Chapter 50

Blue Yue powerless hand down, lying down, eyes dull looking at the ceiling, did not find the side of the man should have fallen asleep with a complex look at her.

It was a long night.

The next afternoon, when LAN Yue woke up, Qi Yanjun was gone. She put on her slippers and stood in front of the bed again.


The door was suddenly pushed open, a little strong, but failed to shake back the blue Yue flying mind.

"Little Yueyue!"

Guan Xiaoxiao came with a cry, and then LAN Yue was hugged. She was stunned. She turned around and saw a face crying like a kitten.


Her eyes were in a trance for a moment. She met Guan Xiaoxiao not long ago, but she felt like she was separated from the world.

"It's me, it's me," Guan Xiaoxiao sobbed, holding her face in her arms and choking, "how can you be so thin, xiaoyueyue, what's the matter?"

Xu miaolung and LAN Yue fall off the cliff, and Qi Yanjun has suppressed both of them. There is no leakage of information.

"Xiaoxiao, you are here."

Blue Yue touched her face, the expression of death finally had a trace of shallow smile, "how do you know I'm here?"

"Qi Shao picked me up." Guan Xiaoxiao said, "he said you are in a bad mood recently, so let me accompany you."


LAN Yue is silent. When Guan Xiaoxiao thinks she can't answer, she spits out two words.

"Is it?"

What is this?

The cat cries and the mouse pretends to be merciful?

Next, under Guan Xiaoxiao's questioning, LAN Yue calmly told the whole story. During the process of telling the story, she was in a very stable mood, as if she was saying something unrelated to herself. However, her clenched fist still betrayed her not calm state of mind.

However, Guan Xiaoxiao cried and scolded Xu miaolung.

"Qi Shao has gone too far. He didn't believe you after 20 years of childhood!"


LAN Yue was indifferent and suddenly laughed. "When she likes a person, she tells a big lie. Men will believe that if she doesn't like a person, even if the evidence is confirmed, he still thinks you are acting."

Guan Xiaoxiao looked at her stiff smile and suddenly had a strange feeling.

She seemed to smell death.

Guan Xiaoxiao was shocked by this idea. He looked at her carefully and felt more and more strange.

A mother who lost her child.

Can she still laugh?

"Xiaoyueyue, don't scare me!" The more you see, the more you feel that Lan Yue looks loveless. Guan Xiaoxiao holds her hand and says incoherently, "you will have children again. You are still so young. Let's dump Qi Shao and find a better man to have a beautiful baby, OK?"


In the face of her best friend's sincere concern and sincere concern, LAN Yue's heart string, which had been strained to the extreme, finally "pa" broke. She had accumulated negative emotions for many days. It was as if she had found a breakthrough. Her knees were soft and she fell to the ground, covering her face and crying bitterly.

"Xiaoxiao, my mother left shortly after I was born. My father and I depended on each other, but he also died. Later, I met Qi Yanjun. I took him as my whole world, but he didn't want me either."

"finally, I had my baby with me -"

"now --"

she suddenly hugged Guan Xiaoxiao and cried A child, hissing, "my baby has been nearly four months, he grew up in my stomach day by day, I can feel his existence, I can!"

"I know, I know!"

Guan Xiaohong patted her on the back with her eyes.

"I brought him to this world, but I couldn't let him have a good look at the world --" Lan Yue cried in tears, hoarse and low, as if a wounded mother beast, collapsed. "It's me who is not good, it's my fault that I didn't protect him well."

she hated Xu miaoyong and Qi Yanjun, but she hated herself more.

Guan Xiaoxiao listen to the pain, also can't help but shed tears.

"Xiaoyueyue, don't cry. You still have me. You are not alone. Don't you even want me?"


Blue Yue body trembling, heartache to feel as if can not feel the existence of the heart, only tears rolling.

She didn't know why God was so cruel and took away the people she cared about one by one.

In the end, she was alone.

"Xiaoyueyue, have you forgotten your father? Didn't you tell me that your father's last wish was to wish you happiness? And your mother, you always say you have to ask her for an explanation. Why did she leave you and your dream? Do you want to give up

Guan Xiaoxiao choked.

"You still have so many regrets in your life. If you live well, you will have hope, right?"LAN Yue fell on her shoulder and cried. Her heavy heart felt better. She was dazed and became firm. Her brain gradually became clear. After a long time, she wiped her face with one hand and nodded her head slightly.


Xiaoxiao is right. She can't live up to her father's will.

And Xu miaoyong, the murderer, she will never let go!

Those who hurt her live well. Why should she abuse herself?

