Chapter 38

She was stunned, and the chicken nodded like pecking rice. "It's much better. You can go."

Mu Ning er a, take the lead to go forward, blue Yue follow suit.

The interior decoration of the villa is very simple. Compared with the luxurious and exquisite pear garden, here is like a cold palace. There is no cool and popular. Even the light is pale white. In addition to the necessary furniture, the decorations are very few, which is very in line with Muning's chilly temperament.

The servant also had only two or three kittens. When he came, he politely asked Hello, and then backed aside without saying a word.


A middle-aged man in a Tang suit and carrying a medicine box came over.

Muning took a look at LAN Yue, "show her."

"Take a seat, girl."

LAN Yue sat on the sofa, watching him feel pulse for himself, more than a trace of surprise in his eyes.

What about traditional Chinese medicine.

"The girl has been worried too much recently, which leads to the movement of fetal gas. Take some medicine to ease your mind and take good care of it." The traditional Chinese medicine took up her hand, opened a prescription and handed it to LAN Yue. After checking her sprained foot, she finally left a pile of herbs. She said goodbye to Mu Ning.

Muning asked the servant to boil medicine for her, and LAN Yue was a little nervous and pinched the corner of her clothes.

"Thank you, Mr. mu."

Muning looked at her, slightly frowned, "no need."

LAN Yue does a smile.

She seems to have been thanking him all the time.

"Mr. mu, I haven't said thank you and I'm sorry for the last time." She apologized in her eyes and solemnly said, "I don't know that someone took such a picture, which implicated Mr. mu."

Muning took a sip of tea, his eyes and eyebrows were indifferent.

"It's OK."


The topic stopped abruptly again.

LAN Yue is also embarrassed. Mu Ning is simply the king of the cold. She has never seen such a person who is so cautious about words. She doesn't know what to say. Fortunately, the servant who brings the medicine relieves her embarrassment. She pinches her nose and pours a bowl of black Chinese medicine all the way down like being tortured. Suddenly, her face is wrinkled and she can't help but stick out her tongue.

"It's bitter."

Her eyes inadvertently swept to a smile in Muning's eyes. She could not help blinking. When she looked at it again, his eyes were flat and detached. What's the smile?


"Where are you going? I'll send you off."

Suddenly, hearing Muning's inquiry, LAN Yue bit her lips in embarrassment.

Haicheng has no room for her.

No matter where she lives, Qi Yanjun can find her easily.

"I -"

Muning caught the fleeting confusion in her eyes, like a lost deer. Her eyes flashed slightly, and she was still a light gesture. "If you don't mind, you can stay here for a while, and I'll send someone to send you away when you find your destination."

Although LAN Yue doesn't want to trouble him, she thinks it's not good to live in a room with only one man and one daughter. But now she has nowhere to go and can only agree.

"Well, thank you, Mr. mu, for accepting me."

Muning picked up the suit jacket on one side and left a cold word while walking out.

"I won't live here. You can rest assured."

Smell speech, LAN Yue has a sense of embarrassment that her secret has been punctured. The man's eyes are too precise, and her mind is nowhere to hide in front of him. She coughed and mechanically shifted the topic, "will I stay here, will it bring you trouble?"

Muning steps a meal, turned around, under the glare of the white light, his a pair of Phoenix eyes do not play a little ripple, but with the inherent pride.

"You mean your husband Qi Yanjun?"


LAN Yue lowered her eyes and nodded.

Although she didn't know the origin of Muning, she grew up with Qi Yanjun when she was young. She didn't know how much she had seen. She thought she had a bit of eye on people. Muning's temperament is precious, and her elegant and noble spirit can't be cultivated overnight.

Muning aware of her face a flash of worry, slightly drooping eyes, tone as usual sparse.

"Don't worry. He can't find it."

LAN Yue's heart filled with a trace of murmur, can not help but guess his identity, but think about it and feel superfluous.

"Thank you, Mr. mu."

No matter who he is, he has helped her several times, so long as she can remember his kindness and find a chance to repay her in the future.

The beauty of Chunning is as beautiful as a kind of cold smile.

"You have a good rest. As long as you are here one day, I will guarantee your safety."


LAN Yue looked at the flash smile on his face, and there was a moment of shaking God. People who had always been cold all of a sudden laughed, and their amazement increased exponentially. Moreover, Muning's appearance was excellent, which was different from Qi Yanjun's evil spirit type. It was just like a picture scroll carefully described by the God, beautiful and elegant.Mu Ning collected to smile, back to the usual light.

"Call me if you want."

"Well, good."

Blue Yue saw his slender figure out of the living room, a fluctuating heart was miraculously stable down, the tight body also gradually relaxed.

Muning has a strange magic, as if as long as he is there, no matter what problems, you don't have to worry about.

"Miss, I'll take you to your room and have a rest."

The servant came forward, with a straight eye.

