Chapter 62

Nick saw Muning frown, and quickly continued, "but I went to the hospitals in Haicheng to investigate according to the young master's instructions, and finally got a reliable clue yesterday. At the beginning, the young master was indeed born in a private hospital in Haicheng. After finding the medical staff at that time, after their identification, the person who handled the birth certificate for the young master was the Wang family. "

"So, Haohao still has something to do with the Wang family. Can you continue to investigate there?"

"I'm afraid there will be difficulties. The person sent out said that the clue will be broken when it comes to the Wang family. Wang Tianxiang has a lot of contacts in Haicheng. They tried many ways to get deeper, but in the end they got nothing. "

"I see! You let them back! Don't disturb the Wang family. I will handle the following things myself. "

Muning got up and patted the apologetic nick on the shoulder. His gentle face did not show any joy or anger.

Staring at Muning's back, Nick's fist at the side of his body slowly tightened, and his brown eyes showed a complex look. Although he has been with the young master for a long time, he still can't understand what kind of person the young master is.

The people of the lance family are always conceited and cold-blooded, which seems to be an unchangeable nature. What is the difference between Muning, who inherits the blood of lance family?

A few minutes later, Muning went to the restaurant downstairs and saw LAN Yue and LAN Chen Hao. LAN Chen Hao, like a little adult, tried to eat gracefully. However, he was a child, but he made a mess in front of him. LAN Yue could not help but help him to clean up, but could not bear to blame him.

Seeing this scene, Muning mouth with a faint smile, went to touch blue Chen Hao's head, "it's late, Hao Hao, Uncle Wang is waiting for you outside."

"Well, Uncle Li has a lecture on comets at nine o'clock today. I can't be late!"

Blue Chen Hao to blue Yue and Mu Ning waved a small hand, jumped down the chair, straight to the door.

Looking at his son like a small cannon ball rushed out, blue Yue couldn't cry or laugh, but the doting look made anyone feel warm.

Muning will Nick brought back the information to LAN Yue, LAN Yue after listening to silence. About Haohao's life experience, so far, they only get such a small eyebrow, but they have little time left.

Do they have to leave with regret when they return to Haicheng this time?

"Yue'er, I have considered it carefully. Now the best way is for us to visit Wang's family in person. At first, it was Mr. Wang who took Haohao out of the hospital, so he must know his life experience."

"But will he tell us the truth if we look for him so rashly?"

"Try it anyway."

Muning's words encouraged LAN Yue. She got up again and went back to her room to change clothes. She was ready to go out with Muning to visit Wang's family.

More than half an hour later, they came to Zhongshan Park, located in the southern suburb of Haicheng. In the middle of the park, there was a magnificent building, which was the residence of the Wang family.

Mr. Wang, who pays attention to health preservation, specially bought a beautiful garden house as his residence. The house is backed by Zhongshan and faces a beautiful artificial lake. The lake is rippling with water birds passing by from time to time. The air is fresh and pleasant.

"Munin, is that it?"

"Well, make sure that Mr. Wang is at home today. If he wants to see us, we can know about Haohao."

After getting off the bus, lanyue and Muning went straight to the luxurious Western-style house. Two guards at the door of the Western-style house naturally stopped them.

"Who are you? You can't go in without an appointment. "

"This is my business card. This is my wife. We have something important to ask Mr. Wang."

Muning handed in his business card, and did not mind the rudeness of the two guards.

The guard took the card and looked at each other. One of them went in for a while and soon came out.

"You go in!"

Seeing being released, LAN Yue breathed a sigh of relief. The iron door of the foreign house yard opened slowly. She and Muning walked in side by side, looking at the strange environment in front of her, and her heart beat faster.

Can you know Haohao's life experience so smoothly?

In the living room of Chinese style, there are all kinds of solid wood furniture, antiques and calligraphy and paintings everywhere. It can be seen that Mr. Wang is a traditional rich businessman who likes collecting antiques. No wonder the birthday party of Qi family is a jade Buddha.

Mr. Wang was sitting on the sofa with a pot of steaming Dahongpao in front of him. He was wearing fancy glasses and reading the newspaper attentively.

After Muning and LAN Yue went over, he politely asked them to sit down.

"Doctor mu, I've heard a lot about you! As a young niece, I admire you very much

"You praise me falsely." Mu Ningqian and open mouth, not arrogant and impetuous, but also let Mr. Wang's face a little more appreciation.

The servants of the Wang family soon brought the excellent Dahongpao to Muning and lanyue. The king had a taste of tea and enthusiastically introduced the origin of the Dahongpao to them.Muning and LAN Yue are absent-minded, thinking about when to open their mouth.