Guan Xiaoxiao's heart was relaxed. She turned from good to good and talked about the company's small gossip. With her old and strange face, LAN Yue was very funny. Even if she couldn't laugh, she also pulled the corners of her mouth, and her mood gradually calmed down.

Before parting, she stopped Guan Xiaoxiao.

"Xiaoxiao, come here and I have something to say to you."


LAN Yue came over and whispered a long speech in her ear.

"Do you understand?"

Guan Xiaoxiao nodded solemnly, "I know, don't worry."

Blue Yue smile, smile sour, there is a kind of sad feeling of spring flowers withering, she hugs Guan Xiaoxiao hard, and then release her hand.

"Well Goodbye

"Well, goodbye."

Guan Xiaoxiao took a look at her and ran out with his mouth covered. He ran far away and could hear her sobbing.

LAN Yue sighed and recovered her calm in the past. Even if her skin color was pale and her eyelids were red and swollen, she still had the arrogant demeanor of the past. She pondered for a long time, took out her mobile phone, dialed a number, and tried to make herself as if nothing had happened, "Mr. mu, did I disturb you?"

Muning cold tone is not difficult to hear a trace of mild, "I have made a lot of calls to you these days, you did not answer."


LAN Yue sucked his nose, and his voice was hoarse. "Something happened to me these days."

Muning was silent for a long time. "I already know."

But where he wants to find out the truth, there is no can not find out, and he called LAN Yue, also want to ask her if she needs help.

LAN Yue said, "Mr. mu, can you do me a favor?"

Muning did not hesitate or even asked her what she was busy with.


"Thank you."

After talking with Muning for a while, LAN Yue hung up.

After that, she went to the bathroom to wash her face, cleaned herself up, and put on a delicate light makeup. She took the initiative to step out of the door and came to the living room, and whispered to Mama Zhang.

"I'm hungry."

Zhang's mother was frightened and uneasy. She hung her head.

"What would you like to eat, madam?"

LAN Yue ordered several dishes at random.

"Please wait a moment, madam."

After a delicious meal, LAN Yue feels that she has come back to life. She holds a cup of milk tea and sits on the sofa in the living room. She asks the servant to turn on the TV for herself, as if watching with relish. However, if you look carefully, there is no luster in her eyes.

Zhang Ma and others waited carefully for fear that she would be a little dissatisfied.

When Qi Yanjun came in wrapped in a cold air, he saw this picture. He was stunned, and then he could not help but hook his lips. His slightly tired eyebrows and eyes were also stained with a smile.

"Lan Yue."


Blue Yue still did not respond to him, he did not care, sitting beside her, see her face still has no mood, but compared to the previous silence, but much more peaceful, suddenly a corner of my heart slightly relaxed.

It seems that he is right to check Xiaoxiao.

Following her line of sight, he could not help joking, "do you like this kind of bloody TV series? Xiaoyue'er, you are not young. It's time to watch some adult films and learn a lot of postures. "


LAN Yue finally gave birth to a serious look at him, with a trace of resentment in his eyes.

Qi Jun's eyebrows are not only confused, but also teased.

"Go, brother Qi will take you to unlock the new posture."


LAN Yue pursed her lips and let him take her to the bedroom.

Of course, they didn't see anything that was not suitable for children. LAN Yue sat at the head of the bed and lowered her eyebrows and eyes. She could only hear her slow voice.

"I have an appointment with Xiaoxiao to go shopping tomorrow. Is that ok?"

Qi Yanjun put his hand on her shoulder, playing with a wisp of her hair. When he heard the speech, he looked at her with a glimmer of prying light under his eyes. He didn't say yes or no.

"If you can't, forget it."

LAN Yue looked at him, still calm.

"I fell asleep."

With that, she was ready to lie down. The next second, her arms across her waist tightened. Qi Yanjun hugged her tightly, as if holding a rare treasure, with a treasure that can not be ignored. He buried him in her neck, and the warm breath of chuckling breath swept by, adding a vague cause."Little yue'er, I'm very happy."

"Is it?"

LAN Yue let him hold it, but the two words made Qi Yanjun laugh more happily. His tone contained a touch of exploration and expectation, "xiaoyueer, we live a good life as before, and we will not make trouble again, eh?"

As long as she is willing to stay, he will not care about anything.

LAN Yue's face was buried in his chest, without a word.

Qi Yanjun is not disappointed. If she really agrees, he thinks it is not lanyue.

"You can go out at will, but Yiyao must follow you to protect you."

He rubbed her hair in a tone of indulgence that he did not even realize.

"Thank you."

Blue Yue spit out two words, still light, but more than just calm a little more emotional ripple. , the fastest update of the webnovel!