"Now you know." He Jingyao's tone is very light, "I didn't even touch her finger."

"But she doesn't seem to be lying." He Yirong frowned, "this girl is I deliberately found, gentle character, even some weak, if there is no basis, she will not say nonsense."

He Jingyao sneered: "what's the matter with me?"

"You and I go back to Yanzhou to find out the problem." He Yirong looks at him without expression.

"No way." He Jingyao stroked his eyebrows and seemed to think it was ridiculous. "Father, I don't care why she said that, it has nothing to do with me."

"Not necessarily..." He Yirong suddenly deeply looked at him, "you have not touched her, this I believe, but does not mean that the child has nothing to do with you."

He Jingyao's eyes were slightly heavy: "what do you mean by that?"

"At the beginning, you had to go to surgery. Although I didn't believe Xiaobao was your son, I didn't try to stop you. Do you know why?" He Yirong looks at him.

He Jingyao gently "ha" a sound, posture slightly relaxed, tone with a bit careless: "why?"

"Before Zhi Xi appears, you can't touch women." He Yirong said here, subconsciously took a look at Zhi Xi, and then said, "maybe when you were 15 years old, your grandfather was worried that you would not have future generations, so he stored a copy of Jing Ye for you."

"Why don't I remember?" He Jingyao raised his eyebrows.

"At the beginning, you did a lot of tests, and of course, Jing Zi's examination was indispensable. One of them was preserved by your grandfather." He Yirong continued, "there is an ancestral hall in the backyard of the old house. There is a niche in the ancestral hall. You must still have an impression. Your essence is there. "

"And then?" He Jingyao's tone was calm, but his eyes were dark and turbulent, as if he was trying to suppress his emotions.

"Later, your grandfather thought it was a good idea, so give it to me. Your second uncle saved a copy in case of accident." He Yirong thought of here and sighed, "I went to have a look before I left. Your share be missing. That's why I think that woman may not have lied

Zhi Xi's hand trembled gently, and her eyes showed a kind of vacant look.

If If what he Yirong said is true, it means that Li Jiao's child may really be Jingyao!

Another woman is giving birth to a child for him This fact makes Zhi Xi's heart thumping.

It never occurred to her that she would face such a situation. For a moment, her mind was buzzing, but she could not grasp any thoughts.

Until her hand was firmly grasped by he Jingyao.

He was worried about her dark eyes.

"Don't be afraid." He said in a low voice, "trust me, eh?"

Zhi Xi opened her mouth and finally nodded gently.

Yes, it's not clear. She can't panic first!

He Yirong took a panoramic view of their interaction, but did not say much.

"Is this the only one you know?" He Jingyao turned his eyes to he Yirong, and his eyes were very cold.

"No He Yirong took a deep breath, "I just said, your grandfather also let your second uncle store a share, so he Yizheng also knows."

"Ah..." He Jingyao chuckled, "so you didn't do it, or he Yizheng."

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