Chapter 129

Sitting in a wheelchair, the sun fell from the top of the head, blue Yue half squinted, clear and thorough eyes reflected the mirror like lake.

Qi Yan Jun, with his back against the stone bench, raised his head and raised his mouth.

"When he and the lance family know that you transfer CL so easily, I don't know what will happen."

"CL is completely founded by Mu Ning and I. Xiaodong and lance family have nothing to do with it. No matter whether they want to take CL as their own or destroy it, I will not let them succeed."

"That's why you agreed without hesitation when I put forward this condition?"

Qi Yanjun slouched across his legs and looked askance at lanyue with a smile in his mouth.

Blue Yue smell speech to turn a wheelchair, face Qi Yan Jun, "don't forget you promised me at the beginning, Muning now have news?"

"Not for three months?"

"You want to bring Muning back safely in three months. If you don't have any information about Muning's position until now, are you sure you can help him within three months?"

Related to Mu Ning's life and death, LAN Yue's attitude became particularly cautious, but this made Qi Yanjun particularly unhappy.

He curled his mouth, his beautiful eyes were half squinted, and a trace of evil was faintly visible.

"I promise you things will be done naturally, and Cl, I am not taking you for nothing. Before I leave, I will transfer part of Qi's shares to you, which is also an equal deal."

"You give me Qi's shares? It's not fair to you at all. What do you want to do? "

"You'll soon know what I want to do."

The fragrance of the flowers is pleasant.

Qi Yanjun suddenly leaned over and approached LAN Yue. Without waiting for her to struggle, he put a big palm on the back of her head and pressed down her warm kiss, leaving her nowhere to hide.

He was as mad as he was. With all his strength, LAN Yue's vision gradually blurred. His breath seemed to be detached from his body. She patted Qi Yanjun on the back, but he was indifferent.

I do not know how long, Qi Yan Jun just let go of her cheeks because of lack of oxygen and red.

Angrily wiped his mouth, blue Yue was angry and speechless, "what are you?"

"Since you think our deal is unfair, I'll ask for some interest."

A man's beautiful face in the dazzling light, dense out of shallow halo, the beautiful scenery behind him in his hook people's smile, infinitely enlarged, a suffocating beauty came to his face.

It is clear that he was frivolous, LAN Yue looked at the beautiful face in front of him, but he didn't feel the loss.

This man is a monster!

"But if your family knew that you would transfer Qi's shares to me, they would not agree. Before you came, your mother came to me, and she wanted Haohao's custody. "

"Did she embarrass you?"

Qi Yan Jun blurted out the words but let blue Yue slightly stunned, this time he should care about the problem is this?

"She wants to embarrass me, but now I'm not someone who wants to bully me. She is angry with me, but I know that you Qi family will not give up fighting for the custody of Haohao." LAN Yue laughed, but the smile did not reach the bottom of my eyes. "I think before I leave Haicheng, we may really have to meet in court."

"I will not take Haohao away from you. This is the only guarantee I can give you at present."

"I don't need your guarantee. Even if you don't fight for Haohao's custody right, your parents won't give up. I can see through all these. I just want to tell you one thing now. Anyone who wants to take Haohao away from me will be my enemy. I will protect myself and Haohao at all costs. "

Without the influence of lance family, without the support of Cl, what can you do to protect yourself?

Qi Yanjun looks at LAN Yue deeply. His emotions are complicated, but he doesn't say some words after all. He just wants to leave a good way for her in silence.

Qi's shares, no matter whether LAN Yue accepts them or not, will leave them to her, because he hopes that one day even if he is not around her, she will have enough ability to protect herself.

In the evening, Qi Yanjun left, and LAN Yue was pushed back to the ward by the nurse. In the quiet ward, Lu Yue stood foolishly. Seeing LAN Yue back, her eyes became more evasive.

After seeing LAN Yue back, if nothing happened, she went back to bed, read and sort out the documents. Lu Yue couldn't stand it.

"In the afternoon, why did you help me?"

At that time, her mobile phone clearly had photos taken secretly by her. She had intended to send them to the newspaper or try to give them to Xu miaoyong, but they were found.

"I've deleted the photos, so let's just say nothing happened!"

LAN Yue knows that Lu Yue is a student. When she is young, she will inevitably have all kinds of careful thoughts. She does not want to study deeply or argue with her.

Today, she was almost ripped out, which is a small lesson for her, so LAN Yue will help her out."Elder sister, I really feel amused to shoot for a while, have no other idea, you don't misunderstand me!"

Lu Yuesheng was afraid that Lan Yue would turn over now. He pretended to be a poor innocent and explained wrongly.

Blue Yue does not agree, leisurely came a, "I and Qi Shao's relationship is not what you think, I am his ex-wife."

