Chapter 114

With a cold face, Guan Mengmeng dials LAN Yue's phone without saying a word. When LAN Yue learns about the situation, she asks Guan Mengmeng to hand her mobile phone to Qi Yanjun.

There were people coming and going in the police station. A few people just stood there. The atmosphere was stale, and some people cast strange eyes from time to time.

Even LAN Chen Hao can see that Qi Yanjun is in a bad mood now, and his beautiful face is full of impatience.

He reached out his wounded hand and took the phone from Guan Mengmeng's.

"Haohao must be taken away by me today. I will tell you the reason when I get there. It was an accident that he was abducted, and it was indeed my dereliction of duty. It is wrong for me to hide from you, but I am also afraid that you are worried

"No, I won't give you Haohao again! Do you know what a terrible thing it is for a five-year-old to be abducted by a trafficker? Thanks to my belief in you, you lost Haohao, but you still kept it from me. " LAN Yue's voice is weak because of illness, but the tone is particularly resolute, "and Haohao was abducted too coincidentally, I don't think the matter is so simple, anyway, I will not give Haohao to you again."

LAN Yue's weak voice made Qi Yanjun's eyebrows lock. The scratch on the back of his white hand had oozed blood, but he squeezed his fist unconsciously.

After a few seconds of silence, Qi Yanjun's Obsidian eyes faded into a dark color. He lowered his voice and spoke slowly.

"There's something I didn't tell you before, but didn't you notice anything unusual? The lance family who protected you in the hospital has been removed! In addition, Yiyao also got wind of strangers asking about your mother and son in Haicheng. What do you think happened to Muning, who has been ignoring you for so long

Qi Yanjun's words stabbed LAN Yue's mind.

During this time, she really noticed the abnormality and asked Muning. Mu Ning only told her that there was a small incident in the United States, but from Qi Yanjun's words, Mu Ning said the small things were more serious than she imagined.

"I want to take Haohao back to the U.S. right now, you will give Haohao to Mengmeng immediately."

LAN Yue sat up from the bed, her long hair fell from her cheek, and she didn't want to pull out the suspender on her hand. Her eyes were very clear.

"Laozi told you how dangerous America is to you now. Are you crazy to go back

Know LAN Yue's stubborn temper, also know that Lan Yue's character will not ignore Mu Ning, so Qi Yanjun has been hiding it.

Today, forced to say it out of helplessness, LAN Yue really wanted to go back, which made Qi Yanjun angry.

"Muning is my husband. When he is in trouble, Haohao and I should be with him."

Muning encountered such a big trouble this time, it must be because there are elders in the lance family who are fighting against each other. She must take Haohao back with her.

For the sake of Haohao, those elders may change their minds. After all, Haohao is the only blood inheritor of the lance family.

LAN Yue has her own ideas. She wants to help Muning, but in Qi Yanjun's opinion, she goes back to die.

"Lan Yue, you can't walk out of Haicheng with me. Before I go, you'll settle me down in the hospital

In the police station, Qi Yanjun snapped off the phone and glanced at all the people at the scene with his cold eyes. The air seemed to be a little cold.

"Can I take him now?"

Qi Yanjun's sight falls on Guan Mengmeng's body. Guan Mengmeng frowns and is still angry.

"You give me your mobile phone, and I'll ask Yueyue myself."

The mobile phone cuts a parabola in mid air and hits Guan Mengmeng. Guan Mengmeng reluctantly catches the mobile phone and stares at Qi Yanjun angrily.

"Hey, I broke my cell phone, you pay for it!"

"Don't talk to Qimeng so much." Lin Feng pinches a sweat for his girlfriend. Who in Haicheng doesn't want to curry favor with Qi Shao, but Guan Mengmeng is stubborn and doesn't know how to change.

"Yiyao, you send Xiuyuan back to the old house, and I will take him to the hospital."

Qi Yanjun picked up LAN Chen Hao, opened his long legs, and went straight to the gate.

Guan Mengmeng tries to catch up with him, but is stopped by Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng, why did you stop me just now! Who on earth do you help? "

More than ten minutes later, I got out of the police station, sat in the car and kicked Lin Feng who was driving.

"Ouch! My silly girl, you haven't seen the relationship between them! If you are foolishly shot, do something that offends people. "

"What do you mean?"

"I think your friend just wants to be with Qi Shao. Her move is hard to get. Otherwise, why did she give her son to Qi Shao in the first place? If you help her, she will be together with Qi Shaozhen in the future, but you will become the most thankless person. "

Lin Feng takes a meaningful glance at Guan Mengmeng. He lights a cigarette from his pocket and puts it on the open window with the cigarette in his hand. He looks clear.

"No way. Yueyue can't be with Qi Shao. You don't know how many bastard things Qi Shao has done to Yueyue. Yueyue can't be with him, and they are all married... ""If you don't believe it, I think that Qi Shao will divorce his wife sooner or later. But your friend, her husband, has been indifferent to her and her children for such a long time. Don't you think there is a problem?"

