"There Gu Qichen seemed to sigh:" Zijun, what do you want to say

Xi Zijun said: "I'm blind now and my life seems to be out of control. But in the invisible days, although I can't do anything, I have a lot of time to think about the past, one by one. And the thing I regret most is to find out how ridiculous my self-esteem and airs were. If I had shown my mind to you in the morning, Will everything be different? If I hold you in the engagement, will it not be the end now? I still think about our child for a long time. If she is by my side now, she should also grow up a lot... "

"Zijun, don't say it. It's meaningless for you to say that now."

Xi Zijun said: "ah Chen, you can't deny that I am also very important in your life, can't you? After all, in the four years when Xia Yangyang disappeared, it was I who accompanied you all the time. If Xia Yangyang didn't appear at that time, we would have been engaged and married, or we might have been happy. In the end, Xia Yangyang is the third party in the true sense, isn't it ?”

"Zijun, how can you say that? Xia Yangyang is my wife, always has been."

"What about me? I've paid so much for you. What am I? I'm just like a disabled person now."

Xi Zijun seemed to be out of control. She stood up and took two steps, as if she wanted to go in the direction of Gu Qichen.

But after two steps, I tripped over the table in front of me.

Xi Zijun falls on the floor.

Gu Qichen rushed to help her.

Xi Zijun pushed him away. Xi Zijun said, "Gu Qichen, you can't see, you can't see forever. Do you know what it means? Do you know how scared I am now living in a dark place? Do you really think that I'm an iron man, and I don't have my own emotions? I'm also a man, a woman, and I'm afraid. I also want to be cared for, What I could easily do before may never be touched again in my life. I don't know what to do. I just want you to stay with me

Xi Zijun groped for Gu Qichen's clothes.

Now she seems to be a different person.

Xi Zijun tightly grasps Gu Qichen's sleeve, her eyes are empty, but the accumulation is full of fear.

Tears flow from the eyes of Xi Zijun.

She grabbed Gu Qichen's clothes as if she were holding on to the last straw.

"Don't leave me. I have nothing left. If you ignore me, I really don't know what to do. I'm really miserable. I'm afraid. I've never been so scared. I just feel cold and dark around me. I can't hold on to it."

Xi Zijun burst into tears.

This is the second time Xia Yangyang saw Xi Zijun crying.

Xi Zijun is always stereotyped as a strong woman.

But it seems that everything has changed recently.

Xia Yangyang finally left.

Xi Zijun said those words, like a knife in her heart.

Many things, in fact, there is no need to ask.

A woman will only collapse in front of her most trusted man.

Not to mention a woman like Xi Zijun.

But Xia Yangyang sees her this appearance, the mood is also very complex.

What she looks like today is also due to blindness.

But she was blind to save the summer night.

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