"Xia Yangyang is still in tears.

"Mom, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Xia Yangyang lay down for a while and fell asleep.

The next day was new year's day.

Wen Xiaochu came to find Xia Yangyang early in the morning and said he wanted to take her out to play.

Where does Xia Yangyang have a mood.

But she was still dragged to the amusement park by Wen Xiaochu.

Murian city will follow.

Xia is now a public figure.

When they appear in public places, they always attract a lot of attention.

Fortunately, today, the amusement park is holding a "mask Carnival".

Today's visitors into the amusement park, there will be staff to send a mask as a small gift.

A lot of people wear it directly on their faces.

After Xia Yangyang put on the mask, no one knew her.

Wen Xiaochu wanted to bring Xia Yangyang to the amusement park because she was afraid that she would be dreaming at home alone.

Come out to relax, in a good mood, the knot will be untied.

Wen Xiaochu's favorite place from childhood to adulthood is the playground.

As long as she is in a bad mood, she will come here alone.

Play every project here, and when you go back, those worries almost become the past.

The roller coaster big pendulum these exciting projects, Xia Yangyang dare not sit.

Wen Xiaochu had a good time.

After taking a roller coaster, muliancheng's legs and feet are even weak.

He was ridiculed by Wen Xiaochu.

Wen Xiaochu wants to sit on the jump machine. Xia Yangyang and Mu Liancheng refuse to accompany her.

She went alone.

Muliancheng bought two corn and handed it to Xia Yangyang.

Looking at the direction of Wen Xiaochu from afar, he chewed a bite of corn and said to Xia Yangyang, "she is not a woman, is she?"

Xia Yangyang laughs: "Xiaochu is such a character, she likes exciting things."

Mu Liancheng echoed: "she is abnormal. Have you ever seen a woman who is not afraid of mice and can pinch its neck with her bare hands and dissect it into a skeleton after catching it? It's terrible. "

"Do you still like this horror?" Xia Yangyang joked.

Mu Liancheng also did not deny: "no way, our family feudalism thought, parents' orders, matchmaker's words, I and this woman are baby relatives, can't compare with you and Gu Da Shao free love ah."

When referring to Gu Qichen, Xia Yangyang's eyes suddenly darkened.

In fact, murian city is also a deliberate trial.

As soon as the words came to his lips, he simply asked, "I am the first one to guarantee the character of Gu Dashao. We brothers have been laughing at Gu's sincerity in private, saying that he was a lonely and dictatorial man, but now he has become a wife slave. But in fact, we also envy him and found a woman we like so much, sister-in-law, No matter what happens between you and him, one thing you must remember is that Gu is not hypocritical to you

Xia Yangyang's voice is very small: "I know that."

"In this case, what contradictions do you have? What kind of things can you say no?"

"Muriancheng, if one day you found that Xiaochu's favorite person killed your favorite person, would you still be with her?"

With that, Xia Yangyang turned to leave.

Murian city stay in place, still thinking.

Xiaochu's favorite person is himself, and his favorite person is Xiaochu.

That end is that he murian City killed Xiaochu, what is this ghost?

In a flash, Xia Yangyang has no trace.

Murian city went to look for it.

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