After staying in the hospital for such a long time, Qi Yanjun often came to see her. Many people were very curious about her identity. As long as we inquired about her, Qi Yanjun's wife was Xu Miaolong, not her. Therefore, rumors and rumors were flying all over the hospital.

Most people think that lanyue is Qi Yanjun's confidant on the outside, including Xiaoyu's estrangement from her these days, lanyue can also feel other people's unfriendly towards her.

"I know you won't believe what I said, but sometimes it's hard to be misunderstood."

LAN Yue sighed a little, and no longer paid attention to Lu Yue, who was shocked. She curled up on the bed and closed her eyes to rest.

Other people naturally can't understand why Qi Yanjun was so good to his ex-wife, so good that others were shocked.

Qi Yanjun accepted the brand CL founded by lanyue. In fact, he helped lanyue to avoid CL becoming the target of Lansi family's attack. He also fulfilled his promise to transfer part of his shares and resources to lanyue.

This part of the shares and resources include the technology shares of Qi Yanjun and the core assets of the group operation.

The property that Qi Yanjun promised to give Xu miaoreng as compensation can't be compared with these, just like the gap between a piece of gold and an inexhaustible mountain of gold.

"Qi Yanjun, he really did this to me. It was too much. What he gave me was charity, and what I really wanted, he was reluctant to give it to me. What can you give her now

In a small coffee shop near the compound of the military region, Xu Miaolong learned about the incident, and his facial features became distorted because of his anger.

Sitting opposite her is her brother Xu Tong. Qi Yanjun transfers some important assets to LAN Yue. This is what he heard from a lawyer friend.

"Elder sister, this matter also let us see thoroughly, Qi elder brother he is a how heartless person. You waste your best time on him, but he's thinking about other women. This time, I can't even read it anymore. "

"I never thought I would get anything except love from him, but in the end, he gave everything to LAN Yue. Xiaotong, my sister had a little hesitation about the next plan, but now I really don't care about anything. I don't feel better, and no one else will

Xu Miaolong's slender willow eyebrows were tightly frowned, and two deep lines were extruded between his eyebrows.

Her fingernails on the table were pinching the board, and the knuckles were white, because the nails that had just been made by force almost cracked.

Hatred and jealousy filled her with fighting spirit.

After saying goodbye to her brother, Xu Miaolong called the driver and asked the driver to come and pick her up to her old house.

Sitting in the car, Xu miaolung opened the window, and suddenly took out a woman's cigarette from her bag and lit it on her fingertips.

The driver in front of Lao Zhou noticed her action and moved his lips. After all, he didn't dare to say anything.

After entering the military compound, you can see a beautiful woman standing with Mrs. Wu at the gate of Qi's old house from a distance.

"Sister Wu, is this

Xu miaoreng quietly threw the cigarette butt out of the window, opened the door and went out.

"Young lady, this is the piano teacher that Madame invited to master Haohao."

"The teacher for Haohao? What about the distance? " Xu Miaolong seemed to smile at sister-in-law Wu.

Wu's sister-in-law was frightened by Xu miaoyong's expression of smiling and not smiling. She explained in dismay, "after all, master Xiuyuan is one year younger than master Haohao. His wife means to let master Haohao learn first, and then invite a teacher to master Xiuyuan later."

"Yes? You can work first. I'll take the teacher up in a moment

Xu miaoreng orders Wu to leave with her lips. She feels that Xu miaoyong wants to make some bad ideas, but she can't help it.

After Mrs. Wu left, Xu miaoreng took the piano teacher's arm warmly, "teacher, you don't know about our family. Haohao's child is very naughty on weekdays. If you teach him to learn the piano, he is not willing to learn it. It's better to teach another child first. That child is obedient. "

"Isn't that good, Madame? Our organization sent me here to teach a child named Hao Hao

"I will contact you from your organization. You can listen to me today..."

Xu miaoyong's gentle eyebrows and sweet smile have been holding the piano teacher's hand into the living room.

Today, there was a charity activity. Mr. Qi and Mr. and Mrs. Yunfang attended. There was no one in the old house, so Xu miaolung dared to be so unscrupulous.

But suddenly a deep male voice came out of the living room, which she had never expected."Young lady, can you come and have a chat?"

"Yiyao, how did you come here today? Yan Jun is not in the old house, and there is nothing else at home. "

Xu miaoreng looks at Li Yiyao with strong facial features, and his tone is mixed with questioning and ridicule.

"I know the others are not at home today. I came here specially to see you."

"Mr. Wang, go upstairs first! Xiuyuan is in the third room on the left of the second floor. "

Xu miaolung hesitated for a moment. After opening up the piano teacher around him, he walked haughtily to the sofa beside Li Yiyao and sat down, slightly raising the corners of his mouth.

"You always don't like to talk to me. Why do you suddenly want to chat with me today?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!