Chapter 1078

"Little Si, why haven't you come to the company? Nanyang Technology's people have come to the door and said they have something to look for you. " Jiang Ying lowered her voice and called her.

She learned about the conflict between Tang Si and Liu Xixi at the company gate from other people. She wanted to go down, but later heard that Feng Jian came, she didn't go down to be a hero.

Thinking of the presence of Feng Jian, Liu Xixi would never bully Tang Si in front of her.

However, she never thought that Liu CICI was really a lady of great fortune. She ate a flat downstairs, and soon after she left, she came to the door with the people of Nanyang Technology. That posture was quite to find them to settle accounts.

They called on the Taoist surname to see Tang Si. However, Tang Si was taken away by the Fengjian. So far, he has not entered the company.

If they didn't control the scene, Jiang Ying would not call Tang Si to let her come back.

Tang Si took the opportunity of this phone call to avoid Feng Jian. Hearing that someone with such technology had found the door, Tang Si suddenly couldn't sit down. She stood up and hurried out with her bag. Holding her mobile phone, she said, "you let them have a good reception. I'll go back now."

In fact, she took this opportunity to escape and didn't want to respond positively to Feng Jian.

I don't care what kind of reaction the people behind me are. I just want to escape the embarrassing scene.

Who knows she just left the front foot, the back foot seals Jane to follow, naturally the bag in her hand to drag away to say, "I send you to go."

Tang Si is really in a hurry to return to the company. She thinks that Liu Xixi may take advantage of Nanyang Technology to revenge herself and deliberately provoke others in the company. Other people in the company can't deal with it, because she is the person Liu Xixi is looking for.

For fear, she did not reject the offer.

They didn't talk all the way back. She rushed to the company in a hurry. When she got downstairs, she couldn't wait to climb the stairs without getting down the elevator.

Feng Jane pulled her. They waited patiently for a while. As soon as the elevator came down, the two of them entered the elevator one by one.

When she was about to get off the elevator, Tang Si said, "don't show up for trouble."

Liu Xixi will be more furious when she sees Feng Jian, and things will get more and more troublesome.

She didn't worry that Liu CICI would break the cooperation with them. After all, they have signed a contract with Nanyang Technology. Even if Nanyang Technology has a strong foundation, it can't stand Liu CICI's tossing. If it suddenly breaks the contract, it will pay a large amount of liquidated damages.

Liu Xi Xi was not allowed to make such a fuss by a shrewd businessman because he lost money after failing to do it.

The reason why she was so anxious to come back was that she didn't want to get along with Feng simply, and that she was worried that Liu Xixi would mess around in the company and disturb the normal order of the company.

I'm not afraid that Liu Xixi will break the contract, but I'm afraid that she will splash in the company.

Feng jianleng, the original step out of the left foot quietly received back, "if there is anything, remember to call me."

"Well, you go back to have a rest." she waved perfunctorily.

Even if there is something really wrong, she will not inform Feng Jane.

After all, Liu Xixi would be so angry because Feng Jian refused her overtly downstairs and said something embarrassing to her.

If the two meet again, both of them are spoiled. I'm afraid that they will only make a big deal when they see each other. Then it will be very difficult to deal with them.

Seeing the elevator door close again, Tang Si left.

As soon as she entered the company, Jiang Ying drew her aside and whispered.

"Why did you come back alone? How about Feng Jian? Isn't he with you? "

"He's back."

"What?" Jiang Ying couldn't believe that Feng Jian would let go of this good opportunity. "Is he in the head? Leave at this time? "

Did she read the letter wrong? Feng Jian is actually a soft bag with little ability. He says how much he likes Tang Si, but he runs faster than anyone when he meets something. He is neither responsible nor cowardly.

For this reason, Jiang Ying's good impression of Feng Jian fell to the bottom.

Originally I thought that Feng Jian was a person worth trusting for life, but I didn't expect to see her as soon as I met her.

Jiang Ying was extremely dissatisfied with Feng Jian's practice. Tang Si smiled helplessly and said, "I asked him to go back. If he came in, things would only get worse."

"Ah?" Jiang Ying looked at her in the same way as she looked at a fool. She reached out and touched her forehead. "You don't have a fever, either! Why are you confused? Are you the rival of Liu CICI alone? You know that the woman came to Feng Jian. Why don't you let her solve it? "

In the downstairs of the company, it doesn't matter that Liu Xixi has blocked them in the door, and other people have been driven away by them, but in the company, a little bit of disturbance will be magnified infinitely. If there is a conflict between Feng Jian and Liu Xixi in the company, they are also to blame.What's more, it's hard to follow Liu Xixi's meaning with Feng Jian's temper. She's afraid that Feng Jian will say something unreasonable in anger to make Liu Xixi lose her face.

She can ask Liu to stop daydreaming, but she can't make things too rigid. After all, no head of the family wants his daughter to be humiliated.

If it's really urgent, Liu Xixi will add fuel to her father's words, then this cooperation will be in vain.

Although we can get a huge amount of compensation, what's the use of that? As long as this cooperation is achieved, the benefits they can get are endless and win-win.

In order to win the cooperation case, she stayed up late with Feng Jian to write the plan, and other employees of the company also worked hard to work overtime. In order to satisfy the boss of Nanyang Technology, Feng Jian also accompanied them to drink and drink for most of the night, until the end of the day, they all fell out.

She must not be selfish. She should try her best to ruin everyone's efforts.

Thinking about this, Tang Si firmly patted Jiang Ying on the shoulder and said, "I will solve it. Don't worry about me, and Don't tell Jane to come back. If he does, the world will be in chaos. "

I'm afraid that there will be no room for manoeuvre when the stubborn temper of Feng Jian stirs up something that was originally very easy to solve.

Liu Xixi

Tang Si has a headache, but it's just about talking about cooperation. Unexpectedly, it will cause great trouble. She never thought that sealing Jane's face would bring such a big obstacle to her work.