After half a sound, he leaned against the sofa, touched the jade finger on his thumb, and looked at Mu Ning with a smile.

"The guard came in and told me that you came here to ask me something. I appreciate Dr. Mu very much. If I know, I will tell you. "

Did not expect the king to take the initiative to open his mouth, Mu Ning and blue Yue look at each other, deep voice mouth.

"Mr. Wang, my wife and I have been living in the United States. Five years ago, we adopted a baby. Now that the child is five years old, we want to help him find his own parents. When he adopted him, he carried a jade Buddha with him. I wonder if Mr. Wang has any impression on this jade Buddha. "

On one side, LAN Yue took out the green jade Buddha and handed it to Mr. Wang.

When he saw the Jade Buddha, his eyes shrank violently behind his spectacles. His eyes from the Jade Buddha to blue Yue, silent for a moment, quietly hide all emotions.

He shook his head at Muning. "I've never seen this jade Buddha."

Master Wang's expression at the moment when he saw the Jade Buddha did not escape Muning's eyes, but for his denial, Muning was helpless.

His dark and warm eyes were staring at Wang, and his thin lips pursed a trace of displeasure.

"Old man, we found you hard, so please think about it. Is this jade Buddha really not related to you?"

"Uncle, Muning and I have no other meaning. We just want to know who is the biological father and mother of the child. Soon we will take the child back to the United States, and it will not have any impact on you."

Seeing the king refused to open his mouth, LAN Yue couldn't help but get up in a hurry and helped Mu Ning to persuade him together.

But instead of being moved, Mr. Wang's face was gloomy. He squinted at LAN Yue and Mu Ning, and his attitude was quite different from before.

"I have said that I didn't see this jade Buddha. If you come here to ask this question, I have already answered you, and you can leave now."


"Housekeeper Li, take two guests away for me. I'm not feeling well. I need to go back to my room and have a rest."

Wang Laozi under the order to leave, do not give LAN Yue and Mu Ning any chance, they will be invited out of the door.

"I can see that this old man is also a stubborn man. It is not easy to persuade him. Now we have to go back and find another way."

LAN Yue sits in the car, leaning against the window, looking up at the upstairs rooms of the western style building. The curtains of one room are closed, and there is a faint light inside. Mr. Wang really goes back to his room.

It's just to turn on the lights and pull the curtains in the daytime, which is obviously avoiding them.

"About Haohao's life experience, there must be something we don't know. But this time, we have not got nothing, at least judging from the old gentleman's expression, he certainly knows Haohao's life experience. "

"Well, we still have a chance to visit another day. I'm sure our sincerity will impress him."

LAN Yue sat in the co pilot, clenched her fist, and her beautiful face showed a stubborn color. Muning's residual light fell on her body, and her mouth always held a gentle smile.

"Where would you like to eat at noon?"

"Shall we not go home?"

"Haohao and miss Guan will go back in the evening. We will eat out this afternoon."

Although Muning asked LAN Yue what he meant, he had already arranged the restaurant. LAN Yue sat up straight and looked at Muning, who was driving beside him. His sight fell on his ring finger.

He did not wear a ring on his fingers. His knuckled fingers were as clean and beautiful as his people.

If one day, Muning met the girl he really liked, that girl would be very happy!

After dining out, Muning will return LAN Yue to the venue and drive out again. LAN Yue knew that he had a very important trip today. In order to accompany her to Wang's house, he postponed all his work.

Sorry and moved, LAN Yue stood in the corridor and watched Muning's car leave the venue.

Before in the United States, lanyue was busy setting up and running her own brand, and she had almost no spare time. Muning often teased her, just like a top that never stops.

But after returning to Haicheng, she became the most leisurely person. One afternoon, she sat quietly in front of the French window, basking in the sun and reading books.

Beside her feet was a folding eared cat that Muning had brought back from outside. The gray blue cat was very similar to her. She was gentle, independent and not sticky. She always stayed near her but not far away from her.

"Little madam, the young master just called home and said that he went to Lucheng on a business trip temporarily today, and he may not be able to come back tonight."

Sitting on the window sill, LAN Yue somehow fell asleep. When she woke up, the night outside had fallen, and the street lights were winding in the distance.

After listening to the servant's words, she opened the blanket that she did not know who had put on her. She took a look at her mobile phone and found that there were several missing calls from Muning.Slightly frowned, blue Yue went upstairs, thinking about his sleepiness, I don't know when to cure. , the fastest update of the webnovel!