Chapter 110

Standing behind the blue Chen Hao silently, Xu miaoyong didn't make any sound. The half light reflected her gloomy expression.

There is a window at the junction of the first floor and the second floor. The breeze blows in, which disperses the flowers in the antique vase under the window, and the petals are scattered on the stairs.

Blue Chen Hao squats on the stairs is to pick up those petals, he will pick up the petals in the palm of the flesh, as if very precious.

"What are you doing?"

Xu miaolung looked for a while, cold Bu Ding's mouth, blue Chen Hao turned his head to her smile like face, a pair of clear big eyes suddenly stare big.

Looking at this pair of eyes, Xu Miaolong's mind is blue Yue that always pretends to be innocent face, for no reason disgust again from the bottom of my heart.

"Get out of the way! Don't you know it's impolite to stand on the stairs and block other people's walking? "

"The young lady is so cruel to a child."

Just went to the supermarket shopping back to see this scene, put things aside, three steps two steps upstairs to comfort blue Chen Hao.

"Haohao, it's OK. I'll take you back to your room."


Blue Chen Hao sucked the nose and nodded gently.

He will stay here and wait for his mother to pick him up.

"Why are you picking up these little flowers Will blue Chen Hao back to the room, Wu sister-in-law found him lying in front of the desk, carefully spread the petals on a piece of paper, can not help but feel curious.

Blue Chen Hao shakes the glue on the hand and smiles shyly, "I'm going to use these petals to glue a picture to my mother. I hope my mother can get better soon."

"What a sensible child

Wu's sister-in-law looked lovingly at LAN Chen Hao, and felt that his family education was excellent. His parents must also be knowledgeable.

"Xiuyuan, why are you still playing games? What did mom tell you before? It doesn't matter if you can't compare with blue Chen Hao, but you can't be much worse than him. You should finish the homework assigned by the preschool teacher, and you should practice the piano every day... "

In the next room, Xu Miaolong picked up Rong Xiuyuan, who was playing video games on his cot, and taught him with a straight face.

Rong Xiuyuan, who was spoiled by his freedom and laziness, saw Xu miaoyong so fierce for the first time. He suddenly felt aggrieved in his heart and began to cry bitterly.

Xu miaoreng saw that he cried out of breath, afraid to disturb the rest of the family, hastily covered his mouth.

"Well, don't cry. Do what you want! I can't control you anyway... "

Waiting for Rong Xiuyuan to stop crying, Xu miaolung released his hand and stood up with a frown.

"After the family only like blue Chen Hao, we will leave him at home and drive you out. What will you do then?"

Rong Xiuyuan is delicate and looks like a little girl's face flushed with sobs. Xu miaoreng's words do not know how much he listens to.

"You play! I'm out. "

Seeing that Xiuyuan didn't speak, Xu miaoyong sighed and walked out with a cold face.

Back in her room, Xu Miaolong changed her clothes and took out the TV station's information from the drawer.

Recently, she has been on a lot of worries, and the reality TV show is about to be recorded. She is very worried about whether she can cope with her work well in her present state.

"Beep, beep, beep!"

Forced to take a serious look at the simple Taiwan version, Xu miaolung covered her mouth and yawned. At this time, her mobile phone just vibrated.

It's Gu Xuan.

"I've found a reliable person about the thing you told me before. When do you want to do it?"

"So fast? Is that man reliable? It's got to be a tough mouth. "

"You don't want to worry about it. The people I'm looking for are absolutely reliable. If they leak any information after the success, they will know better than anyone else."

"Tomorrow is the weekend. Let's make it tomorrow! To be on the safe side, I'll come to you for business and avoid any contact with the people you're looking for. "

Gu Xuan's efficiency is too high. While Xu miaolung is overjoyed, she is also worried. She is afraid that the plan will fail, and she will not be able to steal the rice.

"Well, it's up to you." Gu Xuan's voice was lazy, but his mood was particularly complicated.

Half an hour later, Xu miaoyong walked out of his room and came to Rong Xiuyuan's room again.

Opening the door, Rong Xiuyuan did not lie on the bed, but sat in front of the desk practicing calligraphy. He pursed his lips, wrote with strokes, and his face with tears was full of grievances.

After Xu miaoyong left, Rong Xiuyuan thought for a moment. He was afraid that Xu miaoyong would be angry, so he had to practice calligraphy obediently.

Xu Miaolong is very pleased to see it now. She looks gentle and whispers, "Xiuyuan, you know that even if I'm fierce, you're also for your own good. You have to understand mom..."

"I see, mom. Do you think my handwriting is much better?"

Rong Xiuyuan is ignorant. He just wants to make Xu miaoreng happy and hold his own words in front of him.Xu Miao Rong glanced at him and kneaded his small face. "It's really good! If you perform so well today, your mother should reward you. How about letting grandma take you to the children's paradise tomorrow? "

"Go to the children's paradise! But mom, if you ask grandma to take me, won't you come with me? "

"Mother is a little uncomfortable, want to stay at home to rest, let Grandma take you with you, and can let blue Chen Hao go with you."

"But mom, you didn't let me play with him?" Rong Xiuyuan frowned and blinked in confusion.

