Chu Qingyue was in a trance for two days, and she also hid from the wind for two days.

These two days, I didn't contact shangfengyifan, but fengyifan didn't take the initiative to contact her. It's a strange tacit understanding.

"Doctor Chu, would you like to have a rest? This is the fifth operation With the assistant of Chu Qingyue operation to help her wipe the sweat on her forehead.

When Chu Qingyue was on duty, she always met with something. She didn't have to be so busy, but when she was quiet, she was restless.

She was extremely frightened and flustered, and her face was also very ugly.

"Dr. Chu, you look really bad. You'd better have a rest." The assistant helped Chu Qingyue back to the office.

"I'm ok. I can stick to it." As soon as Chu Qingyue sat down, she was about to get up and said that she would not rest.

"No! Dr. Chu, you have already overdrawn your physical strength seriously. Even if you don't think about your body, you have to think about the patient's body. What if you fall on the operating table? "

"Yes, if you fall on the operating table, it will kill people!"

A fully armed woman with sunglasses and a mask solemnly approached Chu Qingyue's office.

"Excuse me, this is the doctor's lounge. Please go out and line up outside." The assistant frowned and looked at the woman holding her chest in front of her eyes, and gave the order.

The woman was indifferent, holding her chest and looking at Chu Qingyue.

"You go out first." Chu Qingyue spoke.

Assistant immediately echoed: "we Chu doctor all spoke, let you go out first."

"Xiao Liu, I want you to go out first." Chu Qingyue turns her head and says to her assistant.

Assistant Liu Yizheng, embarrassed for a few seconds, looked at Chu Qingyue, looked at the woman holding the chest, compromise: "OK, then I'll go out first."

The sunglasses girl follows Liu and goes out with her front foot. The sunglasses girl locks the door of the office with her back hand.

Turning around, she took off her sunglasses and mask. A beautiful and delicate face appeared. She looked directly at Chu Qingyue.

Chu Qingyue is very calm. She looks at her and says, "sit down, miss summer."

Summer picked pick eyebrows, and then approached in the opposite of Chu Qingyue sat down.

"How did you guess it was mine?" Summer asked lazily and carelessly.

Chu Qingyue raised a smile, "a look at your posture will guess, there is one thing, called gas field."

"Then I'll take it as a compliment." Summer will take off the sunglasses on Chu Qingyue's desk, pick eyebrows to see her.

"Is Miss Xia unwell?" Asked Chu Qingyue.


"Miss Na Xia..."

"Well, I won't talk to you anymore." Xia Xia interrupts Chu Qingyue and says frankly, "I just want to talk to you today. I'm not sick. I'm fine."

"About what?" The moon of the Chu Dynasty clearly knows and asks.

Summer looked at Chu Qingyue's indifferent appearance and laughed, "why didn't I find out before that Feng Yifan liked the woman who likes to play Tai Chi?" Summer looked into Chu Qingyue's eyes and said, "if there is something wrong with frankness, then I'm really guilty."

In the face of summer, Chu Qingyue does not escape.

With a cool smile, she choked back and said, "maybe Miss Xia misunderstood frankness and implicitness, which is not impossible."

Summer a Leng, passed a few seconds just reaction come over, Chu clear month this is to satirize her, her eyebrow immediately twisted up.

Once and for all, summer lost.

"Well, I won't tell you what's missing. I'll tell you the truth. I came here today to ask you whether it's true for you to follow suit? How much do you love him? How long do you want to be with him? "

Chu Qingyue looks at the aggressive and upright posture of summer, and suddenly a scene she once saw flashed in her mind.

An old lady is reluctant to bargain with the supermarket guide. Everything in the supermarket can't bargain. She doesn't know. It seems that she doesn't know in the summer.

"If I ask you something, why are you so dumb?" Summer is even more unpleasant.

Chu Qingyue is still indifferent. The stone that has been hanging in her heart for two days suddenly falls to the ground at the moment. The question that bothers her suddenly has an answer.

Chu Qingyue took a deep breath, looked up at the summer, and replied, "really, a lot, a long time."

"My feelings for him are deeper than what you think, and deeper than what I think. I know he is very good, so I will attract girls like you. It's normal." Summer is still dismayed.

"So if you really like him, I don't mind playing fair with you. What do you think?"

Chu Qingyue's answer stunned summer. She didn't expect that Chu Qingyue would answer like this.

It was as if she had never thought that she loved the wind so much.

"Fair play?" Summer cold hum a, disdain extremely, "very love? Deep? very long? Are you sure it's not your vanity? Do you feel proud of robbing the man I love in summer"Do you have any misunderstanding about me?" Chu Qingyue smiles again.

Her smile in the summer is really dazzling, unfriendly, as if to show off the general.

"I'll tell you, I don't care about Feng Yifan as much as you can. Can you give up your career for him? Can you come all the way from America to work and live in China just because he's here? "

Summer stood up, emotion gradually excited, "you can't! When I love him, when I'm with him, you don't know where you are. I've known him for almost eight years, but what about you? "

As summer approached, he said aggressively, "have you known each other for a year?"

Chu Qingyue is still calm, looking at the summer's eyes without the slightest timidity, no weakness.

"Where does your self-confidence come from?" The more calm the moon is, the more angry it is in summer.

The contrast between the two people is obvious.

"Dong Dong Dong." At this time, the ward door of Chu Qingyue was knocked.

Chu Qingyue takes a look at summer, and then stands up, looking to open the door.

Summer stood in her way. "You haven't answered my question yet."

"This is a hospital. It's where I work. It's not suitable for children to discuss on such a serious occasion." Chu Qingyue sidled by summer and said, "if you are so sure about the wind, why do you want to show off your power here?"

Summer suddenly turned around, Chu Qingyue has opened the door of the office.

The man who appeared at the door was the wind that Chu Qingyue hadn't seen for two days.

"Qingyue..." Wind to fan a piece of Chu, the moon will bloom open smile.