Chapter 44

"Where are you? I'll find you."

Xu miaolung low smile, not surprised her answer, only way, "I'm outside now, tell me your address, I'll pick you up."

LAN Yue said about the neighborhood where her apartment is located.

At the end of the call, she changed a suit of clothes, locked the door and waited at the door of the community.

Two days ago, the temperature dropped sharply, and the weather was much colder. Her tiny and slender body was wrapped in a white down jacket. Looking at it from a distance, she was a group of snow-white, which attracted people's attention. Xu miaolung sat in a BMW and looked at the blue Yue on the opposite road. Her eyes were full of evil.

In the gap between waiting for the red light, she took out her mobile phone and made a phone call with a sweet voice like honey.

"Hello, Yan Jun, are you here?"

"Well, I'll be right there."

When the green light was on, Xu miaolung started the car, turned left, and slowly drove to LAN Yue's front. He lowered the window and showed a face with delicate makeup.

"Get in the car."

LAN Yue opened the rear door of the car, sat in, did not notice that Xu miaolung's face floating a few wisps of meaningful look.

The car moved forward slowly and it was quiet inside.

"Miss Xu, we can talk now." LAN Yue took the lead in opening the conversation box. Her eyes were calm and her tone was light. "I'm not curious about the reason you said. I just want to recover my freedom as soon as possible. I believe Miss Xu is also very happy to do so?"

Xu miaolung turns the steering wheel and drives to the high speed. She smiles when she hears the words.

"Lan Yue, have you had a baby in your stomach for more than three months?"


LAN Yue stroked her stomach in a conditioned way. Her abdomen had a shallow curve, and occasionally she could feel fetal movement. However, the doctor said that the fetus would move only after five months. Therefore, she only thought that she was too sensitive. However, she did not have the pregnancy reaction of pregnancy vomiting.

It shows that this is a clever child.

Thinking of this, her lips overflow with a soft smile, through the rearview mirror into Xu miaoyong's pupil, stabbing her pupil suddenly shrink, the expression has a moment of distortion.

"It's a coincidence that you and I were pregnant about the same time."

LAN Yue heard the ostentatious meaning in her tone, but her face was slightly heavy and not salty.

"Is it?"

The speed is getting faster and faster. Xu miaolung's voice is blurred by the wind. "Grandfather Qi already knows that I'm pregnant with Yanjun's child. As long as you divorce, I can marry into Qi's family. LAN Yue, I knew Yan Jun when I was 16 years old. From that day on, I decided not to marry him."

LAN Yue looks at the scenery outside the car with no mood.

"Congratulations, you're getting what you want."

"Ah --"

Xu miaoreng gave an unexplained smile and pun, "the premise is that you have to leave."

Blue Yue frowned, found that the topic did not know where to pull, almost let her forget the purpose, "Miss Xu, should we talk about business?"

Xu miaolung seems not to notice her impatience. Her smile is getting deeper and deeper. There is a beauty of smiling dimple like flowers, but it is strange because of her shadowy eyes. All of a sudden, she said something out of the ordinary: "Lan Yue, do you know where we are going?"


Blue Yue a Zheng, eyes a sweep, heart suddenly across a trace of ominous premonition.

I don't know when, they have been far away from the city center, and gradually close to the seaside, and this beach is not the boundary where people of Haicheng often come to play. The terrain is remote, the surrounding cliffs are steep, the rocks are jagged, and there is a cliff not far away, and there is an accident there almost every year.

"Miss Xu, since you don't mean to talk, I'm going to get off! Stop it

Xu miaoreng's feet, wearing high-heeled shoes with diamond inlaid shoes, stepped on the gas pedal, and the speed was a few minutes faster. The wind blew in and hurt his cheek.

"Lan Yue, I asked Yan Jun to wait here half an hour ago. This place is of great significance to me and him."

Therefore, Qi Yanjun didn't want to come, but he didn't refuse.


LAN Yue doesn't know what she said. She just tries to open the door, only to find that the door has been locked. Anger suddenly appears, "Xu miaolung, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do?"

Xu miaoreng relaxed a hand, pointed to a certain direction, turned back to LAN Yue and showed a strange smile, like a female ghost staring at the prey, malicious, but the tone was completely different and gentle, "see there? Yan Jun is on the edge of that cliff, and we will see him soon. "

Blue eyes twinkle, cold voice questions.

"What is your idea, Xu Miaolong?"

Xu miaolung stepped on the accelerator again, and his inertia made LAN Yue fall back.

"Lan Yue, we've all loved Yan Jun for many years, so it's meaningless to keep pestering." Xu miaolung looked at the more and more clear figure in front of him. The smile on his face seemed bitter, like crazy, mixed with struggle. "It's time to make a decision."LAN Yue grabs both sides of the seat with both hands. Seeing that the car rushes straight to the cliff ahead, Xu miaoyong doesn't mean to step on the brake at all. He is shocked.

