Chapter 92

LAN Yue took over the no small box doubtlessly. The box was not carefully packed. It was just a common box with logo, just looked familiar.

Holding the box, a glimmer of light flashed in LAN Yue's eyes. This is not the prank of master Qi!

"I don't want this. You'd better give it back to him."

"No, you have to give it back to him. I have finished my task anyway."

Do not give LAN Yue the opportunity to continue to speak, Rong Yan tactfully turned around and ran.

Looking at Rong Yan's thin back, LAN Yue frowned angrily and put the box aside, intending to return it to Qi Yanjun the next day.

It's getting late. LAN Yue, who wanted to wait for her father to come back to sleep, has a fight. When the clock on the wall turns to 12 o'clock, she can't resist sleepiness.

In the middle of the night, lanyue, who was in a daze, was awakened by his father.

"Dad, are you back? I'll boil water to wash your face. "

"No, Yueyue. Dad asked you, where did that pair of dance shoes come from?"

"Dance shoes?" Looking at her father's loving face, LAN Yue hears the three words of dance shoes suddenly and does not feel sleepy. Along the direction of her father's fingers, she sees the package box Rongyan gave her.

The packing box was opened to blue father. Under the light, there was a pair of exquisite dance shoes. The workmanship was meticulous and perfect, just like the dance shoes customized by the school.

"Qi Shao gave it to me."

"Second young master?" Blue father stares at the dance shoes as if thinking, full of tired face with love for his daughter.

LAN Yue nods. Qi Hanmo has been away from Haicheng for several days. Everyone agrees that Qi Shao is Qi Yan Jun in Qi family. People outside call Qi Hanmo all called Qi Ye.

"The second young master is indeed a good child, always taking care of you like this."

Hearing his father's exclamation, LAN Yue almost didn't spray blood. Qi Yanjun took care of her? It would be nice if he didn't squeeze her, but if he gave her dancing shoes for the first time, was his conscience suddenly discovered?

But she understood why Qi Yanjun would be so angry when Zhang Bo mentioned dancing shoes!

"Yuer, it's dad who's sorry for you. The teacher has already called and told dad about the dance class. Today, dad has advanced the next month's salary to the housekeeper. Tomorrow, you can return the money to Qi Shao. "

"Dad, actually I don't need dance shoes at all, and I don't want to take dance lessons..."

Looking at his father's aging and emaciated face, blue Yue's eyes twinkled with tears.

Blue father for his daughter's sensible and feel gratified, but he still put the money into LAN Yue's hand, "good boy, listen to me, go tomorrow and return the money to Qi Shao, and then go to dance class as well as other children."

"What are you thinking?"

Qi Yanjun's deep and charming voice rang out in her ears. LAN Yue's hand trembled, and the small spoon fell into the coffee cup, making a clear sound. Then she realized that she had been in a daze for a long time.

Recalling the past, she thought of her father, Rong Yan and many people. Things are different from people. This is probably the meaning!

At the beginning, my father hoped that he could live happily with Qi Yanjun, but at this time, they sat quietly like strangers, looking at each other speechless.

Don't want to let Qi Yanjun see the tears in her eyes. LAN Yue doesn't open her eyes and pretends to be indifferent, "is Haicheng middle school outside? Seeing the scenery here, I feel very familiar, and I think of some things in the past. "

"Before?" Qi Jun's memories of the past are more beautiful than before

"You once asked Rong Yan to give me a pair of expensive dance shoes. I wanted to return the money to you. As a result, you scolded me for being insane, and you threw money on me. Now think about it. At that time, you had a bad temper

"Have I really done a lot of things that you hate before?"

Qi Yanjun suddenly serious up, leaning against the sofa, pursed thin lips, staring at blue Yue.

LAN Yue did not speak. Their past is the past, and it is not worth mentioning.

"I don't want to talk about the past, but I still want to thank you. When my father died, although you hated me, you married me, at least not making me a homeless person."

LAN Yue's voice is never loud. She is as delicate and lovable as her people. Her face is so white that she is pale and thin.

Qi Yanjun looks at LAN Yue and stops talking. He has too much to say, but he doesn't know where to start. He knew that she was not involved in the design of her own, but she was framed by Xu miaolung.

At that time, he did too many things that broke her heart, and he never wanted to make up for them.

Now LAN Yue can sit down and chat with him calmly, which is the best state."By the way, there's one thing I've always wanted to ask you." Suddenly thought of something, blue Yue's eyes suddenly darkened a lot, her drooping eyelashes covered her eyes, also covered the complicated emotions of her eyes, "where is the cemetery of Rongyan and her wife? I want to see them before I go back to America. "

"I chose the cemetery. The two elder brothers of Rongyan are not fuel-efficient lamps. I didn't want them to disturb Rongyan's rest, so I chose a secret place, which is only known to me. If you have time now, I can take you to see them now

See time is still early, blue Yue then nodded.

