Chapter 116

Xu miaolung recognized that this was one of Qi Yanjun's cars.

She took the coat and the handbag, stiff in place, and the color of her face faded.

How to explain her presence here at night?

Soon, the door opened and a man stepped out of the car. Xu Miaolong didn't know whether he should be lucky or nervous, because he was not Qi Yanjun, but Li Yiyao.

"Young lady, you don't mean to go to a big help a friend to do business, how can you be here?"

Although Li Yiyao is the king of special forces, he is not a man of rashness. He is a very smart man. Qi Yanjun will give him a lot of things to take care of.

He glanced at the hotel not far away, and then looked at Xu Miao Rong, who had thought.

In Li Yiyao's sharp eyes like eagle eyes, Xu miaolung has a feeling of being seen through, and can't help feeling guilty.

"I came here only after finishing my work. I wanted to buy something, but I didn't find it after searching for a long time."

"Oh, ma'am, what do you want to buy? I'm familiar with it. I can send you what you want. "

"No, no, I'll go back and have a look on the Internet myself."

Xu miaolung bit his lips to force himself to calm down and quietly came up with a perfect excuse for himself.

After hearing this, Li Yiyao did not continue to study. He opened the door of the back seat, his face was dim and he could not see any emotion.

"Is Madame going back to her old house? I'm going back to my old house now. You get on the bus first


Xu miaoreng sits in the car and stares at the back of Li Yiyao's head. She really doesn't know how to get along with such a rigid and loyal man as Li Yiyao.

She is very clear in her heart that Li Yiyao knows a lot of things she has done before, so she has never been fond of her.

Today, she was hit by him again. From his reaction, she was not sure whether he believed what she said, which made her more afraid of him.

"Here we are, Madame."

After arriving at the old house, Li Yiyao, who did not make a sound all the way, finally opened his mouth.

Xu miaolung is restless. Just about to pull the door, Li Yiyao's voice comes from his ear again.

"Qi, don't do anything bad for me before I divorce you today


The following words Xu Miao Rong did not listen to, she directly threw the door, cold face into Qi's house.

In Qi's family, she looks at people's faces everywhere, but she doesn't think she wants to see Li Yiyao's face. He is just a lackey of Qi Yanjun!

"Wait for me. I'll find a way to get you out of my sight."

Entering the living room, Xu miaolung has adjusted her mood and changed into a color of joy.

In the living room, Yunfang is holding the Rong Xiuyuan that she has found. She is reluctant to let go, and wishes to move all the best things in the house to him.

"Mom, you're back!"

Yunfang was a little impatient, Rong Xiuyuan saw Xu miaoyong immediately jumped off the sofa and rushed to it.

Xu miaoreng bent down to hold rongxiuyuan, seeing that Yunfang was not happy, he hurriedly carried rongxiuyuan.

"Xiuyuan, my mother told you when you came back. Grandma didn't mean to lose you. Don't blame grandma. In the future, you should remember to stay away from strangers and run away when you meet bad people... "

"Yes, yes, yes! Miao Rong is right! Grandma didn't mean to

In my heart, I still feel guilty.

In fact, Rong Xiuyuan didn't care at all. From the beginning to the end, he was bewildered by the gangsters with sleeping pills, so he didn't know what happened.

However, he listened to Xu miaoyong very much. He would do whatever he said.

"Come on, Xiuyuan. You go and hug grandma."

Xu miaoreng lets Rong Xiuyuan go to baoyunfang, and rongxiuyuan naturally and obediently does it, but this move makes Yunfang elated.

"Xiuyuan, forgive grandma! How nice of us to be far away

"Mom, you didn't mean that my grandfather knew about it and came back in the afternoon. Where are the grandfathers now?"

Last night has not been Rong Xiuyuan and blue Chen Hao news, anxious Yunfang or told this matter to Qi master, want to let him use the relationship to think of a way.

After learning about this, Mr. Qi immediately came back from other provinces. Only before he returned to Haicheng, the two children had been found.

"Resting in the room upstairs, the old man was really tired all the way. He was relieved to know that the two children were OK."

Mr. Qi came back to see Rong Xiuyuan and the blue Chen Hao he had not seen before. When LAN Chen Hao lived in his old house, he just went to visit his relatives in other provinces. Today is his first time to see LAN Chen Hao.

"I see Dad's car outside. Is dad at home?"

"Well, my grandfather called him up, and I don't know what to account for." Yunfang is a little guilty. She is worried that Mr. Qi complains about her because of this, and tells Qifu that she is not.Xu miaolung just to ease the atmosphere, casually asked, and did not put it in mind.

However, at this moment, in the room of Mr. Qi upstairs, Mr. Qi, with his vicissitudes of face, is sitting on the sofa, holding his crutch in his hand, lowering his head and looking dignified.

And Qifu stood in front of him, eyes deep.

