifan has replaced Qin Xiaoyue's mother since then. Except for the years when he studied in the United States, Qin Xiaoyu almost grew up on fengyifan's heel.

The earlier Qin Xiao became a brother to fan.

"Brother! Brother fan, Wuwuwuwu... " Qin Xiaoyue cried, thinking that there would be three pieces and two pieces short if the wind were to fan. Qin Xiaoyue didn't even have the strength to walk and sat down on the floor of the living room.

As soon as Feng Yifan came out of the bathroom with his wet hair, he saw Qin Xiaoyue sitting on the floor crying.

"Xiaoyue? Didn't you go to school today? Why are you sitting here crying? " The wind to fan don't know why, looking at Qin Xiaoyue asked.

Qin Xiaoyue looked up and saw Feng Yifan. His tears hung on his face and stopped. He sobbed out: "brother..."

Feng Yifan threw the towel in his hand, walked quickly to Qin Xiaoyue and asked eagerly, "what's the matter, Xiaoyue? You have something to tell me. Who bullied you? "

When Qin Xiaoyue heard the speech, he burst into tears and hung it on Feng Yifan. With a runny nose and tears, he cried out: "brother, I thought I would never see you Brother, you are sick. Why don't you tell me? "

Qin Xiaoyue was crying, and Feng Yifan had a hard time listening to her.

"Well, don't cry. Be obedient." Feng Yifan gently wiped the tears on Qin Xiaoyue's face, helped Qin Xiaoyue sit up, and comforted him: "who told you I was sick? Don't listen to nonsense. "

Feng Yifan didn't tell Qin Xiaoyue the truth.

"Brother, don't lie to me, I know My dad My father told me to take good care of you these days. " Qin Xiaoyue's tears came down again.

Feng Yifan was stunned at first, and soon understood.

"I won't go to school. I'll take care of you at home and accompany you..." Qin Xiaoyue holds Feng Yifan's arm and doesn't let go. Feng Yifan looks at Qin Xiaoyue's pitiful appearance of worrying about gain and loss and is moved.

Although Qin Xiaoyue usually doesn't cause him much trouble, Qin Xiaoyue's sincerity to Feng Yifan can't be erased."Fool, are you afraid that I will die?" The wind speaks with a smile.

"Bah, bah, bah! Don't say anything so unlucky Qin Xiaoyue immediately interrupts Feng Yifan's words, holding his hand and knocking on the table several times.

"Where did you learn that?" The wind, with an air of fan, was just like a nobody. His wet hair dripped down his hair and fell on Qin Xiaoyue's neck.

Seeing this, Qin Xiaoyue got up without saying a word and went straight to his room. He put on his dry hair cap and put it on Feng Yifan.

Feng Yifan cheerfully raises the corner of his mouth. Qin Xiaoyue looks at Feng Yifan's smile and feels more bitter. The hands that help him wipe his hair are much softer.

"I used to cry when my mother said some unlucky words, and my mother knocked on the wood with her hand, saying it didn't work." Qin Xiaoyue recalled the memory of his forehead and his eyes became more moist.

Qin Xiaoyue's feelings at this time can be understood by fan. He has seen Qin Xiaoyue's most vulnerable appearance.

"Qin Xiaoyue." Feng Yifan grabbed Qin Xiaoyue's hand and said in a soft voice, "don't think blindly. I won't die yet. I don't die so easily." Feng Yifan said with a smile.

The wind to fan Mingming said is comforting words, but Qin Xiaoyue tears are not struggling to flow down.

"Why are you crying again? Are you stupid? " The wind suddenly began to ache.

"Did you lie to me?" Qin Xiaoyue's voice became harder and harder. His tears followed the broken bead. "Did you mean to say this to comfort Comfort me? If my Dad hadn't told me Are you going to go into the operating room all the time without telling me? "

Feng Yifan laughed more happily, as if he had just finished joking with Qin Xiaoyue. He said faintly: "I didn't intend to hide it from you, but I just didn't think about how to tell you, fool."