Lin Feng's words shake Guan Mengmeng's heart.

It's really strange. It's reasonable to say that Dr. Mu has returned home to deal with things. It's time to deal with them. Why doesn't he come to see Yueyue.

What's more, Yueyue was so sick.

"If you dig out your heart and lungs, they may not treat you as a friend. Do you know how many things she keeps from you?"

Lin Feng continues to chatter in Guan Mengmeng's ears. It seems that his purpose is not pure to provoke the relationship between Guan Mengmeng and LAN Yue.

As Guan Mengmeng sits in the car, her eyes fall to the changing street view outside the window. Her once clear and bright eyes gradually become dim.

Is Lan Yue really hiding something from her?

"Doctor, can she get out of bed now?"

At this moment, Qi Yanjun has arrived at the hospital. After entering the ward, he sees LAN Yue sitting on the sofa with his clothes on, and his pent up anger erupts again.

He didn't dare to yell at her, so he could only take the doctor on the side to make a fuss.

"Her physical condition is not suitable for walking out of bed, but the patient said she was OK and insisted on getting out of bed..."

Full of grievances in charge of the doctor's words have not finished, Qi Yan Jun a sharp eyes to suppress back.

He can't afford to offend him, you know.

Seeing that Lan Yue was still sitting, Qi Yanjun didn't mean to lie back. His thick and graceful eyebrows picked out again, and frowned and pursed his lips.

"Are you a doctor or she is a doctor? What does she say? What do I send her to you for?"

"Yes, it was my fault."

"Enough, don't tell me. I got out of bed myself. They couldn't stop it. How are they? "

Blue Yue see Qi Yan Jun with gray hair attending doctor, headache to stop.

She waited for a long time, did not see blue Chen Hao, unavoidably anxious.

Qi Yanjun sees LAN Yue talking to him on his own initiative. He strides forward, holding her waist in one hand and crossing her knee bend with the other, and lifts her in the air.

"If you lie down, I will answer your question."

The warm and cold breath was sprayed on her hair, and LAN Yue was put back on the soft bed. She caught a glimpse of Qi Yanjun's bruised eyes and his dry and even bleeding lips. She was stunned.

He looked tired and tired.

Two children lost, he is also very anxious!

So thinking, blue Yue's hand has been out of control to the bedside cup, handed to his hand.

Qi Yanjun was also stunned. He lowered his eyelids and looked at the cup in his hand. For a moment, LAN Yue caught the joy in his long and narrow eyes. He felt puzzled.

"I'm really thirsty!"

Qi Yanjun blinked his eyes, aware of his gaffe, pretending to drink the water in the cup carelessly.

The moment he raised his hand, LAN Yue saw his hand full of scratches and blood. She felt angry, but she didn't know what she was angry about.

is just as like as two peas. When she was with Qi, she always felt more sensitive than ever.

"When I brought him here, he said there was a gift for you, but the gift was in the old house, so I asked Yiyao to take him back and get it. When I got the gift, Yiyao would send him over."

"Haohao is too good!"

Blue Yue sighed a sentence, in the heart more worried about the safety of blue Chen Hao.

"What's the matter with the abduction and sale of Haohao this time?" She sank her heart and looked solemnly at Qi Yanjun, asking him to tell Haohao the detailed process of his disappearance.

Qiyan Junru told the truth to LAN Yue, and sincerely apologized.

"This time, it's because my mother is too careless and I don't arrange more people to accompany them. Haohao will stay with me. I won't let someone take him out alone again. "

"Do you think Hao Hao's abduction has something to do with the LANs family?"

Blue Yue made a guess, she was scared by this conjecture, the blood color on her face faded a little.

If so, she and Haohao stay in Haicheng is too dangerous.

Seeing that Lan Yue was not excited before, Qi Yanjun took a breath of relief and calmed down. He felt the burning pain in his hands. Guan Mengmeng is merciless, and every scratch is broken.

He frowned, closed his fist and shook his head.

"No, my mother's plan to take them to the park was a temporary one, and no one else could have known about it, or be so sure. After interrogating the two traffickers, they were confirmed to be habitual criminals, and Xiuyuan was also arrested at that time. It should not be aimed at LAN Chenhao... "

Qi Yanjun's analysis is reasonable, but LAN Yue always feels uneasy.

"The two little ghosts were handed over to the traffickers. The two kidnappers have not been caught yet. I'll let Yiyao try to find them and find out what's going on.""What I am most worried about is the people of the lance family. They don't want Muning to be the leader of the family. Since Haohao and I have become their targets, it will be sooner or later for them to find us."

"As I said, there is no place more suitable for you than Haicheng. The Qi family can cover the sky here. The group of people who came to you a few days ago have been disposed of by me. In Haicheng, they come to the same number. "

Although Qi Yanjun is not willing to mention Muning's name, he has to admit that he is a very smart man.

"Munin knows that, so he can rest assured that you can stay here." , the fastest update of the webnovel!