Chapter 42

"Brother Qi, don't drink it."

Rong Yan sat down and snatched the bottle in his hand. "Just tell me what you want. Even if you want to kill people and set fire to them, I will do it for you, OK?"

"What do I want?" Qi Yanjun smiles slightly, his eyes are confused. Under the flashing light, Jun Rong, who is slightly red, has a kind of exciting temptation. His eyes are squinting, and he rarely shows a trace of confusion. He murmurs, "I don't know -"

Rong Yan can't help sighing.

When did he see Qi Ge like this? In his mind, Qi Yanjun is strong, as long as it is what he wants, even if it is unscrupulous means to get it, but now, he is in this for the sake of lanyue, still have nothing to do with her? It's not like him.

"Qi Ge, do you want to divorce her?"

Divorce two words let Qi Yan Jun have a moment of sober up, blurred eyes break a cold light, determined way.

"No way!"

"From the day I entered the army, I didn't want to let her go!"

Rong Yan was stunned and suddenly realized that he lowered his voice and said to Gu Xuan, "brother Qi, is this the rhythm that likes blue Yue?"

Gu Xuan puffed out a mouthful of wine and looked at him contemptuously, "where did you come to this conclusion? Do you like women? I would rather believe that tomorrow is the end of the world. "

The Rong Yan of habit and his choking voice snorted, "Qi elder brother doesn't like women, does he still like men?"


When Qi xuanyue was sixteen, he didn't do any analysis on him? He said that he didn't plan to let LAN Yue leave that day. It was obvious that he liked her and wanted to be with her

Gu Xuan still disagrees, "it's just the freshness of the moment. Women like it before they get it."

"I don't want to talk to you, a hooligan with a big brain!"

"You don't believe it, do you?" Gu Xuan raised his eyebrows. "I'll prove it to you later."

Qi Yanjun drank himself, and his already faint brain became confused again. The effect of alcohol made him lose his lucidity and calm his brain like a battlefield. He drank a cup of wine from a height, and he didn't know how much he had drunk. At last, he held his cheek with one hand and seemed to have fallen asleep.

Gu Xuan snapped his fingers and called down the twin beauty dancing on the stage.

"Come with me."

Rong Yan didn't understand, "what do you want?"

"Just wait and see."

Gu Xuan asked the twins to support Qi Yanjun, one left and one right. Under the magic light, two women with exposed clothes and enchanting figure were next to him. The picture was indescribable. They supported the drunken man, bent over to a Ferrari and drove away.

Little did not know, this scene was guarded in the dark figure all into the camera.

In the presidential suite of Aegean Sea Hotel, Qi Yanjun is lying on the bed, his fair eyebrows are slightly frowning. Suddenly, he smelled a strong smell of fat and powder, forced up his heavy eyelids, and saw two women kneeling at his feet, stripped naked.

"Who are you?"

"Two people coy smile," is Mr. Gu let us serve Qi Shao. "

Qi Yan Jun rubbed his temple and said impatiently, "get out."

The two men were pale and bit their lips and said, "we really love Qi Shao and want to serve you. It's the first time that we receive a guest. It's very clean. Qi Shao, don't rush us to leave --"

the object of the first reception is such a perfect man, they don't want to give up.

Qi Yanjun leaned on the head of the bed, closed his eyes and hooked his lips with a smile.

"Like me?"


They are shy and excited. How many women dream of having a good time with Qi Shao?

The next second, but listen to Qi Yan Jun's words.

"Many women like me. Who are you?"

"Go away!"


The murderous air that directly faces them makes them shake their bodies. They dare not say a word any more. They hold the clothes beside them and leave in gray.

Qi Yanjun rubbed his aching forehead in one hand and smoke in the other hand. His expression was a kind of mental fatigue. He had a bitter arc around his mouth, and a bright but indifferent face appeared in his mind. For a long time, he gave a faint sigh and resounded through the whole space.

There are so many women who like him, but they are not her.


After she separated from Qi Yanjun, lanyue did not return to Muning's villa, but went to her own small apartment. She lived in a remote place. The night just shrouded in the earth. There were few pedestrians in this area. The cold street lamp illuminated her lonely shadow.

LAN Yue sends a message to Guan Xiaoxiao while walking forward.

Her absence these days frightened the girl and took some time to pacify her.

All of a sudden, she heard a very subtle sound, like the wind blowing through the leaves of the wind. LAN Yue stopped and listened carefully, but she didn't hear anything. She only thought that she had heard something wrong. She didn't care to move on. Without taking two steps, she heard the rustle again.LAN Yue followed the voice and looked at the source of the sound - a dense flower. Hesitantly, she took a step and tentatively picked off the leaves of the flowers. By the dim light, she saw a slender man lying inside. She was shocked.

She thought it would be cats and dogs.

The smell of blood makes LAN Yue judge that the other party is injured, and the injury is not light. She twisted her eyebrows in embarrassment, not knowing whether she should save the trouble.

