"Be good. Maybe I'll make you suffer less."

He pulled out the belt around his waist, tied her hands to the head of the bed, ignored her eyes, and swallowed the sound of "no!" The scream of.

The breath on the lips is familiar and cool. For a moment, LAN Yue feels numb with the pain of her lips. She may have been bitten and bleeding. She doesn't care about these. She feels that her clothes are gradually separated from her body and are thrown under the bed. Qi Yanjun easily breaks her defense with her crushing strength!


LAN Yue can't control the scream, and at the same time, she struggles violently, but her wrists are all worn out, which still can't change the fact that she is a fish.

When he was just about to face the door, LAN Yue could no longer restrain the fear under his heart. He suddenly closed his eyes and roared decisively.

"Qi Yanjun, I'm pregnant!"


The space is dead. Qi Yanjun stops the car. Her heavy breath is like a small hammer. It knocks on LAN Yue's heart. She bites her lower lip. She is afraid to open her eyes. She musters up her last courage and repeats, "Qi Yanjun, I'm pregnant for one and a half months. The doctor says that I can't have a roommate for the first three months!"

"This child --"

before she finished her words, Qi Yanjun interrupted her, her voice was as cold as ice for the first time, "Lan Yue, your inferiority has refreshed my understanding of you again!"

"You married me with someone else's child? What do you think of me as Qi Yanjun? " Without any omen, Qi Yanjun suddenly reached out and grabbed her slender neck. Her eyebrows and eyes were full of ferocious smile. Her hands kept adding gravity and said, "you should die!"

LAN Yue, like a stranded fish, gradually softens her body and breathes weakly. Qi Yanjun looks at her pale face, as if she will die in the next second. In her mind, she raises a pure smile and calls him "brother Qi". He suddenly releases his hand, and the disgust in his eyes is clear at a glance.

"Lan Yue, from now on, I don't want to see you again. If you dare to appear in front of me, I will kill you!"

He threw her like a piece of rubbish. Without looking at her again, he lifted his long legs wrapped in white trousers and got out of bed.

LAN Yue lies on the bed, gasping for breath. She tries to open a pair of hazy tears. She looks at the back of Qi Yanjun who takes the suit coat and doesn't go back to the outside. Her heart is like a bloody big hole, which is painful and despairing.

After a while, she heard her own quiet mouth.

"Qi Yanjun, I will not go to you again, really, never again."

Qi Yanjun steps a meal, did not look back, tone rare indifference, "Lan Yue, I have never been wrong in this life, you are the only exception."

How beautiful she had been in his mind, how bad she was now, how disappointed he was.

With that, Qi Yanjun leaves quickly. LAN Yue looks at the wide open door and sweeps around the room. All of a sudden, she feels a little cold.

She wrapped her body tightly with a quilt, and her tears, which had been swirling in her eyes for a long time, finally flowed down unscrupulously.

"Xiaoyueyue, get up, a new day begins!"

Guan Xiaoxiao's daily routine morningcall wakes LAN Yue at 8:00 in the morning. She grabs her mobile phone after less than two hours' sleep. Her brain is not clear, and instinctively replies, "good morning, give me 15 minutes."

"Hurry up, your department has a meeting today. If you dare to be a second late, that old witch will eat you alive!"

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