"The car goes up all the way from the luxury car.

On a few kilometers of mountain road, every other distance, there are maids standing to welcome the guests.

Each of them had red hair and blue eyes, and they looked very sweet.

When the car passed by, those people would smile and bow respectfully.

Xia Yangyang didn't even count how many people there were.

But what Xia Yangyang can be sure of is.

The count of Alexander invited many guests this time.

Because along the way, countless super run, luxury cars pass by.

The car finally stopped at the gate of the castle.

When getting off the bus, Xia Yangyang was amazed.

The castle is a 17th century architectural style, towering and majestic.

Outside the castle is a huge gold foil fountain, both sides are garden labyrinth, the air is unknown flower fragrance, elegant and mysterious.

It is said that there are aquarium, theater and racetrack in the castle, which is really amazing.

After going in, the interior is more luxurious to the extreme.

The dome like ceiling is an ancient sculpture mural.

There was a thick carpet on the floor.

The whole hall is surrounded by a revolving staircase leading to the upper floor.

There are four glass doors around the hall, which lead to the front hall and the back garden.

The crystal chandelier on the dome poured out the streamer, and the whole hall was full of people. Everyone was dressed up and had a good time with a glass.

Xia Yangyang a appearance also attracted a lot of people's attention.

Because she is one of the few Asian faces.

There were at least a few hundred people in the venue, but with the exception of a few Asian winemakers, the rest were French and British.

In addition, Xia Yangyang wears a dazzling red skirt, like a blooming rose.

Along the way, almost all eyes are amazing.

Xia Yang Yang's face is expressionless and pretends to be cold.

This kind of occasion, she is a decoration, as long as in Li Zhiqian's side as a good foil.

After Li Zhiqian came over, he was on the right and left.

Whether it's Asian wine merchants or distinguished guests present.

He seems to be able to cope with it.

Speaking French, joking, he was like a modest gentleman.

Of course, Xia Yangyang can see it.

Many people are complimenting her.

Xia Yangyang couldn't understand French, so he was smiling at them all the way.

Obviously, the party hasn't started yet.

But the count Alexander and his wife were standing in the middle of the hall.

A lot of people are around them.

Li Zhiqian bowed his head to Xia Yangyang and said, "the count and his wife are over there. Let's go and say hello."

Xia Yangyang nodded and took Li Zhiqian's arm in the direction of the other side.

Step by step closer.

Xia Yangyang is a sudden step stagnation.

Li Zhiqian noticed the change of Xia Yangyang.

Stop to turn to look at Xia Yangyang: "what's the matter?"

Xia Yangyang did not make a sound, but his eyes remained on a man not far away.

That's also an Asian man.

Standing next to the count Alexander and his wife.

The other second seemed to be laughing with the count and his wife.

It seems to be a guest of honor to the count and his wife.

But the next second I turned my head and looked in the direction of Xia Yangyang.

When you see Xia Yangyang, the figure is also obviously stiff.

Xia Yangyang never thought of it.

At a child's adult dinner in a foreign country, I could see Gu Qichen.

What's the probability?

The world is so big, so many things happen, so many places.

Why time and again, this tiny little probability of things, always happened to her?

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