More than ten minutes later, LAN Yue went to Rongyan's cemetery in front of Qi Yanjun's car.

The environment of the cemetery is as quiet as LAN Yue imagined. Looking at the young faces on the tombstone, LAN Yue puts down two bundles of flowers and sighs sadly.

Why did Rongyan and his wife refuse to let go of their bad luck?

"Is Xiuyuan OK now? There is no other reliable person in Rong family. Who will take care of Xiuyuan? "

A few days ago, the blue Chen Hao is still in her ear chanting to look for the tolerance Xiuyuan, in fact, she has an idea in mind, just not quite appropriate.

If she can, she can take care of Rong Xiuyuan for Rong Yan, and she can take Rong Xiuyuan to the United States, so that Rong Yan's elder brother and second brother can't find Rong Xiuyuan's trouble.

"I have adopted Xiuyuan. He is my son now."

Qi Yanjun's words made LAN Yue frown. She pursed her lips and her eyes were dignified. She didn't think that Qi Yanjun, a child character, could take good care of the children.

"Xiuyuan has experienced such a thing at such a young age. He must be very sensitive now. Can you take care of his mother?"

Pick a eyebrow, Qi Yan Jun moved the corner of his mouth, "this matter does not need you to worry about, anyway, you will leave the United States soon, how to repair him, you can't help him."

"If you can't take care of him, I can take him to America. Muning and I can provide him with a good environment."

LAN Yue's words, the atmosphere suddenly cold down.

Qi Yan Jun hooked a pair of cold eyes to blue Yue, thin lips pursed a sharper arc.

Sarcasm flashed on his beautiful face, "Oh, what's the relationship between you two and Rongyan? Why should Xiuyuan give it to you? Even if I don't object, will the people of the accommodation family agree? "

In the face of Qi Yanjun's sarcasm, LAN Yue doesn't speak. She knows that her own idea is really out of the blue, but she really wants to do something for Rongyan.

"I admit that this idea is ridiculous, but I hope you can take good care of Xiuyuan. After all, he is so young."

"Now it's Xu miaoyong taking care of him, and my parents will also take care of him. You don't have to worry about his affairs."

LAN Yue always talks about Muning and completely angers Qi Yanjun.

Even though he knew that the marriage between LAN Yue and Mu Ning was probably just a transaction, he could not hide his anger at the bottom of his heart.

However, LAN Yue, who had been calm and calm, heard the name she didn't want to mention from Qi Yanjun's mouth, and her look changed slightly.

She stood up from the tombstone, her face away from the other side. If it was not for her not driving here and taking Qi Yanjun's car back, she must have left now.

Along with the breeze, there is a beautiful bamboo forest.

Silence for a long time, because of the cold wind brought cold, blue Yue has no blood color face more white.

"Let's go!"

Qi Yanjun still has a gentlemanly manner to open his mouth, motioning LAN Yue to return to the car with him. He walked on her right side, and her tall figure blocked the wind from the side.

Driving LAN Yue back to the arena of Lansi's house, Qi Yanjun is black and silent all the way. LAN Yue's light can catch a glimpse of his angular side face.

Compared with five years ago, he has lost more weight and the lines of his face are colder.


While waiting for the traffic lights at the intersection, suddenly a man who didn't know what to do ran to knock on the window of Qi Yanjun.

Qi Yanjun opened the window half with a cold face. Outside was a man in his thirties. Perhaps he didn't expect a pair of handsome and beautiful women with amazing appearance in the luxury car. After he was stunned, he began to sell skillfully.

It turns out that Haicheng has opened a new shopping mall. This man is here to send out leaflets to attract customers.

"Which department store is making its employees so desperate to attract customers by distributing flyers on the road?" Qi Yanjun sarcastically raised his lips and was too lazy to take care of the people outside the car.

LAN Yue kneaded a sweat for the man who handed out the leaflets. There are many shopping malls under Qi's name in Haicheng. The man sends the leaflet to his opponent, and there is no one here.

"I'm from Yaxin shopping mall, sir. Your wife looks so beautiful. You must love her very much on weekdays. You can get a VIP membership card in our shopping mall so that it is more convenient for my wife to spend money there in the future. "

The flyer talked to himself and worked hard to promote it.LAN Yue couldn't help but roll a white eye. She and Qi Yanjun are not husband and wife at all. He is wasting his lips.

"I'll give you her address. Tomorrow I'll send someone to you to get the card and you'll send it to her."

A minute later, the green light was on. Qi Yanjun wrote down the address and threw it to the flyer. Then he continued to drive LAN Yue back to the stadium. , the fastest update of the webnovel!