LAN Yue stood up. "My name is Lan Yue. You can just call me my name."

The servant changed his mouth with kindness, "Miss LAN, please come here."

LAN Yue is helpless. As she goes to the bedroom upstairs, she opens the door, turns on the light and looks around the indoor environment. She finds that the layout is similar to that of the downstairs, which is extremely simple. In addition to a king and size Simmons bed, there is only a super large bookshelf filled with various books.

Blue Yue lay on the bed for a while, the servant brought some supper to come over, saw her eat up, and quietly back down.


A light sigh rings, LAN Yue stands in front of the window, takes out the phone that has been turned off, picks out the phone card three times and five by two, changes a new card, and then dials lawyer AI's phone number. When she learns that the divorce agreement has been prepared, she does not hesitate and says directly.

"If you don't send it to the court in person, if you don't agree."

Lawyer AI was surprised and asked tentatively.

"Would you rather have a lawsuit than divorce Qi Shao?"


Lawyer AI opened her mouth and asked what she wanted to ask, but as a lawyer, she still had professional ethics. She sighed and nodded.

"Now that I have accepted your commission, you can rest assured."

Blue Yue and she said a few words, just hang up the phone.

With her chin in her hands, she looked at the starry night with indifference.

At this time, Qi Yanjun already knew that she had escaped? According to his character, even if he turned Haicheng upside down, he would find her out. But this time, she had made up her mind to get rid of their marriage which made her suffocate and despair at all costs.


"You say, she got into a man's car?"

At this time, the pear garden was full of lights. Qi Yanjun was standing in the middle of the living room with a heavy face. Listening to the report of the bodyguard, he suddenly kicked over the crystal tea table. The fruit tray and fruit on it rolled all over the floor. The hall that was clean and tidy a second ago was full of wolves.

"I can't even see a woman. What can I do for you?"

"A bunch of rubbish!"

A dozen or so bodyguards stood in a line and did not dare to breathe.

Qi Yanjun pulled a tie, sat on the sofa, a pair of always smiling peach blossom eyes, gloomy can squeeze out water.

"Yan Jun --"

Xu miaoreng in silk pajamas twisted her slender waist and sat beside him, with her white fingers hooked and a wisp of hair scattered around her ears. She pulled the sleeve of raqi Yanjun, and her tender voice could not hide her joy. "Since LAN Yue has run away, why do you care about her?"

Qi Yanjun looked at her smiling face, and the dark tide flowed in his eyes. Suddenly, his palm grasped her beautiful chin.

"Who has allowed you to meddle in my affairs? Well? "


The cold light from the bottom of his eyes was like a cold arrow. She even felt the strong killing intention. Her face turned white, and she gritted her teeth to restrain the cold feeling rising from the bottom of her heart. She bit her lips and looked pitifully, "Yan Jun, I just don't want to see you angry."

Qi Yanjun's cold and sharp eyes swept her small face which was about to cry. She snorted coldly and let go of her hand. He took out a man's handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his fingers.


Li Yiyao, who was standing on one side, stepped forward a few steps with an expressionless face.

"Boss, I've ordered it, and it'll come out soon."

Qi Yanjun looks calm down, long legs overlapping, lazy way.

"Did you find out the man's background?"

Li Yiyao frowned, his expression was rare and somewhat condensed. "He has a little eyebrows. He should not be a Haicheng person, or even a resident of China. He came here about half a year ago. He hid deeply and his movements were very mysterious. It took a little more time to find out."

Qi Yanjun's lips were amused with a smile.

"Is it?"

He slowly closed his eyes, the tight lip line gradually flat, but there was no sign of convergence in the breath of awe from his bones. He pointed to his knee, and his tone was slightly cold.

"Go down, keep looking, and report to me as soon as there is news."


With a wave of his hand, Li Yiyao led a group of bodyguards out of the pear garden. Qi Yanjun pinched his eyebrows, and his tall and straight body fell into the beige leather sofa. The whole person exuded a cold air and his expression was rare and indifferent, which showed the meaning of rejecting people from thousands of miles away.Xu miaolung secretly glanced at him, clearly he was sitting beside her, but she felt that he was so far away that she could not catch him for her whole life.

"I'll go first."


Xu Miaolong did not dare to object. It was not a year or two years since she liked Qi Yanjun. She knew his character very well. She could only lower her head if she was aggrieved and blocked the unwilling and resentment on her pupils.

Did not get rid of blue Yue's children also even, did not expect her people all left, can affect her! Qi Yanjun sat in an SUV parked at the door, lit a cigarette, took out his mobile phone with the other hand, and dialed LAN Yue's number.

As he expected, it turned off.


He chuckled, the eye light cold astonishing, "blue Yue, this is you ask for!"

He spared her and let go of the wild seed in her stomach. But did she dare to run away? Is he too soft on her, let her have no fear, feel that no matter what she did, he would not care?

Want to get rid of him?

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