Huo Ting thought deeply and didn't want to, calm way: "in the words, continue to break, not in the words, a little closer."

"You guys are so superficial," she said with a smile

"Superficial? How do you say that? "

"If I am not good-looking, black, short and fat, and have nothing, will you still say to me like these two words?"

"It should be said that your inborn conditions first attract men's attention. Men are the species with vision and lower body impulse. You have the conditions for men's vision to choose first, which will make men want to commit crimes impulsively.

But these conditions will only let you first attract the attention of men. There is still a gap between wanting to sleep and marrying you. I don't deny that your external conditions have attracted me first. But now, even if you don't have these conditions, I will like you, because I like your smelly and hard personality, and because we know each other. "

After a warm pause, look at him.

Understand She likes the word.

There are billions of people in the world.

Not many people know her.

She knows no more.

Huo Ting looked at her spoiled smile and raised his hand and rubbed her hair: "you don't know how hard I have to restrain myself in front of you. Every time I kiss you, my reason and animal nature are doing a tug of war. Tut Tut, if it goes on like this, my tadpole will be studied into foam. "

Warm face with a slight blush, can express their desire so straightforward people, it should be very rare.

After dinner, Huo tingshen sent warm feelings home.

Because it was late, Huo tingshen didn't go upstairs with her.

He stood downstairs and watched her light come on and there was a figure in the window.

He waved to her before getting in the car and leaving.

Back home, he asked Butler Tong to find Huo Tingren.

Butler Tong went to the front yard and saw that Huo Tingren was not there.

Huo Ting groaned and dialed his cell phone number.

Soon, the cell phone was connected: "three brothers."

"Where have you been?"


"Don't mention the matter tonight to others, and don't let the warmth know the grudges of the huobai family. Otherwise, I can't spare you."

"Brother, why do you want to do this? You didn't see it with your own eyes..."

"Shut up," Huo Ting said in a deep voice, "I'll say it again, Ting Ren. Don't let Mr. Wen be embarrassed. Have you heard me?"

"What if I don't listen to you?"

"Then try."

Huo Ting was very kind and angry: "third brother, do you really love so much that you can't help yourself? I don't believe it. You are a man of self-control. You know your choice is wrong. Why don't you rein in the precipice? "

"It's not up to you to take care of my affairs. You just need to remember my warning. OK, have a rest earlier."

With that, he hung up.

Huo Tingren breathed in a sullen voice.

What happened 20 years ago is going to happen again?

No, he must not let the white family destroy the third brother.

His chest heaved violently because of his anger.

He should think about how to let the warmth leave his third brother.

This is really a big problem.

The next morning, Huo Tingren was waiting at the door of the warm home community.

Warm downstairs to buy vegetables, in the community door to see him, unconsciously slowed down a lot.

There was indifference in his eyes that had never existed before.

She went to him and smiled at him with difficulty: "ting Ren, what do you want to do with me?"

Huo Tingren said coldly: "that's right."

Warm to see his attitude, the heart has been prepared: "say it."

Huo Tingren looked at her and said, "Mr. Wen, you are the white family, right?"

"I never feel like I'm a white family, Ting Ren, my family name is Wen."

Huo Tingren is shocked for a moment. Yes, Mr. Wen's surname is Wen. How can he relate to the Bai family.

Moreover, the white family never said that there was a little daughter in the white family.

Don't you

"Are you the illegitimate daughter of the Bai family? What's your mother's surname? "

Tender silence, no words.

"Wow..." Huo Tingren hugs: "I didn't expect that Mr. Wen's identity could be so wonderful, but even if you are only an illegitimate daughter, you are Bai Antai's daughter. Since you are his daughter, you should know that you and our Huo family are irreconcilable.

Our Huo family can't accommodate the daughter of the white family as a daughter-in-law. Besides, you are an illegitimate daughter. If my third brother marries you in the future, he will be laughed at. "

"Tingren, don't say," her eyes are not as constrained as they just were, but full of cold eyes. After all, Huo Tingren poked her bottom line.

"I didn't want to marry your third brother, so please don't talk to me in this tone."

"You're turning my three brothers around. You said you didn't plan to marry him?"

I don't think it's necessary for me to explain to you. I have something else to do. You can go back, too

She turned to go.

Huo Tingren said coldly: "yesterday's ex boyfriend was the son of Gao's group. Gao Muran, the principal's son, is right. Mr. Wen, the man beside you is not simple. Dare you say that you really don't want to marry into a rich family? "

Warm eyes full of injuries, looking back at him: "ting Ren, please, go back, OK?"

She really didn't want to talk about it with a child.

She needs dignity, too.

Seeing the warm eyes, Huo Tingren felt inexplicably guilty.

He knows that Mr. Wen is not a bad person, but there is no way. She is the white family.

"Mr. Wen, please don't pester my third brother, OK?"

Nodding tenderly, "OK."

When she left, Huo Tingren was depressed. How could she feel like a bad person doing this.

Instead of going to the vegetable market, Wen Qing went to the park after a round trip outside.

She sat in the park, trying to calm herself down.

When the phone rang, she took out a look and saw that it was Bai Yue who called. She hesitated for a moment and then said, "hello."

"Little sister, where are you?"

"Don't pretend. Just say something."

"Well, it seems that you don't have anyone around you. Well, you'll come home now. I want to see you."

"I'm not the woman you can call and wave."

"Tenderness, don't drink without penalty."

"Don't take yourself too seriously," she sneered

"You Well, I don't argue with you. I tell you, I want to get Mr. Huo, and you can help me, "Bai Yue's tone is imperative.

"Ah, so Miss Bai is here to find a man with me? I'm afraid you're looking for the wrong place. I'm not a pimp. I don't sell men. "

"Warmth, don't play dumb with me. Huo tingshen is around you now. You know your identity anyway. You don't deserve him, so it's your only choice to give him to me."