The female host finally said the number of the winner of today's grand prize with the most excited expression. All the people in the audience were staring at their own chest cards carefully, and there were sighs and hisses around.

Jane Ruoyu, who has a sense of participation, is at a loss. She doesn't know what happened. People's expression and the host's manner do not match, ah, the grand prize opened?

He pulled Nangong Ao's sleeve: "Hello, is the grand prize open? What's the number? "

Nangong Ao bowed his head, shining in his bright black eyes. Jian Ruoyu was puzzled: "Hey, you should speak quickly. Don't bully me. I can't understand French!"

The goddess, not in her eyes, put a few words in your mouth

Jane Ruoyu's heart pounded, blood rushed to the forehead, and her mouth opened, but she couldn't make a sound. Seeing her reactions in the eyes, Nangong Ao felt soft in the bottom of her heart: "if you don't accept the prize, it will be invalid."

Voice just fell, a strong push him away, surprised, he Leng is back two steps. Jian Ruoyu rushed onto the stage at the speed of 100 meters, holding up the number in her hand and shouting excitedly, "it's me, it's me The winner is me... "

Her reaction is too exaggerated and her action is so fast that even the host is stunned. Just to the microphone close to Jane Ruoyu, with elegant tone of voice asked: "this lady, can you show me your number?"

Unable to understand what she was saying, Jane Ruoyu, who was just immersed in excitement, waved her hands and said, "it's me, it's me. I won the first prize. Wow It's amazing... "

Do not understand the expression of Jane Ruoyu host slightly embarrassed, and a woman also gradually aware of the strange atmosphere. Stop dancing, look at a face of the host asked, and then look at the attention of the audience.

Wow, did she lose face in France?

"Nangong Ao, Nangong Ao..." Soon found the handsome black figure under the stage and cast a look for help to him.

Under the public's attention ceremony, Nangong Ao stepped on stage gracefully and gracefully. With one hand around Jian Ruoyu's shoulder, the other took the number plate tightly held by her hand and handed it to the slightly embarrassed host.

Seeing the winning number, the host's mood rose again: "ladies and gentlemen, next I solemnly announce that the biggest winner of our award tonight is this lady. Let's give her the warmest applause."

There was a burst of friendly applause from the audience, and Jane Ruoyu breathed a long breath. Secretly stretched out his hand in Nangong Ao Ao waist and pinched it fiercely: "Damn, you didn't have the first time to save me. I made a joke."

"Wronged, wife, it's you who run so fast that I can't react." The two were quarrelling in the applause of the occasion.

Jane Ruoyu glared at him, but she didn't believe him. Well, the hateful guy will bully her.

The two hosts quack and quack beside them, and I don't know what to say. Jane Ruoyu only feels that one alien note floats up from her head. She is one and two big.

However, language barrier is not a problem. It is the most real thing to get the money.

Quick awards, quick awards, one million euro, God, windfall. She's developed. She's developed.

Alone excited Jane Ruoyu just wants to get the money early and get out of the way. In this group of strange tall blonde, she is still a little pressure. Ooh, language barrier is still a barrier.

"Wife, the host asked if you could take off your mask and show us what the luckiest person looks like tonight?" In the ear comes Nangong Ao's deliberate low voice.

"Ah? No one picked it just now? Do you have to pick them? " Jian Ruoyu asked in some distress that the mask gave her a sense of security. What's more, she just made such a big embarrassment, she didn't have the face to pick it.

Jane Ruoyu is still hesitating. Nangong Ao has said to the host in fluent French: "I'm sorry, my little wife is a little shy. She doesn't want to take off her mask."

"What a pity. But congratulations. I wish you a happy marriage and a long time in love. " After the expression of regret is the blessing of respect.

Nangong Ao accepted with a smile: "thank you."

His demeanor and bearing, foot present female fascination. Even if he wears a mask, his noble breath can make people feel that he is no ordinary person.

Jane Ruoyu, who is still struggling with whether to take off her mask, has not noticed that several French women with revealing clothes and bold sexuality have been staring at her man.

"Congratulations, wife." In the whole process, Jane Ruoyu has been in a situation, until the host will give her a big plaque, she has no sense of reality.

Her fingers trembled slightly and took it. She saw a lot of silver flying in the air. She really won the prize, won the prize.

It's a long and exciting process to present awards to outstanding employees after the award is awarded.

Jian Ruoyu, who was led down from the stage by Nangong Ao, is holding the plaque tightly in his hand, with a crooked face and a silly smile. Fortunately, the mask covered her exaggerated expression, so that it was not too abrupt."Nangong, you are really insidious." Xia Beitang, who was trampled on and still somewhat unnatural, approached slowly.