"Xu miaoyong! Are you crazy? "

She wants to die with her?

But why?

Xu miaoreng stepped on the brake, and sure enough, the brake was useless. She simply released the steering wheel and looked back at her startled expression. On the contrary, she laughed happily, showing a kind of madness. The tone was strange and subtle. "Lan Yue, if between you and me, he can only choose one. Guess who he would choose?"


LAN Yue immediately understood Xu miaoreng's mind. She was shocked by her extreme way and panicked at what happened next.

She's not afraid to die, but her children

"Xu Miaolong, are you crazy? Don't forget, you still have Qi Yanjun's flesh and bones in your stomach! "

The car is less than 100 meters away from the cliff. Xu Miaolong's mouth gives out a strange laugh and asks repeatedly.

"Who would he choose, you say?"

Every word is clear and sonorous.


LAN Yue knows that she is iron heart, no longer waste lips, began to beat the window desperately, trying to break the glass, jump out, but even if her hands beat blood dripping, also can not flow a trace on the toughened glass.

"Give up."

Xu Miaolong looked up and laughed. Her hair was disturbed by the wind, just like an ugly devil crawling out of hell. She stares at LAN Yue's frightened side face and does not hide her hatred. "Between you and me, there must be one to disappear, and I promise that the person who disappears must be you!"

Bang, bang, bang -

LAN Yue's hands pounding on the window sent a piercing pain. Suddenly, she threw herself forward and tried to open the car lock. Xu miaolung would not let her do it. She pushed her hard, and they suddenly twisted together.

No one in control of the car as if drunk, staggering toward the cliff ahead.

This scene fell into the eyes of the man standing not far away. His body leaning against the big stone suddenly straightened up, and the lazy smile on his face was replaced by a piece of condensation. He threw away his half burned cigarette end and ran to the past decisively, and took out his mobile phone at the same time.

"Hello, Yiyao, send someone to come here and call an ambulance, quick!"

Just a glance, he immediately judged that Xu miaoyong's car was probably brake failure.

At this time, the car is less than 10 meters away from the cliff.

In the car, LAN Yue opened Xu miaoyong's hand and watched the cliff grow bigger and colder in her sight. Even her fingers began to tremble. A trace of despair from the bottom of her heart was like a faint ink, expanding and covering the whole heart.

Xu miaoreng laughs, laughs crazily, and whispers a word in her ear.

"Lan Yue, this is the end of fighting against me!"


The next second, the car is like an arrow, whistling across the cliff, and then suddenly falling from the air, only to hear a crash, the blue sea water splashing, and the white BMW is sinking rapidly, and in a flash it is gone.

Qi Yanjun rushed to the edge of the cliff and took a look at the blistering sea. His eyebrows closed, took off his suit coat and jumped down.

The world under the sea is a blur. Qi Yanjun spent some time to find the BMW that is still sinking.

The door has been opened, and a figure with long hair stretched his arms and held the lamp tightly. His tall and graceful body was like swaying grass washed by the current, and a string of pearl bracelets on his wrist flashed with lustrous luster.

Qi Yanjun remembers that the bracelet was given to Xu miaoyong by him.

He swam straight forward. When Xu miaolung saw his figure, his blurred eyes broke open, and he could not help but extend his hand to him. At the same time, he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but he was filled with a big mouthful of sea water, so he had to close his mouth and hold his breath.

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to her, Xu Miaolong was both relieved and somewhat proud. She could not help but turn her head and look in a certain direction.

When Qi Yanjun was about to arrive at her, he caught a fluttering figure not far away from his eyes.

Her black hair floats like seaweed, and her white and bright face looms. Her slender and delicate body tries to move upstream, but she is defeated several times because of her heavy down jacket. She can only be washed farther by the undercurrent, like duckweed involuntarily.

At the moment of seeing her, Qi Yanjun's calm face suddenly changed.

Even if he didn't see her face clearly, he recognized her at a glance.

LAN Yue?!

How could she be here?

LAN Yue, who is struggling to paddle her limbs, also sees Qi Yanjun. From a distance of several tens of meters, they look at each other under the water. The surrounding environment is dim and blurred. She can't see his expression clearly, but she still puts out a hand to him. A touch of begging color appears on her desperate face, and her dead eyes are also bright."Qi Yanjun, help me --"

her lips wriggled twice. Qi Yanjun did not hear what she said, but could guess it.

Looking at her body was swaying by the current, Qi Yanjun didn't even hesitate for a moment. She immediately changed direction and swam to her direction.

At this time, a violent sound of water sounded, and then he felt that his sleeve was grabbed. Looking back, he saw a face mixed with pleading in pain, and his eyes were filled with weak tears.

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