Mr. Qi told him that he had a very important thing to tell him, but he didn't speak for a while.

After a while, just when Qi Fu couldn't bear it, he rubbed the old gold watch on his hands, and his voice was hoarse and hoarse.

"Is that child really a doctor Mu's child? What's his name? "

Li Yiyao sent LAN Chen Hao back to take a gift for LAN Yue. At that time, Mr. Qi had just arrived home. At that time, Mr. Qi took a look at LAN Chen Hao.

Just a glance, but let the old man Qi began to feel uneasy. Because he looks too much like Qi Yanjun when he was a child, if he had not done paternity test, he almost thought that blue Chen Hao was Qi family's blood.

"The child was brought back by Yan Jun, and doctor Mu has returned to the United States, but his wife is still staying in Haicheng to recuperate due to illness, so it is not convenient to take care of the child. The child lives in our family for a period of time. His name is Zhan Chenhao, and his mother's surname. He is a very smart child. "

Old Qi is old, but his brain is not confused. Although LAN Yue changed his name abroad, he knows very well that the child was sent to her by him at the beginning.

There was silence for a while, and Mr. Qi sighed. The secret had been buried in his heart for five years, and he had not told anyone. But now that he is old, many things are beyond his ability. Now, he has to tell the secret to his son.

From LAN Yue's pregnancy five years ago to her miscarriage, he asked his old friend to take the baby away and sent it back to LAN Yue. Mr. Qi told his son the whole story.

After listening to the atmosphere father for a long time did not return to God, after a long time, he helped the frameless glasses, the sound line for a long time difficult to calm.

At that time, mu Yuening was the one who didn't die? The child in our family is her own son? "

"That's right."

"Dad! How can you keep such things from us for so long

Qi Fu, who is famous in the shopping mall, is not surprised. His expression is ridiculous at this moment. He stares at his eyes and his head is in a mess.

LAN Yue is a very taboo name in Qi family. Few people mention it. Everyone thinks she is dead. But now she is not dead, and the wild seed that shames Qi family is also five years old.

"At the beginning, the child in LAN Yue's stomach couldn't be saved. Dad, why did you spend so much effort to keep this child? On the contrary, it was the blood of Qi family in miaoyong's stomach at that time."

At the beginning, LAN Yue married to the Qi family with Muning's seed, and continued to have an affair with Muning during the marriage, which was a great shame to the Qi family.

With this alone, Qi's family can't forgive LAN Yue.

Qi father even if is to see blue Yue grow up, but for her to do this kind of thing also did not have a little good feeling. It was learned that Qi's father spent a lot of hard work five years ago to keep the premature baby's blue Chen Hao. Qi's father complained a lot about it.

"Lan Yue's father is kind to me. Even if LAN Yue does something wrong, I can't be so cruel. She thinks that her child's death is already a punishment for her. What's more, she had already divorced Yan Jun at that time... "

"But what is it now that she comes back with her children? The child still lives in our house. "

Qi Fu sighed a long sigh, his eyes were gloomy, and his heart was filled with complex emotions.

Blue Chen Hao that child is really likable, who can think that he is actually blue Yue's son.

"This is what I didn't expect. Yan Jun married Miao Rong five years ago. I thought he had forgotten LAN Yue. But now he actually brought LAN Yue's child back, which proves that he already knows that Lan Yue is not dead. " Mr. Qi's hair is gray and his tone is heavy.

"Yan Jun is a fool! Is he still obsessed with LAN Yue? "

Thinking of this, Qifu frowned, anger spread on his angular face.

Mr. Qi shook his head gently, "Yan Jun, the child, has always had his own opinions. He doesn't discuss anything with us, but he is not a confused person. Today, I was surprised to see that child. Don't you realize that he looks too much like Yan Jun

"What do you mean, dad? Didn't you say that you had done a paternity test to confirm that the child was not the blood of Yan Jun? "

"The original appraisal report is still locked in the safe, and the appraisal result will not be wrong. I'm afraid there will be a mistake in the middle of this."


In the room with the smell of sandalwood and potion, father Qi and father Qi sat still.

The water servant outside knocked on the door, but no one responded and did not dare to come in.

After the sound of the footsteps had gone away, Qi Fu fixed his eyes on the old man Qi and said, "Dad, how do you want me to do this thing today"I'm old, and I don't understand many things. I didn't know whether I was right or wrong when I made that decision. So I don't think it's right or wrong for me to get involved. I want to leave this matter to you to solve. You can do it according to your ideas. "

"Well, Dad, don't worry. I'll take care of it."

Qi father in order to let Qi old man son peace of mind, a should, but his heart is also full of contradictions and depression.

Now the best way is to do another paternity test.

Just this result is too heavy for Qi family. If Haohao is really the child of Yan Jun, what should we do next? , the fastest update of the webnovel!