Chapter 64

Xu miaoreng lowered her head, but Qi Yingying was angry and stood in front of her.

"What are you doing, brother?"

"What am I doing? It's up to me to ask you what you two have done Qi Yanjun's beautiful face passed a trace of anger, "Yingying, don't think I don't know who you are with outside, this time for what to trouble the girl. Brother advise you, a little convergence, or this matter will be known by your parents, the consequences of what you know

At the bottom of her heart, she was still afraid of her second brother. Qi Yingying immediately stopped speaking. She grabbed her skirt and shrunk to one side. Her sight seemed to be glued to the floor, and she didn't dare to lift her head.

Last month, she had been banned by Qi Fu for a long time because she was on the news because she was fighting with people in pubs. This time, if Qifu and Yunfang know that she is out with a boyfriend, she will certainly not let her off.

Thinking of this, she cried and looked pitifully at Qi Yanjun, "brother, I know I'm wrong! You must not tell your parents. "

"You go out first! From tomorrow on, I will go to work in the company, and I must go home before 12 o'clock every day. "

Qi Yanjun is a very casual person. His style is not rigorous outside. However, he has been very strict with Qi Yingying recently.

Due to Qi Yanjun's powerful aura, Qi Yingying pursed her mouth and gave Xu miaoreng a helpless look, and had to leave the room.

Only Qi Yanjun and Xu miaoyong are left in the room.

The fresh blend of essential oil from the window exudes a strong fragrance. With the breeze outside the window, Qi Yanjun's mouth and nose are constantly attacked. He frowns in disgust.

Xu miaolung thought he would leave immediately, after all, he could not bear to share the same room with her.

But today, he is very abnormal. After the fire, he still stands in the same place. Click, the voice of the lighter comes from his ear. Xu miaolung looks at Qi Yanjun in surprise.

He lit a cigarette, went to the window, opened the curtain, the scenery outside the window is very beautiful, Yunfang likes flowers very much, specially invited a gardener to plant flowers in the yard.

"For five years, after five years in Qi's family and five years as a nameless young lady, don't you feel bored?"

"Yan Jun, why did you say that all of a sudden. Didn't we agree? As long as I can stay with you, I am willing to pay any price. I believe you will see my heart one day

Looking at the man's almost perfect profile, Xu Miaolong didn't recognize the disdain in his words, but she didn't care.

"I just want to spend half my life with you."

Xu miaoreng's words didn't let Qi Yanjun's frown open. He took a deep glance at her with his dark Phoenix eyes, and the radian of the corner of his lips seemed a little cool and thin.

"As I said, marrying you is a punishment."

"Yan Jun, I know I'm wrong. I shouldn't have lied to you at the beginning..."

Xu miaoreng's eyes brightened, holding white fingers and apologizing in a hurry. A glimmer of hope rose in his heart. In the past five years, Qi Yanjun has never mentioned the original thing to her. He treats her like a stranger. Now he brings up the old story again. Does he want to open it?

But before she finished, Qi Yanjun interrupted her. The next second, he pushed her into the abyss again.

"I came here today to tell you that she is back! Your punishment is over, let's get a divorce sometime

Divorce? These two words shocked Xu miaoreng. After Qi Yanjun left, she collapsed to the ground and burst into tears.

After a long time, she raised her fingers, wiped her tears from the corners of her eyes, stood up and sat down in front of the dresser. A soft and weak face was reflected in the mirror.

At this time, her eyes have not just lax, beautiful Danfeng eyes shimmer, you can see that she is thinking and calculating.

"She's back. Who is she? Why did Yan Jun want to divorce me suddenly? What happened that I didn't know? "

Miss Xu has never been a simple person. She thinks that everything in Qi's family is under her control. In other people's eyes, she is the real Mrs. Qi Shao, enjoying due treatment, living in the envy of others.

Even if it is for the title of Mrs. Qi Shao, let her endure for a lifetime, she would like to, but Qi Yanjun suddenly proposed a divorce with her, which made her suddenly disordered.

"For so many years, my time has been spent in Qi family. How can divorce be possible! I will never allow... "

Xu miaoreng murmured to himself and took out his mobile phone to ask his parents for help.

In order to consolidate her position in the Qi family, she has been thinking of ways, but in the end, she can only get along with Qi Yingying. However, Qi Yingying is the most unreliable one in Qi family, which makes her quite depressed, but also helpless.

At this moment, Qi Yingying was called to the room by Yunfang. She couldn't protect herself. Where could she manage Xu miaoyong's affairs.

