Chapter 103

"Qi Shao, you are here, too."

Nick turned his head and saw Qi Yanjun. He went straight to say hello.

Qi Yan Jun smilingly place the head, "small Yue son please I help him find the kid."

"Since Qi Shao also found this subway station, it is more certain that the young master is here." Nick secretly breathed a sigh of relief, "Qi Shao, if you find the young master, you must inform me as soon as possible, we need to rush back to the United States before LingDian."


Qi Yanjun's black eyes twinkled with light. At first glance, he looked as cunning as a fox.

It seems that Muning doesn't know what he thinks. How can he let the lance family take the kid away?

"Yiyao, go and find the stationmaster for me. I need him to do me a little favor."

Qi Yanjun told Li Yiyao lightly, but secretly planned the plan.

A few minutes later, Nick and the lance family, who were with him, were stopped by the subway station staff and asked them to show their identity information.

Many of Nick and Lance's family are foreigners. It's very troublesome to show their identity information. For a while, their task of looking for LAN Chenhao is delayed.

Qi Yanjun is not in a hurry. Half an hour later, Nick is still trying to get rid of the subway police, and they have found the trace of LAN Chen Hao.

"Kid, do you know we're looking for you, so you've been hiding here?"

Two pairs of long and narrow Phoenix eyes, one big and one small, have different expressions.

Blue Chen Hao is pulled out by Qi Yanjun from the back of the vending machine. He can't move after being caught. He can only stare at Qi Yanjun angrily.

"Big villain! Let me go. If you don't let me go, I will tell others that you are a human trafficker

The blue Chen Hao of ancient spirit spirit is not old, the brain turns very fast, he wrung Ba small eyebrow, seriously threatens Qi Yan Jun.

With the blue bright Chen in front of him, he found a good mood.

He rarely gently patted the small head of blue Chen Hao, "kid, who are you learning from? Well, don't talk to you. If you want to see xiaoyue'er, shut up now. "


After hearing this, LAN Chen Hao immediately put out his small hand and tightly covered his mouth. He looked at Qi Yanjun with his eyes shining.

Seeing his appearance, Qi Yanjun felt somewhat similar to the blue Yue when he was a child. He didn't say much. He took LAN Chenhao and left the subway station with him.

Sitting in Qi Yan Jun's car, blue Chen Hao restlessly swings his legs, his sight does not leave Qi Yan Jun's face.

"Are you really taking me to see mom?"

"Of course."

"I saw Uncle Nick and other people in the subway station, and they must be worried that they couldn't find me."

"If you want to go to America with them, I can send you back now."

Lazy with a little ghost, Qi Yan Jun simply dropped a word, blue Chen Hao immediately silence.

Qi Yanjun looks indifferent to drive the car, after a while, he dials out a telephone.

The voice from the phone let the blue Chen Hao beside excite, he surprised to call a, "Mom!"

On the other side received a call from Qi Yanjun, LAN Yue also heard the voice of LAN Chen Hao, and her nervous tension finally relaxed.

"Have you found Haohao?"


"Didn't you give Hao Hao to Nick? Nick just called me and said that he had a problem at the subway station, and now he has to deal with it. He hasn't found Haohao yet

LAN Yue originally wanted to let Qi Yanjun find LAN Chenhao and then bring him to see himself, but later found out that Nick was also in the subway station, so she called Qi Yanjun to find someone and give it to Nick directly.

But now Qi Yanjun didn't do this, which made her confused.

"Are you sure he won't run away again after I give him to Nick?"

"What are you talking about? You give Haohao to Nick, and Nick will take good care of him. " I don't understand what Qi Yanjun means. LAN Yue is a little anxious.

Qi Yan Jun glanced at the blue Chen Hao around him, and his eyes were shimmering.

"I can send him back, but tell him yourself!"

"Mommy, I don't want to go back to America with Uncle Nick. I want to accompany you. I don't want to be separated from you..."

Hearing his son's voice, LAN Yue's heart softened.

Blue HaoChen still can't take care of his body.

"Haohao, didn't we agree before? You go back to the United States to find your father, and when your mother is well, you will go to you. "

"Every time I get sick, my mother is with me. Mom, you are sick now. How can Haohao and dad leave you alone..."

Blue Yue's reproach lets blue Chen Hao feel aggrieved, his finger pulls his clothes Cape, bright big eye halo gave out two bubble tears, just in the orbit of the eye inside go round and round, did not fall down.Qi Yan Jun's side look, saw blue Chen Hao want to cry not to cry appearance, eyes slightly flash, thin lip moved, finally did not say what.

Blue Yue over there also heard the voice of blue Chen Hao mixed with crying sound, the heart followed a tight, helpless and heartache let her in a dilemma.

"Haohao, you are a good boy. Be obedient."

"Mom doesn't go, and Haohao doesn't go either..."

"If he wants to stay, let him stay. I can take care of him for you for a while."

"Do you know the real meaning of taking care of Haohao?" LAN Yue was silent for a while and asked Qi Yanjun seriously.

