Cheng Wen Jing wordlessly followed Jiang Xinwei to the hospital. Before they left, she greeted Jiang Kerou, but he didn't have any reaction and didn't open the door.

Jiang Xin Wei couldn't care less as she rushed to the hospital to check on Jiang Fuwen's injuries.

When they arrived at the hospital, Jiang Xinwei was already driven mad by the huge pile of documents and procedures.

To put it bluntly, she was a delicate young lady who had never wanted to do these things herself, so she really didn't know what to do when these things suddenly crashed into her.

After running around the hospital for a while, he still didn't have enough medical fees.

By the time she returned, Jiang Fuwen was already out of the emergency room.

"Doctor, how is my father?"

"The patient suffered a severe blow to the head. Moreover, the patient was sent to the hospital too late. The best treatment time was delayed. You must be mentally prepared." The doctor was serious.

Jiang Xinwei was overwhelmed. "Doctor, what do you mean by that?" You mean my dad could be in danger? "

"Yes, if we can't survive these 24 hours, his life will be in danger. Now we have to send him to the ICU, your family must leave a person here to protect him or her during these 24 hours. Also, have you paid the bill?"

Jiang Xinwei's expression changed slightly. "Not yet. We don't have that much money on us right now. We'll go back later and get it."

"Then hurry up!" The medical fees for the ICU are quite high, and staying for one night would be around ten thousand. Your family members need to prepare for it. " The doctor made his words very clear.

Jiang Xinwei nodded blankly. She hadn't even paid for the operation yet. Now that they were in the ICU, it would be around 10,000 yuan in one night. If they had any other questions, they might need to use more medicine. Even if she tried, she wouldn't be able to get that much money!

For the first time in her life, she was ashamed and confused about money.

When Cheng Wenjing heard what the doctor said, she was completely speechless, "God damn it! He might as well die! "If she's still alive, she's going to implicate us. What kind of villain did I create to be dragged down by such a large family, it's her!"

She suddenly became fierce, "It's all because of that bitch Su Qiao An! It was all because of this evil spirit! She's the one who forced us to this point! "

Jiang Xinwei had a splitting headache. "Mom, can you calm down? This is a hospital, stop messing around!" I'll figure out a way to raise money, and you just stay here and don't go anywhere, okay? "

Cheng Wen Jing looked at the floor with empty eyes, as if she hadn't heard what Jiang Fuwen had said. Jiang Xin Wei couldn't care less now, she had to go and raise some money quickly. Otherwise, the hospital wouldn't let Jiang Fuwen stay here anymore.

After Jiang Xinwei had left, Cheng Wenjing, who had been standing in a daze, suddenly stood up and stormed out of the room.

— —

Su Qiao An stayed at the law firm until eight or nine in the evening before leaving.

She packed her things, locked the door, and left.

It wasn't too far from her house. She only had to walk for fifteen minutes to the bus stop and take the bus to the vicinity of Kwangting Court.

Su Qiao An was wearing an earpiece, which was being broadcasted in French. She had recently been learning French and using all her free time to strengthen her memory.

She didn't notice that someone was following her, much less looking back.

Zhu Jiangci didn't leave for even a day, and waited near the law firm. After seeing Su Qiao An leave, he quietly followed behind her.

He didn't know what he was supposed to do. It was as if he couldn't see him, and his heart would be empty. But seeing her made his heart ache.

What happened today was an enormous shock to him. He really did not know that Su Qiao An had endured so much humiliation behind his back, nor did he know that their child was not accidentally miscarried but was actually murdered.

While her life was hanging by a thread, he was traveling abroad with his murderer.

How ridiculous!

Zhu Jiangci followed behind her from afar. Looking at her graceful back, he wanted to close in but didn't dare to.

How much should she hate herself?

At that time, not only was he not with her, he was also defending a murderer who had killed her child. He even wanted to take the child away from her because of that woman.

These things were all things that he had acquiesced in. If it wasn't for his blindness, perhaps … Maybe Su Qiao An did not need to suffer so much.

No wonder Su Qiao An would become like that after her child miscarried. No wonder she would become silent and depressed.

As long as Zhu Jiangci thought of how he had personally forced her to that state, it was as if his heart had been thrown into a pan of oil and suffered a lot.

Su Qiao An who was wearing his headphones had no idea that someone was following him, nor did he know the danger that was about to arrive.

By the time she realized it, it was already too late.

At the corner of the road, a black figure suddenly jumped out from the shadows.

Cheng Wen Jing looked at Su Qiao An in a daze, in her hand was a shining fruit knife, "It's all your fault! It's all because of you, this jinx! I'm going to kill you! I will kill you! "

Cheng Wen Jing erupted, and pounced straight towards Su Qiao An. Behind him was the lamppost, he had nowhere to run.

Su Qiao An saw her holding onto a fruit knife and pouncing towards him, and subconsciously closed her eyes.

Su Yun carefully opened his eyes and was shocked when he saw the person blocking him.

Zhu Jiangci's hand was holding onto the fruit knife, and the sharp blade edge separated the flesh. Cheng Wen Jing, who seemed like a devil, saw the bright red blood and released her hand, screaming out of control, "No … I didn't mean to... Not Me... "It's not my fault …"

He frowned and moved his hand. It hurt as soon as it moved, so he endured the pain and threw the fruit knife on the ground. The blood on his hand looked extremely terrifying.

"Zhu Jiangci, your hand... "Your hand …" When she saw the blood on Zhu Jiangci's hand, she became flustered and she could not help but think of the blood that was continuously gushing out from her body.

Just as Zhu Jiangci was about to say that he was alright, she noticed that Su Qiao An's mood was abnormal.

Her body was trembling. Her clear eyes were blind without focus. She could only foolishly stare at his bleeding hand.

The way Su Qiao An acted, deeply stung his eyes. Zhu Jiangci carefully carried her into his embrace with his uninjured hands, as if she was hugging a fragile piece of porcelain. "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid.

Su Qiao An tightly grabbed onto the clothes at Zhu Jiangci's waist and painfully closed his eyes. His throat was bitter, "Zhu Jiangci, why didn't you choose to not save me like you did in the past? Why did she still have to come and disturb her heart...