"Yingying, why are you always so wayward! Have you forgotten what you promised your mother that you would no longer hang out with those naughty boys outside? "The door of the master bedroom on the third floor is closed. Yunfang, who has always been noble, is furious with Qi Yingying. Earlier, she has bought Qi Yingying several close friends, so she does not need to investigate, can know all the movements of Qi Yingying outside.

Qi Yingying still did not know, frowned, in the bottom of her heart secretly complained that Qi Yanjun was not kind, and actually hit her small report here in Yunfang.

"Don't get excited, mom! No three no four boys, my new boyfriend is very good, and the family conditions are good

"Hum! What's good? Can he compare with Xiaozhou and Donglan? Your father and I still want to arrange for you to meet at the end of the year. If it is known that you have made so many boyfriends in Haicheng, what will people think? "

Yunfang hopes that Qi Yingying can marry the children of eight banners. In the future, if there is a senior official like the head of the family, the Qi family will go to a higher level.

Qi Yingying, who has been pampered since childhood and has read books abroad, does not think so.

"Don't worry, they won't know. Mom, can you mind me? My brother is out with so many women. If you don't care, why do you come to me? "

"Dead girl! Can you compete with your brother? Your brother is out on the scene. He can distinguish between the heavy and the heavy. How about you? Your father and I will be angry with you one day! "

Yunfang was eager to speak, staring at Qi Yingying, her face turned white with anger.

Qi Yingying in the heart is also very unhappy, she felt that recently the family's management of her are too strict, as if they are aiming at her, no one has done so to her before!

"You're the one who favors men over women and favors my brother! Since you don't like me, I'll move out and live! "

Qi Yingying's eldest lady's temper broke out unbearably. She yelled at Yunfang for a while, then slammed the door and left angrily.

Looking at Qi Yingying's back, Yunfang looks ugly and covers her chest, because she is holding her breath and breathing is not smooth.

She didn't understand how she had such a troubled daughter!

"Mom, Yingying lost her temper again? I asked Mrs. Zhou to come and see him

At the door, Qi Yanjun, who has just come out of Xu miaoyong's room, hears the movement and comes. The half open door stretches his thin shadow to Yunfang's feet.

Seeing her son, Yunfang couldn't help sighing. Her trembling voice line was still mixed with anger, "forget it, don't care about her! If she wants to run away from home, let her go. If she has suffered enough outside, she will know she will come back. "

"She's young and normal. When I was her age, I didn't make a lot of trouble."

Qi Yanjun, who dotes on her sister in the heart, helps Qi Yingying to speak and comforts Yunfang who is in a bad mood.

Yunfang was silent for a while, and her still young and full face suddenly passed a trace of darkness. She waved to Qi Yanjun to come closer, and her voice was also very low.

"Jun'er, the last time your sister had a fight with someone, was it sure that it was suppressed?"

"I asked Yiyao to deal with it. There will be no problem."

Mentioning this matter, Qi Yanjun could not help but wrinkle his eyebrows, his thick but not long eyelashes drooped, and his eyes looked gloomy.

In Qi's family, when it comes to Qi Yingying's misfortune last month, everyone uses to fight with others. In fact, it's not as simple as fighting.

Last month, Qi Yingying knew that her boyfriend was ambiguous with a part-time college student in a bar, so she took two girlfriends to find someone to settle accounts. In front of the public, they stripped the college student of his clothes, beat him up, and took a video on his face and sent it to the Internet.

After that, the college student felt shameless and jumped out of the building. Although he was not dead, he was paralyzed.

Qi family quietly private this matter, read in Qi Yingying young, the girl jumped out of the matter did not tell her, Qi father only confine her at home for ten days.

"It's just a girl. It's said that she's not very old, and now it's so pathetic. Although Yingying will not be intentional, but it is such a thing after all

Yunfang sits on the edge of the bed, rubbing her well maintained hands in embarrassment. Her nails are pasted with pink nails, and the edges are sprinkled with gold powder. It is very noble and dignified.

This nail is made by Qi Yingying herself. Though her daughter is capricious occasionally, she is still filial. Yunfang can't help worrying about Qi Yingying.

"Although the family agreed to be private, they will inevitably have other ideas in the future. I think we should pay more attention to it. We can't let them tell the story out and damage Yingying's reputation."

"No need, mom." Qi Yan Jun shook his head and was still careless. "The medical expenses and compensation for them are phased. If they want to continue to get compensation and medical expenses, they can only do as we say."


Seeing Qi Yanjun's cold face, Yunfang nodded lightly, but still felt uneasy.

After Qi Yanjun left, she contacted one of her husband's subordinates by phone and asked the subordinate to help find someone to keep staring at the , the fastest update of the webnovel!