Chapter 58

The servant in the venue brought hot tea. She filled the white porcelain cups in an orderly manner. Recalling the events five years ago, her face showed a melancholy color.

"When I woke up from the hospital, I knew that the child had run away. At that time, I made up my mind to leave Qi's family and never go back to the place that seemed like a nightmare to me." LAN Yue told the story of that year, as if everything was clearly in my mind, "I'm desperate. I beg my present husband to help me. I know he has the ability to let me leave Haicheng. But I didn't expect that in order to cheat Qi Yanjun, he actually spent so much money to make the plane crash... "

"So you left with the doctor mu? Then you went abroad, got married, and had a son for five years? " LAN Yue pursed her lips. "It sounds so romantic."

"No, Muning and I didn't meet until we went abroad. Haohao was not born to Muning. He was a child I adopted..."

"Xiaoyueyue, I'm sorry, as your friend, I didn't help you when you were in the most difficult time."

"No, it's all over now. This time, Muning was invited to attend the domestic academic seminar, and he wanted to find his own parents for Haohao. After these two things are completed, we will take Haohao back to the United States. "

"You are going back so soon! I'll hate you, little Yueyue Guan Xiaoxiao blinked his eyes sadly, "but it's good for you to go back, so that you don't have to meet the people of the Qi family in Haicheng. Now I'm clear that there are no good people in the Qi family."

It was Qi Yingying who robbed Guan Xiaoxiao's boyfriend. The arrogant and arrogant eldest lady of Qi family could be a junior. If she had not seen it with her own eyes, LAN Yue would not believe it.

See the corner of Guan Xiaoxiao's eyes red, pan water trace, blue Yue can understand her mood.

"Xiaoxiao, that kind of man is not worth your nostalgia. Really, I am a living example. You may as well see his true face as soon as possible. If you break up earlier, you will suffer less. "

"Xiaoyueyue, I know that I will break up with Lin Feng. Now I think of it as a little scared. At that time, I was so impulsive that I actually slapped Qi Yingying. Now I'm afraid she will find someone to revenge me. "

"The wrong person is not you. You have a clear conscience. If Qi Yingying asks you for trouble, I will help you solve it. Just Xiaoxiao, you broke up with Lin Feng, and you are in a company again. What are you going to do in the future? "

Guan Xiaoxiao's chin is against the pillow on the sofa. Her eyes fall on the steaming white porcelain cup. Her heart becomes heavy again.

His fingers almost dug out a hole in his palm. Guan Xiaoxiao looked helplessly at LAN Yue.

"I haven't thought about it yet. I don't want to see them in the future. But it would be too cheap for me to resign, Lin Feng. And I lived with Lin Feng more than a year ago. He found the house we rented. Since I broke up with him, I'm sure I won't go back to the house. "

"Do you have any other place to live if you don't go back?"

"I'm going to pack up in the evening, find a hotel first, and then find my own house. Anyway, there are a lot of online housing, so I can rent a house at will. "

Guan Xiaoxiao closed his eyes and pressed his eyebrows. After thinking for a long time, he slowly opened his red and swollen eyes and opened his mouth in a mute voice.

It happened so suddenly that she didn't prepare for it, and the decision she made temporarily just didn't want to make herself too embarrassed.

She may not be as rich as Qi Yingying, but she also has self-esteem, and will not allow herself to live in the house of slag man after being split.

"Don't go to the hotel and stay with me first." LAN Yue stood up and her pretty face showed a gentle look. "It's just that there are too many rooms in the venue. It's empty. It's too cold. You first move here and we'll live together. Then I'll stay with you to find a house."

"Is that all right? Will it disturb you? "

"Of course not. Munin is a very modest and cultured man. Although he looks a little cold, he will get along very well. He is gentle and soft hearted."

"Ah! Then I'll move here! I'd love to see you, sir

Guan Xiaoxiao was blue Yue eyes that a strong and optimistic streamer infection, she followed a shallow smile, blocked in the heart of the stone seems to have been removed.

"He'll be back in the evening and you'll see him then."

Blue Yue awkwardly fiddled with the hair that slipped from behind the ear to the shoulder, took Guan Xiaoxiao's hand and took her upstairs to choose a room.

Knowing that Lan Yue's husband has many luxurious and chic venues in Haicheng, Guan Xiaoxiao can only marvel.

There are five servants in the venue, and they clean it conscientiously every day, so every room is clean. Guan Xiaoxiao looked around and finally chose a room facing south on the second floor.

The wood on the wall of the room presents a light yellow hue, the curtain is a comfortable sky blue, there is no too much decoration on the ceiling of a star crystal chandelier, in the smooth floor cast mottled light and shadow."Xiaoxiao, you can walk around on the first and second floors, but you still don't want to go up on the third floor. The study on the third floor is where Muning works. He likes to be quiet when he works

"Well, I see."

Enjoying the layout of the room, Guan Xiaoxiao nodded repeatedly.

