Have you ever loved someone? I feel happy when I see him. I want to be with him all my life.

Have you ever hated someone? I want to erase all the memories about him from my own bones and blood. I want to hate that I have never seen him start again.

However, when Qin Zhenzhen's consciousness was most dim, what appeared in his mind was Jian shaoshen. Even though he knew that he was about to face death, his deepest regret and obsession were still related to him, and his name was still his.

This time, Qin Zhenzhen really thought that she was going to die, but when she opened her eyes, what she saw was not boundless darkness, but he, Jian shaoshen, the man who had tangled her love and hate all her life.

"Zhen Zhen, Zhen Zhen?" Jane Shaochen grabs Qin Zhenzhen's hand and calls her name.

Qin Zhenzhen's eyes gradually became clear and clear. He realized that everything he was familiar with was in Jian Shaochen's house. This was her room. She was not dead. She was alive.

"Zhenzhen, can you hear me?" When Jian Shaochen saw the spirit of Qin Zhenzhen, he was still in a trance and worried.

"How did I come back?" Qin Zhenzhen lay dizzy and wanted to sit up, but he had no strength in his arms.

"I found surveillance. I found you. Wu Guizhi and the two people suspected of kidnapping you have been arrested. It's OK. " Jane Shaochen held Qin Zhenzhen up and kissed her on the forehead. "I'm sorry, I didn't protect you. I'm scared."

"It's good to come back alive." This accident, which almost faced death, was indeed frightening. But in retrospect, Qin Zhenzhen didn't feel very terrible. What's more, it was a kind of desolate feeling in his heart.

"You..." Jian Shaochen felt that Qin Zhenzhen was different after he woke up. Especially when she looked at him, she seemed to have something hidden in her eyes. She said, "what happened when you were caught?"

"Xu Yunrui caught me. I don't know why. He only told me to confirm something. As for Wu Guizhi, she just wants to use me to save her daughter. She is also a poor person. Do you know who Xu Yunrui is? " Qin Zhenzhen asked tentatively.

"Xu Yunrui, you dealt with him before, didn't you?" Jian shaoshen raised her eyes to look at her, eyes deep.

"Yes, when Xinghui media talked to us about cooperation, it was Xu Yunrui who sent the representative. But at that time, I thought this person was a little strange, so I didn't cooperate with him. How much do you know about Xu Yunrui? "

There is no basis. Qin Zhenzhen feels that Jian Shaochen knows something inside. It is obviously related to her, but she seems to know the least among these people, which is really annoying.

"Xu Yunrui, he and I are just business contacts. There is no conflict. However, he is not a fuel-efficient lamp. I am not sure what he thinks of you. But it's better to keep a distance from him. I won't let him hurt you

"Jian shaoshen and Xu Yunrui's arrest of me have something to do with my father's car accident?"


"I think that all the recent events have something to do with the car accident. In fact, I know that there is a secret buried behind the accident. Some people don't want this secret to be revealed, but obviously, it can't be hidden. Otherwise, you won't be so anxious to find out where my father is

Qin Zhenzhen seized Shang Weiyan's hand and looked at his eyes. "Now, is my father in your hand?"

Shang Weiyan was silent for a moment and didn't cheat her, "yes."

"Whatever you want, I'll be with you. But my father is a vegetable now. He doesn't know anything and can't do anything. Let him go. "

"Don't be nervous. When did I say I was going to deal with him. I just arranged him to a safer place to protect him, so that you can stay at my side with peace of mind. What do you think? "

Jane Shao Shen smile to the nanny sent over the soup over, "you just wake up, need a good rest, don't worry about these things, come on, drink some soup."

"May I know where my father is? Is he safe now? "

"Don't worry, he's very well now. The nurse you arranged before is still taking care of him. You don't have to worry about his maladjustment. When you are better, I will take you to see him Jane Shao Shen scooped a spoonful to Qin Zhenzhen's lips, "come on, have a drink."

In this way, his father was not controlled by Jian Shaochen? Qin Zhenzhen knew it clearly, but he could not pierce it face to face. They all knew it well. But if he did, it would be of no benefit to the current situation.

Qin Zhenzhen drank the soup fed by Jian Shao Chen obediently, with her eyes drooping.

"Don't be unhappy. I promise you, I won't hurt him."

"What about Xu Yunrui? Does he have hatred with my father?"

"Yes, it's not only Qin Shuguo, but also my father. It's just that the accident has ended my father's injustice." Jane shaoshen's voice is a little cold."Jian shaoshen." Qin Zhenzhen seized his hand. She knew that he always hated him. That was his father whom he had always respected. One night, a life fell down. How could he not hate him.

However, Jian Shaochen did not want to continue this topic. "How did you fall into Wu Guizhi's hands? Those two people who kidnapped you were hired out of money. I think Wu Guizhi is just an ordinary woman. How can she have the money and ability to kidnap you?"

"It's Huang Yinyin. I saw her. It was Wu Guizhi who instructed her to do this. Huang Yinyin said something to me

"What words?"

"She said that Huang Nianfu's success was due to the connivance and acquiescence of some people. Otherwise, he would not be able to abscond successfully and would have a second chance to attack me." However, Qin Zhenzhen did not really name his family name. After that, Jian Shaochen could understand.

"She said me?"

"Is that you?" Qin Zhenzhen's water eyes stare at his eyes, waiting for an answer from Jian shaoshen.

"Do you think I'll use your life to make such a joke?" Jane Shao frowned and was displeased with her distrust.

"I don't know." If Jane Shaochen had not left her in the fire, she might have answered in the affirmative, but not now.

"I didn't. I didn't kill Huang Nianfu completely. I didn't think he had the courage. I was looking for him all the time after the film set accident. But Xu Yunrui hid Huang Nian before I could do anything else. Why don't you always believe me? "