Chapter 23

This night, LAN Yue sleeps better. When she gets up in the morning, Qi Yanjun has disappeared. She gets out of bed and washes. When the old man asks about his trend, she still does not change her face to cover for him, but she is thinking about how to get rid of him as soon as possible.

If we drag on, the child will stay in Qi's family for the rest of her life. Even if she divorces Qi Yanjun, she can't take the child away.

LAN Yue ate breakfast absentmindedly, and then rushed to work. When she arrived at the company, the influence of yesterday's event was still fermenting. As soon as she started, she was unabashed gloating. Everyone was pointing at her and murmuring.

"Lan Yue has the face to come to work. Even if she is a junior, she is still a failure."

"That's right. It's disgusting."


LAN Yue turned a deaf ear to these ridicules. She went to her own office, sorted out some documents and sent them to Mr. Li's office. Mr. Li flipped over. She lost her enthusiasm for her yesterday. Her face was gloomy and her tone was a little serious. "Lan Yue, although you are the Deputy director of the Department, you should also set an example. If you ask for leave again in the future, I will be a small fashion temple, I'm afraid you can't keep this Buddha! "

Blue Yue is not angry on the contrary, smile up, shallow ran way.

"Good, Mr. Li."

In this age of laughing at the poor but not the prostitutes, she knows.

No matter how much the rumors outside were spread, LAN Yue always seemed to hear nothing. She lived a two-day life step by step every day. The five-day time seemed to have passed in a blink of an eye. During this period, Qi Yanjun seemed to have evaporated from the world and never appeared.

For Mr. Qi's inquiry, LAN Yue can only say that his company is in trouble, and he is busy dealing with it, but she knows that Qi Yanjun must be with Xu miaolung.

"Xiaoyueyue, what's the latest rumor in the company?"

Guan Xiaoxiao, who came back from a vacation, can't sit still when she hears rumors about LAN Yue in the company. She doesn't go to her own department to report. She pushes open the door of her office.

"Don't worry. Drink water."

LAN Yue poured a glass of water for her. Seeing her looking at herself with a look of hate iron and steel, she couldn't help laughing.

"In fact, I forgot to tell you that Qi Yanjun and I grew up together. We were childhood sweethearts. I was not feeling well that day. He sent me to the hospital, which was misunderstood by everyone."

"You and Qi Shao are childhood sweethearts?"

Guan Xiaoxiao was startled for a moment, then wrung his eyebrows and said, "then why don't you explain?"

Blue Yue spread out his hands, "the more black the description, it is better to let it go."

The relationship between her and Qi Yanjun is indescribable. If Guan Xiaoxiao knew about this violent temper, it was possible to tear Xu miaoreng.

Guan Xiaoxiao put the water cup on the table and made a bang. She said unhappily, "but listen to the rumors in the company. Some people even say that Qi Shao abandoned you, but you don't give up. I really want to tear the mouths of those eight old ladies!"

Blue Yue patted her shoulder, comforting way, "the mouth is long on others, you care about them, go to work quickly."

Guan Xiaoxiao complained a few words, did not say anything more, nodded, "OK, tomorrow weekend, I invite you out to dinner ha."


After seeing Guan Xiaoxiao off, LAN Yue gets down to work. She folds up the materials and sends them out of the office to the people below. She is telling an assistant what kind of makeup should be used for her wedding photos tomorrow. Suddenly, there is a small noise at the door.

"Miss Xu is here. Oh no, it's Qi Shao's fiancee who has come to get the photo."

The crowd first looked at LAN Yue, and saw that she did not raise her eyebrows and eyes, as if they had not heard it. They only devoted themselves to explaining to the assistant.

Xu miaolung seems to be the general star, stepping on silver high-heeled shoes, style and style of the walk in.

"Lan Yue, can you accompany me to get the photo?"

Blue Yue straight up to her smiling eyes, light mouth.

"Our staff will take Miss Xu."

Xu miaoreng's smile faded a little, "you don't want to?"

LAN Yue didn't answer. When he heard the news, the general manager Li said, "Lan Yue, it's your pleasure for Miss Xu to accompany her. Don't hurry up!"


LAN Yue clenched her fist and noticed Xu miaoyong's slightly proud eyes. She quickly calmed down and made a gesture of invitation.

"Miss Xu, this way."

Xu miaolung's smile is impeccable. She has attracted many people's compliments, "please."

LAN Yue took her to the Department where the photos were stored. When she walked far away, she could hear some noise.

After getting the wedding photos smoothly, Xu miaolung takes some small photos for decoration, opens her handbag and puts them in. Her action seems to be a little hasty. In the process of turning, she seems to accidentally drop a piece of floating paper out."Lan Yue, can you pick it up for me?"

LAN Yue took a look at her friendly face. Anger flashed over her eyes. She bent down in silence and picked up the paper.

"Xu --"

just wanted to return the things to her, but when she accidentally saw the contents on the paper, a cool breath rushed straight to her forehead from the sole of her feet, leaving her brain blank instantly.

This is a medical diagnosis, the following is a color ultrasound photo, and in the doctor's round of test results, a line of scribbled handwriting clearly presented.

-- five and a half weeks of pregnancy, fetal development is normal, diagnosed with pregnancy!

In the column of the patient's name, Xu Miaolong's name is quite impressive!

Lanyue looks like a storm damaged, and her expression decays at the speed visible to the naked eye. She meets Xu miaoyong's eyes like watching a play. The next second, her arm falls powerless, and the paper she holds turns around in the air and lands leisurely.