"You can play with him this time."

Xu miaoreng looks at Rong Xiuyuan deeply, and seems to see something else through him. A shrewd and strange look looms in her beautiful eyes.

After making an account with Rong Xiuyuan, Xu Miaolong goes to Yunfang and tells her what Rong Xiuyuan wants to go to the children's paradise tomorrow.

"But I don't have time tomorrow. I have an appointment with Mrs. Wang to feed stray cats and dogs in the park."

In the kitchen, Yunfang urges the servant to help her prepare the food to be taken to the park tomorrow, and refuses Xu miaolung in embarrassment.

Xu Miao Rong's heart hung, her eyes turned deep, "but Xiuyuan really wants to go out. Children stay at home on weekends are boring. If you don't take them out to play, they will not be happy."

"Don't you want to discuss it with Yan Jun? He may have time tomorrow. Let him take the two children out to play! "

Yun Fang bent down and counted the cat food, dog food, cut beef and horse meat that Mrs. Wang had prepared in front of her. Feeding stray cats and dogs was a good thing she and other rich women had agreed to do every week.

It's her turn this week. If she doesn't go, she can't make it.

But Xu Miao Rong's face is very ugly here. If Qi Yanjun takes blue Chen Hao and Rong Xiuyuan out, does the person arranged by Gu Xuan still have a chance to start?

After hesitating for a while, Xu miaolung coughed, and his tone was very serious, "Mom, or you'd better take your two children to feed the stray cats and dogs! Not only can let them go out for a ride, so as not to be bored at home, but also can cultivate their love from childhood

"That's a good idea."

After washing the smell of meat on her hands, the corners of Yunfang's eyes are lifted up, bringing out a few subtle lines.

Although she does not have a grandson now, but there are two obedient children in the family to take out for their friends to see, which is also worth showing off.

Yunfang thought about it herself, and agreed with Xu miaoyong's idea with a smile.

The next day, LAN Chen Hao and Rong Xiu went out with Yunfang to feed stray cats and dogs. Both showed great interest, and the two villains started off with a bright smile.

"Young lady, you are not well. Why don't you lie in bed and rest?"

In the second bedroom on the third floor, the servant who came in and cleaned saw Xu miaoyong standing on the floor barefoot in a thin silk pajamas, looking straight out at what he was looking at.

Hearing the movement behind him, Xu miaoyong's sight was taken back from the car leaving the old house, and lay lazily on the bed.

"After cleaning, go out and close the door for me. I want to sleep for a while and don't disturb me today."

"Yes, young lady."

The servant nodded and carefully began to tidy up the room. Xu miaoreng's dressing table is full of expensive skin care products and cosmetics. If she overturns a bottle, she may not be able to pay for her monthly salary.

After the servant finished sorting and leaving, Xu miaoyong maintained a posture, lying on her side on the bed, her slender figure submerged in the thick sheet.

After the door closed, Xu miaolung, lying in bed, opened his eyes, touched the mobile phone under his pillow and sent a message to Gu Xuan.

"Lan Yue, after today, your wishful thinking will be defeated. No matter whether blue Chen Hao is Yan Jun's child, you don't want to see him again. "

Don't blame me. You can only blame you for sending him to the Qi family.

Xu miaoreng has been patient these days. She knows that Qi Yanjun goes to the hospital to see LAN Yue every day.

Her heart felt like a needle pricked at the thought of the two of them together, but soon it would all be over.

Soon, life will be as peaceful as before, and the name lanyue will never be mentioned.

Yunfang and her two children met with Mrs. Wang in the agreed park. They did not realize that the danger was approaching.

"What a lovely child Mrs. Wang has a round face and a kind face. She likes the two children very much.

Yunfang a face complacent, holding two children's hands, "after a while you two follow us, do not run around."

"I see!"

The two children agreed.

Rong Xiuyuan secretly glanced at the blue Chen Hao beside him, and his face was tangled and complicated. He wanted to question why LAN Chen Hao wanted to stay in his home, but he didn't want to talk to him.

"It's OK. Don't worry. There are no people in the park on weekdays. It's OK for so many adults to take good care of two children." Mrs. Wang comforted Yunfang. She brought two servants to pick up things today, just in time to help look after the children.The park is surrounded by high-end communities. Although there are not many people on weekdays, there are a lot of stray cats and dogs. Occasionally, security guards come to catch dogs and eat meat.

Yunfang and his party come here regularly. In addition to feeding, they also need to prevent security guards from injuring cats and dogs.

"Well, how do I feel like I've lost a few? Why didn't rhubarb and Xiaohei come here? "

Yunfang and they put down the food. Whoa, all the cats and dogs nearby would come. But today they counted and found that there were several missing.

"Was it taken by the security guard? Let's go and ask them. "

See often feed a few puppies disappear, cloud Fang and Mrs. Wang face greatly changed, angry to find a dog to eat meat security accounts.

In the southwest corner of the park, there is a humble van, in which two men are holding binoculars, monitoring every move of Yunfang and his party!

"Look, they're gone. Here comes the chance." , the fastest update of the webnovel!