LAN Yue is so relieved that she doesn't let Guan Xiaoxiao go to the third floor because she doesn't want to let her know that Qi Yanjun is locked on the third floor. She and Xiaoxiao two people really shouldn't get involved with Qi family, Qi family people they can't afford to hide.

"BAM, BAM, BAM, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang

Guan Xiaoxiao and LAN Yue sat in the room and chatted for a while. The deafening sound came from upstairs.

Guan Xiaoxiao was startled. He stood up in surprise and looked up at the ceiling anxiously. His voice was obviously coming from upstairs.

Blue Yue frowned and pursed the corners of her mouth. Her look was very unnatural. Needless to say, she knew where the movement came from. She never expected Qi Yanjun to be kept here in peace. However, being watched by Nick, he can still make such a big move. He is as capable as he was five years ago.

"Yueyue, are you decorating upstairs?"

"Well, yes, I remember. Today there are workers who are decorating upstairs. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you. I scared you

"It's OK, it's OK. I can't thank you enough for taking me in."

Mischievously, he spat out his tongue at LAN Yue. Guan Xiaoxiao seems to have forgotten the unhappiness between him and Lin Feng.

Xiaoxiao is as cheerful and childish as she was five years ago. LAN Yue takes her arm with a smile and walks her out.

"Xiaoxiao, I'll ask Lao Wang to accompany you back to where you used to live, pack up your bags and come here to live at ease."


Send Guan Xiaoxiao to the door. LAN Yue tells Lao Wang to ensure Guan Xiaoxiao's safety and avoid hitting Lin Feng and Qi Yingying. Guan Xiaoxiao will suffer again.

After Guan Xiaoxiao left, lanyue stood under the gallery of the venue. Through the window on the third floor, you could hear Qi Yanjun's voice. It took him a whole night to break out, which was hard for him.

When she went back to her room to read the makeup magazine, LAN Yue was absent-minded all the time, and the colorful illustrations couldn't attract her eyes. After a few minutes, she put down the magazine and walked toward the third floor.

The attic on the third floor is in a mess, and the small door of the attic is smashed and crumbling. Through the gap on the door, you can only see the vague shadow.

"What happened?"

LAN Yue pretends to be calm and pushes the door to go in. She doesn't know what she is worried about, but when she goes to the attic, her feet can't help stepping in.

As soon as she went in, LAN Yue glanced around and immediately regretted. It was different from what she imagined.

Qi Yanjun didn't do anything else except smashing things. Now he seems to have lost his temper and sat quietly on the floor against the sofa.

Compared with five years ago, his beautiful face has no change. He has long and narrow eyes, thin lips and unruly radian. He is charming and charming.

And Nick seems to be too lazy to pay attention to Qi Yanjun, leaning against the wall and holding his arm. In addition to his ugly face, he has no intention to stop him.

"Qi Shao said that the lunch was not delicious. He didn't eat it and asked the cook to make a new one for him. I didn't promise, and then he smashed it. "

"The food doesn't taste good?"

LAN Yue couldn't help crying and laughing after hearing this. This excuse was too bad. In her opinion, Qi Yanjun was unwilling to be trapped and took the opportunity to attack.

And Qi Yanjun's side, after LAN Yue came in, his burning sight did not leave.

He did not speak, so he stared at LAN Yue without saying a word, which made LAN Yue feel creepy and couldn't guess what he wanted to do.

"Nick, I have friends here today. Don't make too much noise." Blue Yue strong and calm, turned to face Nick, "here is for you, I go out first."

"Young lady, don't worry. I'll pay attention to it next time."

Nick walks to LAN Yue from the wall, hands to the side of his legs, and bows his head apologetically and respectfully.

LAN Yue smiles at Nick and drops her eyelids. She deliberately avoids Qi Yanjun's sight and prepares to leave.


Behind him came a man's dull and low voice, a sneer overflowed his thin lips, his long and charming eyes half squinted, staring at LAN Yue's slender back, and slowly stood up.

Qi Yanjun walked forward step by step with bare feet. Sharp glass slag was scattered on the floor beside his feet. It seemed that he could not feel pain. The glass slag penetrated into the bottom of his foot, bleeding like a stream, but he did not even frown.

Even Nick couldn't help but wonder at his sudden self mutilation.

"Little yue'er, you still come to see me. Now that I'm here, why are you in such a hurry? It's no use hiding from me. Why do you think I'm staying here

To the door of the blue Yue back frozen, she felt the man's close, can not help but hit a shiver.

"Don't get close to the young lady. Take another step. Don't blame me."Nick quickly said that he reached out to stop Qi Yanjun, looking nervous and alert.

The young master specially told him that Qi Yanjun was good at fighting close at hand.

It is uncertain whether he can beat Qi Yanjun, and he is not equipped with a gun now. If Qi Yanjun does something to the young lady, how can he account for the young master when he comes back?

"Do you think you can stop me?"

Qi Yan Jun glanced at Nick contemptuously, his eyes twinkled with light. , the fastest update of the webnovel!