Chapter 1268

She's a little sticky.

Since her pregnancy, Qi Yuanyuan has become extremely attached to him, as if she has no sense of security.

At this time, he can only accompany her. Fortunately, her reaction is not big. Every time she just wants to be accompanied when she wants to sleep, it doesn't matter that she can stay alone at other times.

Lu Qichen sat down beside the bed. "I'm not leaving. You have a good rest."

She woke up too early this morning, saying that because she was a little excited to pick up sunflower, she couldn't sleep.

When she woke up early in the morning, he had to accompany her,

the spirit of pregnant women should be worse than that of ordinary people. She woke up early, and now the big stone in her heart has fallen, so she naturally wants to sleep.

It's not good to lie down just after eating, but Qi Yuanyuan just vomited and asked her to sit and rest for a while. I'm afraid she can't get up her spirits again later.

Instead of that, it's better to let her fall down and have a good sleep. Maybe after a sleep, her spirit will be better.

Lu Qichen's hand was pulled by Qi Yuanyuan, and he didn't dare to pull it out. When she fell asleep, he slowly pulled it out.

He didn't go out either, so he sat by and looked at her.

About twenty minutes later, Qi Yuanyuan was already asleep.

Qi's mother came in and sent them fruit. When she saw Qi Yuanyuan was asleep, she said, "Yuanyuan is sleeping again?"

"Well, she hasn't slept well these days. She woke up very early this morning, thinking that she should be very tired."

"Is it you who is tired?" Qi's mother said, "since Yuanyuan became pregnant, you have moved all the time to her. Every day, you are at home with her. You are worried about all the big and small things at home..."

"Mom, don't say that. It's thanks to you and dad looking after us here, but I mean the same thing as sunflower. I hope you don't work so hard, or listen to us. Don't worry about all the big and small things at home." Lu Qichen doesn't want to see Qi Yuan suffer.

As soon as she suffered, so did he.

Inviting Qi's parents here is also to let them have more rest time and have a better life. They are busy to take care of their family, which is not very good.

So Lu Qichen thought that he would persuade Qi Yuanyuan again, so that Qi Yuanyuan would not always worry about it. Because of her guilt, she forced herself to do something she didn't like. That's not what he wanted to see.

, "I'm fine. I'm very healthy with Yuan Yuan's father. If you don't let us do things, we are quite free and easy to get sick." Qi's mother still sticks to her point of view. She wants to share some tasks for the couple.

When Kui Kui went to school, Qi Guangsheng was responsible for picking up the children. She cleaned and cooked at home. Now Kui has a holiday, they just need to take the children and buy vegetables to cook.

They make a fuss with each other. They always feel tired. If they can't do this little thing well, what else can they do?

If she stays here doing nothing every day, she will really get sick.

"I'll take a step back, and you'll take a step back. I won't stop you if you want to do anything else, but you'd better not mind the cooking at home." One is that Qi Yuanyuan's taste is too strange. He may know Qi Yuanyuan better than his mother. The other is that he is really tired of cooking, especially in charge of three meals a day for his family. In that way, he just goes around the kitchen every day without any rest time.

He didn't think it was necessary. Qi's mother could find something to do. He didn't stop him. It was normal for the old man to be idle. He planned to take care of the heavy work of cooking.

He couldn't bear to see Qi Yuanyuan's painful appearance that he didn't like eating and forced himself to eat every day.

Always eat spit, so sooner or later the stomach will go wrong.

It's ironic that the baby has stomach disease.


"Mom, you'd better promise me"

Qi's mother thought about it for a while before nodding her head.

I know my daughter has a very picky appetite. She must not be used to my cooking. She will trouble you in the future

How could she not see Qi Yuan's reluctance at dinner?

When Qi Yuanyuan was pregnant with sunflower, she didn't accompany Qi Yuanyuan. She didn't know anything about Qi Yuanyuan's taste.

When she finished giving birth, her appetite became worse. She could not eat anything. She also suffered from postpartum depression. Every day, she shut herself up in the house and refused to see anyone.

Now it's not easy for her to stand up and have a good life.

She watched as a mother as she got up, and her heart was filled with emotion.

Fortunately, Yuanyuan finally met her happiness and met only her people.

Lu Qichen tolerates her in every way, is very good to her, and dotes on her very much. After meeting Lu's family, she can also confirm that Kui Kui will have a good life. Because Lu's people have not rejected their family, they treat Kui as a family, and they do not dislike Qi Yuanyuan as a second marriage.Before Lu's parents left, Lu Qichen's mother took her hand and had a good talk with her.

Both of them are mothers, and they are both old. They are also powerless for their children's affairs.

Lu's mother said that Qichen was a very introverted child before. He had never been in love. He didn't know how to get along with girls. She always said that they should be more responsible for Qichen.

She felt embarrassed when she listened. Lu Qichen was perfect in their eyes. Yuan yuan was still so ignorant and always oppressed Lu Qichen. Everything was on Lu Qichen alone. Her mother was tired.

It's a pity that the people of the Lu family didn't haggle with her. If you change into a mother-in-law who is not easy to get along with, Yuan Yuan won won won won won't be able to live such a safe life now, even the door to the Lu family is impossible.

So in this case, Qi's mother also thanked Lu's parents for their openness and understanding.

Heart to heart, no parent would like to see their children's hard work and no time to rest, it is because of this, Qi's mother will take the initiative to share the housework for them.

Now Yuanyuan is pregnant and she doesn't move anything. But when she has a baby, she will urge Yuanyuan to correct her bad habits. She can't always bully Qichen and push everything to Qichen. She will be a shopkeeper herself. No matter what, which man can bear it for a long time? Why don't you make a scene? If she doesn't correct her problem, Qi's mother will not be able to settle down.