After all, she herself has a lot of problems to solve.


She called low, the other side did not respond, LAN Yue struggled in her heart, and finally decided to ignore the business, but let her watch a life die and couldn't do it, so she took out her mobile phone, ready to dial 120, the moment the screen lit up, she saw the man's face.

She has beautiful eyebrows and eyes, delicate facial features, thin lips without a bit of blood color, and her skin color is also abnormal blue and white. Her expensive suit is also wrinkled. The traces of blood, dust and soil are mottled, and they are very embarrassed.

"Mr. mu?"

LAN Yue was very frightened. She squatted down and helped Muning lean on her shoulder. She first explored his breath and found that he was still alive. She immediately breathed a sigh of relief. Then she lifted up his heavy body and carried him back with difficulty. She did not notice that Muning suddenly opened her eyes.


LAN Yue overestimated her physical strength. She nearly fell into a dog's excrement by pressing down more than 100 Jin. She took a deep breath, clasped Muning's arms in front of her, and slowly dragged him to the direction of the community gate.

Muning all over the soft lying on her thin shoulder, tilted his head staring at her side face.

She clenched her teeth, and her forehead was filled with beads of sweat. Every few steps she took, her body would shake for a moment, and she was vulnerable to fall at any time. However, the expression on her face showed a kind of tenacity that ordinary people couldn't reach. Her eyebrows were as sharp as a blade, and her indomitable character was incisive and incisive.

Muning pale lips raised, beautiful eyes waved a circle of ripples, let himself faint in the past.

LAN Yue laboriously opened the door of the apartment and helped Muning to her small bed in the bedroom.

"Mr. mu."

She stabbed his face with her finger, but was shocked to find that the temperature of his skin was very high. "Oh, I have a fever."

LAN Yue took off his coat and hesitated for a moment when he went to unbutton his shirt. Finally, her anxiety suppressed the girl's reserve. She neatly took off his dirty shirt, and her eyes moved down. She fixed on the ferocious wound on his strong abdomen.

A knife wound, the skin rolled over, and blood poured out.

He pulled out the medicine box from the bottom of the bed, cleaned up the wound, tied the bandage, and fed him some anti-inflammatory drugs.

She did everything she could, but LAN Yue was still worried.

It's not that she doesn't want to send Muning to the hospital, but it's obvious that he is being chased. If Mao rashly shows up with him, he may get into a worse situation. After examination, though Mu Ning's injury is serious, it is not fatal. He should have taken something similar to overpowering drugs.

LAN Yue took a wet towel soaked in alcohol, carefully wiped Muning's body once more, and made a veil to cover his forehead.

This night, she basically did not sleep, lying on the edge of the bed, from time to time for him to change his face, and finally his high fever fell in the early hours of the morning.


Blue Yue breathed a sigh of relief, tired to the extreme of the body some can not endure, simply sat on the carpet, head lying on the edge of the bed, all of a sudden fell asleep.


The room was silent.

In the morning, the first ray of sunshine fell through the half open window. The sleeping man in bed seemed to be awakened by the dazzling luster. His black eyelashes trembled and opened slowly. He was stunned by the strange environment in his eyes. Slowly, he turned his head and a beautiful but tired face burst into his sight.

Beautiful eyebrows and eyes, beautiful facial features, constitute a seductive full of Jiao Yan, and his coma before the last picture gradually coincide.

"Lanyue --"

he had a thin lip, spewed out her name in silence, and a pair of quiet Phoenix eyes gazed at her quietly. The shadow of her eyelids recalled the vague memory of last night. He vaguely remembered the touch of her warm hand touching his forehead. Suddenly, he gave a gentle smile.

For the first time, she was taken care of, treated gently by the opposite sex, and saved for the first time

Feeling, not bad.

He reached out his hand, slender fingertips from her face but two or three centimeters, blue Yue no warning opened his eyes.

Four eyes are opposite.


She also with sleepy confused eyes, looking at the fingers close at hand, some Leng Shen, Mu Ning Mou son move, the next second, his fingers hook her cheek a wisp of scattered hair, look natural help her close behind the ear, light mouth, "see you sleep seems not very stable."

Blue Yue's brain is not clear, and he is too calm, also did not notice what is wrong, only surprised to speak."Mr. mu, you are awake. How is your injury?"

Muning hard to sit up, blue Yue immediately to help him, but also put a big pillow behind his back, let him lie more comfortable.

"My injury is not in the way."

The reason why he was in a coma was only due to the drug. Once the effect was over, he would be OK.


Blue Yue touched his forehead, did not notice that his fundus flashed a trace of strange clarity, relaxed way, "the fever has completely subsided, but Mr. mu, your wound is a little deep, I suggest looking for a professional doctor for treatment."

"I will."

Muning smile, light black eyes seem to have a touch of glimmer, "thank you."

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