Chapter 1245

"Grass!" Pei Yuanchen couldn't resist swearing. He stretched out his hand and pulled his tie.

The effect of the drug was very fast, but fortunately his reason was still there.

Claudia, on the opposite side, held out a hand from the table.

"Miss Esther." Pei Yuanchen's hoarse mouth, "you won't be so easy to be controlled by the medicine?"

Claudia clenched her fingers and pressed her throat with a kind of longing: "although you are not educated, you are better than those big and three thick bodyguards. I have no other choice."

"It's a pity that I won't touch you anyway." Pei Yuanchen sneered, "even if I can't control what happened with you, I just feel sick."

"You..." Claudia was shaking with anger.

"Take care of it, Miss Esther." Pei Yuanchen said, standing up, ready to leave the restaurant.

But the woman's slippery hand caught his wrist.

"Can I insult you, the daughter of the Esther family?" Claudia's voice was trembling, "don't push your luck!"

"I don't want an inch." Pei Yuanchen pushed her hand away coldly.

With that, he strode into the bathroom and closed the door tightly.

It's not that you have to do it with a woman, Pei Yuanchen thought with a sneer.

William's purpose was doomed to fail.

The cold water made him calm down a little. Pei Yuanchen closed his eyes, and Ziyi's pretty smile appeared in his mind.

The desire for her suddenly reached its zenith.


After that, the body temperature finally dropped a lot.

He was lying in the bathtub, slowly calming his breath, but the shadow in his mind was still there, and the fire in his heart was still burning fiercely.

The man licked his lips and couldn't help holding out his hand. The soft body of the Buddha was in front of him.

It turned out to be a blank.

He opened his eyes and gave a slightly painful cry.

It's really cruel to have to deal with it by myself after the meat is served, and There's nothing like when he's in her.

But until he got rid of Ludwig, he was not qualified to do anything to her.

A man's heart is slightly astringent.

He shook his head and drove all his fantasies out of his mind. He jumped out of the bathtub and quickly cleaned himself up and changed his clothes.

Pei Yuanchen opened the door of his room. He didn't expect Claudia to be waiting at his door.

His face sank: "what are you doing?"

Claudia's face was still under control.

"How could you You'd rather settle it yourself than touch me? " The woman said hoarsely, her eyes burst out with hate.

She hated herself deeply. Why did she refuse to accept his refusal.

On the one hand, the desire of the body is the root cause.

Pei Yuanchen frowned and pushed her away: "I'll go out first. You can find a way to solve it yourself."

He had thought that this woman, relying on her status, would never ask him for pleasure, but now it seems that she has lost her mind.

Pei Yuanchen, of course, was too lazy to entangle with her and simply avoided it.

But Claudia became more and more angry. She just threw herself at his waist, and her voice was shaking: "Ludwig You are Ludwig. We are husband and wife. Why do you dislike me? Now that William wants us to be a real couple, don't you understand what he means? He won't let you go , the fastest update of the webnovel!