"Lu Yinxing finally found night's private studio.

The room was locked.

It's said that night's room never lets people in.

Yin Yifan said: "but he did not know, I secretly matched a key, and often go in to have a look."

Finish saying Yin Yifan looked at the next summer night: "Xia classmate, do you think he will mind?"

Summer night with a cold face: "how do I know."

Lu Yinxing was serious and said: "Yin Yifan, you are really not quality, invasion of my idol's privacy."

Yin Yifan quickly shut the door: "then you don't go in."

Lu Yinxing quickly showed a flattering expression: "I don't have the quality, hehe."

Yin Yifan opened the door of the studio.

Lu Yinxing walked in full of expectation.

Originally thought that here should be a different world.

For example, there are a lot of personal belongings on summer nights.

Or you can see the style of night from his various decorations.

But after entering, Lu Yinxing only felt a little disappointed.

Because this studio looks so simple.

There was nothing in it except a desk and a sofa.

The color inside is also black and white gray, clean cool color.

There is no air conditioner in it.

In hot summer, the temperature inside should be higher than in the corridor.

But after entering, the face-to-face rush is actually a chill.

People can't help but think of the cold air field with air conditioning every time night.

Yin Yifan said: "this guy is very boring. In fact, there is nothing in it. He seldom comes to the company. You can see that the desktop is covered with dust."

Although Lu Yinxing is a little disappointed, this is night's private studio after all.

It's where night stayed.

Lu Yinxing is still very happy.

She didn't dare to touch anything, she just went around it.

It seems that night has not been here for a long time.

There is a thin layer of ash in the room.

Lu Yinxing suddenly turned to Yin Yifan and said, "since you will sneak in, why don't you clean up here?"

Yin Yifan was angry and said: "why should I clean up? I'm not his nanny. Lu Yinxing, you worship night and treat him as an immortal. In my eyes, he is a little talented, but cold and isolated, and does not like to get along with people."

Lu Yinxing was angry: "I don't want you to say night like that!"

Lu Yinxing said: "he is a God, but he disdains to deal with you ordinary people."

"He's a monster!"

Yin Yifan replied,

Lu Yinxing's face suddenly sank, and the whole atmosphere suddenly cooled down.

Yin Yifan saw such a Lu Yinxing and knew that the girl was going to be serious.

They are really worthy of growing up under the same roof.

Angry looks are so similar.

Yin Yifan knows the consequences of her real anger.

At this time, I have to admit: "well, I was wrong, I am a monster, can not be?"

Lu Yinxing rolled a big white eye toward him: "you are originally."

Next, Lu Yinxing did something in Yin Yifan's opinion that was unreasonable.

It's about cleaning night.

Lu Yinxing spent two hours cleaning his private office as bright as new.


Even the windows are clean.

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