Qi Yanjun's face was clear, "of course I know that Muning's nephew can't move Muning. Naturally, he will attack your mother and son. It's better to protect him than to take care of him. Do you think there is anyone else in Haicheng who can take better care of this kid besides me? "

There is no voice over the phone, because LAN Yue agrees with Qi Yanjun.

In Haicheng, with the protection of the Qi family, even the Lansi family, it is difficult to move Haohao a hair.

"Are you really willing to help me protect Haohao? What are your conditions? "

LAN Yue's uncertain inquiry makes Qi Yanjun smile with banter in his eyes. He droops his eyelids and his eyes are soft.

As long as it's your child, I won't let anyone hurt him.

"I once said that five years ago, I owed you a lot, so I should make up for it. I helped you with three things, which was the first. There are two other things to think about before you leave Haicheng. "

LAN Yue doesn't expect Qi Yanjun to help her do anything else. She just wants LAN Chen Hao Ping'an.

Think of Qi Yan Jun said in her ear, blue Yue had to agree with him, "I will think about it."

He enjoyed LAN Yue's attitude along with his heart. As many years ago, Qi Yanjun's smile was deeper.

Hang up and blue Yue's telephone, Qi Yan Jun shape seems to ask the blue Chen Hao around.

"It's very late now. It's time for xiaoyueer to rest. I'll take you to see her tomorrow. You go back with me first? "


"When you get there, you don't have to be uncomfortable. Xiuyuan is here. Have you known each other before?"


Can't see blue Yue tonight, blue Chen Hao looks wanton, small head against the window, the window reflects a fuzzy small face.

Qi Yan Jun picks eyebrow to sweep a blue Chen Hao, indifferent Mou son suddenly flash a silk of surprise.

The more he looked at the kid, the more familiar he felt.

More than half an hour later, Qi Yanjun's car finally drove into the compound of the military area command. The lamp of Qi's old house was still on. The servant had to clean the old house tonight, so he slept very late.

"Second young master, why are you here at this time?" The housekeeper saw Qi Yanjun and immediately met him, "where have you been this day? Because you didn't come back from the lunch party, the third lady was depressed all afternoon."

"There are some things to do. Yingying should go to bed now. I'll explain it to her tomorrow."

"Is the child?"

Soon, the housekeeper's line of sight with Qi Yan Jun staggers, fell to his side timid blue Chen Hao body.

LAN Chen Hao is not afraid of life, but when he comes to a strange place, he will still be nervous. However, he has not forgotten the etiquette that Lan Yue teaches him on weekdays. He looks at the housekeeper and calls for his grandfather.

"This is the child of my friend's family. He lived here for a while, and it happened to be with Xiuyuan."

"Yes, second young master. I'm going to arrange the room."

"Sister Wu, take him to the kitchen to eat something."

Although do not like children, but since promised to take good care of blue Yue blue Chen Hao, Qi Yan Jun will not ignore him.

It's already late at night, the sky is full of stars, Qi's old house is full of lights, because of the arrival of blue Chen Hao, the servants in the family are busy again.

There was a lot of noise downstairs, so that the lights which had been extinguished in the room upstairs were on again.

Qifu and Yunfang first went downstairs and were surprised to learn that Qi Yanjun had brought back a child.

"Yunfang, does this child look like Yan Jun when he was a child? Can it be that he was out with... "

Saw the blue Chen Hao's face, Qi father to his wife to stop.

Yunfang nodded with approval, and her face was mixed. If it is Qi Yanjun's illegitimate son outside, it's just that I don't know what the mother of the child is.

"Housekeeper, come here. Where is he now?"

"The second young master came back and said," this young master will stay with us for a period of time. The second young master is driving to pick up his luggage and will be back soon. "

"Did you tell me where the child came from when you came back?"

Qi Fu and Yun Fang looked at the housekeeper, seemingly calm, but their hearts were turbulent.

The housekeeper thought about it and replied truthfully, "the second young master said it was the child of a friend's house."

"We all know Yan Jun's friends. No one has such a big child in his family. What's going on?"

"Is it really what we think it is..."Half of Yun Fang's words were stopped by Qi Fu's eyes.

At this time, on the second floor, Xu Miaolong, dressed in a rose colored silk pajamas, walked down. She learned that Qi Yanjun had returned to her old house, and was in a hurry to change her pajamas.

Just downstairs, she didn't know that Qi Yanjun brought a child back, so she saw LAN Chen Hao sitting in the dining room with a small bite to eat, and the expression of self assurance on her face could no longer be strained.

"Mom and Dad, is this child?"

With an embarrassed smile, Xu miaoreng went to ask Qifu and Yunfang, but they could not answer her questions.

"The child is brought back by Yan Jun, Miao Rong. If it is what we think, you'd better prepare yourself."

Anxious cloud Fang see blue Chen Hao more and more feel that he is like Qi Yanjun, see Xu miaolung's face is not good-looking, she can't help but say what is in her heart.

At this moment, Xu Miaolong's pupils shrank, her ears seemed to be quiet, complex emotions intertwined in her face, boundless fear seemed to swallow her up.

She remembered that she had seen the child!

This is Lan Yue's child! , the fastest update of the webnovel!