Nangong Ao shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know what you're talking about?"

"You changed the time of the celebration party to order a masquerade ball, which just disappeared for a while. Dare you say that the lottery is absolutely fair and just?" Xia Beitang raises eyebrows slightly.

"So what?" He denied and denied it.

Xia Beitang chokes on his rogue and confident question, and has the illusion of meddling. Well, didn't he come to expose him and threaten him? How do you feel like a clown?

For a moment, I was embarrassed to drink the red wine in the glass.

"Nangong Ao, can you be more shameless? You are the boss of the company. How can you bully the feelings of employees like this? " Finally, I found a good reason.

Glancing at him askance, he asked coolly, "do you have any opinion?"

"Of course I have a problem. I, I, I want to recover the rights for the employees. The right to equity. " Xia Beitang feels that he is good at reciting tonight, and he has been arrogantly adjusted by Nangong many times.

It seems true that the newly married men are lucky.

"you seem to be very busy lately." Light tone, no trace of ups and downs.

Xia Beitang was alarmed and began to step back: "as one of the leaders of the company, I can't allow you to cheat employees like this."

Since the total bonus for employees is not as good as the bottom of this year's bonus

"What?" Xia Beitang was shocked. Unexpectedly, Nangong Ao's shameless degree went up to a higher level.

"Think it's too little? Add another luxury seven day five country tour, you can bring your family In Xia Beitang's bleeding heart, he cut again.

"Nangong..." His protest words have not yet been exported, Nangong Ao's Fox eyes narrowed: "I replace all employees of China Resources, thank you for your generosity."

"All?" A big bead of sweat was drawn from the forehead of xiabeitang.

"Of course. How can we make a difference between the past and the present. What's more, summer always needs this little money. " I made my own decision.

Xia Beitang nearly vomited three liters of blood and passed out directly. Nangong Ao is such a despicable man. Do you want to keep a grudge? He was just in the mood to see his joke and invite his bride to dance.

Is it necessary for him to do this?

Not only did he almost step on his feet into a beehive, leaving a lifelong psychological shadow. Now he has been deprived of a lot of money. Is it necessary to be so stingy? Is that cruel?

China Resources has tens of thousands of employees all over the world. A seven day five country tour is still luxurious and can carry family members.

Can he redeem people without taking money back to the company this year?

It's mean, it's shameful.

In the Summer North hall full of resentment, the south palace Ao inside and outside the greeting several times, the host's excited voice.

Xia Beitang a listen, face instant black into the bottom of the pot, he was not talking about playing, directly let the host announced!

Oh, my God. His heart hurts. It hurts.

"Wow, Xia Beitang, you are so generous. Can you count me one more for a seven day five country luxury tour for global employees?" I don't know when Jane Ruoyu comes forward with a face of excitement.

Xia Beitang, like an electric shock, jumped back a long way, looking frightened, as if to see the most terrible beast in the world.

"Xia Beitang, what's the matter with you?" I can't see his expression, but his performance is too exaggerated?

See Jian Ruoyu to approach again, Summer North Hall busy stretch out a hand to stop: "you don't come over."

"Eh?" Jane Ruoyu was stunned and looked at Nangong Ao on one side and asked with eyes, "what's wrong with him?"

"Don't worry. It's a family inheritance. I'll be fine later." Nangong Ao has no shame and continues to slander him in front of him.

Xia Beitang was so angry that his face was black and gnashing his teeth: "Nangong Ao!"

A male sword eyebrow a pick: "something?"

"You Happy marriage. " A hard turn.

"Thank you." He raised his glass and took a sip.

"Take your time. I'll go first." Then he walked away. Step more and more urgent, more and more urgent, as if a ghost in pursuit.

"Is he really OK? Are you sure of Beiao Jane Ruoyu looks at the tall figure that is staggering and floating, and sends out questions.

"Of course. What's the matter? " Cover the smile on your lips with a cup.

Jane Ruoyu looked around and saw no one noticed them. Then she lowered her voice and said, "how do I think there is something wrong with him here?" Pointed to the head.

Nangong Ao finally can't help bursting out with exaggerated laughter, and Xia Beitang, who has already arrived at the door, suddenly sneezes several times. Someone must be speaking ill of him. He must be at the party.

I really want to go back to find him, but when I think that he was only the whole purse bleeding, he had to hide his face and tears.

Ah, bad years. Careless in making friends.