"Oh, how did it fall out?"

After Xu miaoyong appreciated LAN Yue's pale face, it seemed that she had just found something missing. She picked up the diagnosis and raised her mouth. She pretended, "I wanted to pick a suitable opportunity to tell you again. I didn't expect to be seen by you. I'm sorry."

LAN Yue opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but her body seemed to lose her strength and couldn't say anything at all.

Between them, even children?

Xu miaoreng put the diagnosis back in the bag, with a smile of victory in her eyes and eyebrows.

She moved forward slowly and leaned forward, her mouth stained with Lip Glaze was close to LAN Yue's ear, exhaled like blue, but her tone was full of malice. "Lan Yue, you used Yan Jun's guilt to force him to marry you. Now that I have his child, should you give me the original location of Qi Shaofu?"

"You don't want to make it clear to you for your father's sake, but I don't want our child to be an illegitimate child."

"Besides, as a servant's daughter, do you deserve to be the little grandmother of Qi family?"

LAN Yue's body trembles, reaches out to support the wall, and can stabilize her faltering steps. She hardly listens to her unkind words, and only one idea is left in her mind -

Xu Miaolong has Qi Yanjun's flesh and bones in her belly

What is she? What is the child in her belly?

At the bottom of my heart, the last trace of luck disappeared completely, just like a high-rise building collapsed in an instant. LAN Yue laughed miserably. She felt like a big cut in her heart and was bleeding outside.

Xu Miaolong's mouth was satisfied with a hook, and then restored to the noble posture of famous family. He raised his chin slightly and continued, "Lan Yue, you are a smart man. You know how to choose is better for you. When the banquet king has a little pity for you, while I still have some patience --"

"give me as far as you can go! Otherwise, I won't be merciful again

She snorted coldly, disdained to see blue Yue one eye, stride toe Gao Qi Ang's pace quickly left this floor.

LAN Yue seemed to have lost her soul and stood in a daze. After a long time, she squatted down slowly and covered her face with her hands. Her thin shoulders shrugged and shrugged. Big drops of tears wet the back of her hand through the cracks between her fingers. Occasionally, a slight sob came out. It was stuffy, but with a heavy sense of depression.

It turns out that this is really her wishful thinking.

It turned out that he really didn't have a seat for her at all.

This dream, it's time to wake up.

LAN Yue stood up, numb legs unusual heavy, she is like a walking corpse, wooden face, mechanical forward, until hit a snow-white wall, intense pain stimulation of her slightly recovered, instinctively wiped a face, saw a wet liquid on the palm.

She shook her head mockingly and wiped her face casually. She stumbled out of the building, took a taxi and went to the compound of the military region, regardless of whether it was time for work.

Along the way, she was confused, as if awake, as if in a dream.

When she got to the old house, she sat on the sofa and felt a splitting headache.

"Little lady, have tea."

The maid brought a cup of tea. LAN Yue took a look at her. She wanted to smile, but she couldn't

The maid turned her lips. "Just a moment."

She took the tray into the kitchen, but did not pour milk for LAN Yue. Instead, she said to another maid who was mopping the floor, "give her tea. She doesn't drink, she wants milk. She really thinks that she is a serious master of Qi family? If it wasn't for the piece of meat in her stomach, it would have gone out of court

"Bear with it. Anyway, it's only about ten months. It's estimated that she will be swept out of the house when she has finished her child. We don't need to be flattered if we don't fall into trouble. We just have to face ourselves."

"Yes, too."


LAN Yue, who has always had a good hearing, listens to these words without missing a word. Her hands on her legs are clenched into fists, and blue blood vessels burst out on the back of her hands. But soon, she releases again. A sense of powerlessness strikes her heart. She breathes a breath, stands up and walks upstairs without looking back."Little lady, don't you want your milk?"

Without paying attention to the voice coming from behind, LAN Yue holds the handrail and goes upstairs step by step.

"Bah, I don't know good or bad!"

The maid rolled her eyes and threw the empty glass into the sink.

Lanyue sat on the sofa in front of the window. The lavender curtain blown by the breeze fluttered and brushed her face, bringing a burst of pruritus. She looked up at the long floating clouds in the sky, always with aura and calm beauty, with a trace of emptiness and bewilderment, as if the lost child could not find his way home.

Looking at the sky a little bit dark, her mood is still not calm down.

She had already found no reason to persist, and even felt that waiting was a kind of suffering.

LAN Yue takes out the mobile phone in her pocket, clicks it on, unlocks it, and then opens the icon of the contact. Her round fingertip pauses on a number for a long time. She clenches her lower lip, and the confusion in her eyes is gradually replaced by a touch of perseverance.

Dudu Dudu -

as soon as she clenched her teeth, she dialed the number.

The call took a few seconds, and it was connected.

"Hello, is that lawyer AI? I am LAN Yue of fashion. Do you remember me

"It's Miss LAN. Remember, thank you for putting on such a beautiful make-up on my wedding day." The other side said with a smile, "I haven't been able to thank you very much. Let's meet you sometime. I'll treat you to dinner."

"No more." LAN Yue tried her best to make her voice sound less hoarse. "It's like this." she said in a tone. She lowered her eyes to block the struggle. She said, "I heard that lawyer AI is specially responsible for divorce cases. I want to ask you to take charge of the divorce case between my husband Qi Yanjun and me, OK?"

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