Chapter 139

Qi Yanjun solemnly opened his mouth. If it wasn't for his dark eyes that were too cold and thin, Yalan would laugh directly this time.

"So you spend a lot of time fighting against the lance family, just to help you in love?"


After Yalan finished, Qi Yanjun also sneered, but the fact is so.

"As far as I know, the former head of the lance family is also a rare Oriental beauty. I wonder what kind of beauty can fascinate a man like you. It should not be your wife who you don't like." Seeing that Qi Yanjun did not respond, Yalan continued to speak, "but the wife of the former leader of the Lansi family is said to be a very capable and charming woman, you should not be for her?"

Qi Yan Jun but smile not language, is tacit.

Yalan suddenly realized, "don't you take the risk to save him? It turns out that you are in love with his wife. Tut Tut, his green hat is worth wearing."

Seriously fell on the big bed, Yalan wantonly teased Qi Yanjun, thought to rely on Yalan to help, Qi Yanjun also can only swallow.

"Now that you've agreed to cooperate, go and find someone else! The current leader of the LANs family has been looking for Muning. Don't let him take advantage of him. If you lose both money and money, you won't get any good. "

"The warehouse is heavily guarded. It's more difficult for them to come in and find people than to go to heaven. Don't worry. Why don't you come to my place for a few days and I'll help you find someone. By the way, we'll cultivate and cultivate our feelings. Maybe you'll find that I'm much better than your lover. "

Qi Yanjun glanced at his arm like a boneless snake around his waist and abdomen. He avoided it without trace, and his beautiful cheek was a little colder.

"It's OK to stay with you for a few days. After all, it won't take long for the lance family to find me here, but it's not necessary to cultivate feelings. There's no comparison between you and her."

Feeling Qi Yanjun's anger, Yalan's coquettish eyes pass a trace of fun. Taming such a proud man will make her feel full of achievement, but he is a spoony.

She slowly got up, picked up the coat she had taken off from the ground and put it on her body lazily. Yalan fiddled with a head of silver hair and walked towards the outside. She turned back and winked at Qi Yanjun.

"No kidding! Oriental beauty, come with me

The place where Yalan lives is close to the warehouse. Joking is a joke, but her efficiency is very high. When she goes back, she asks people to search for Muning in the warehouse.

But since Muning can sneak into the warehouse, it is not easy to find him out.

Yalan didn't dare to make too much noise here, which disturbed the people of Lansi family. They could only cooperate with the people brought by Qi Yanjun.

"My men have tried to attract the lance family. You can send more people to look for people in the warehouse."

"Our warehouse is composed of hundreds of small warehouses, which contain many secrets about our gang. To be honest, it is not a small matter that someone sneaked into the warehouse. I have not told other leaders yet. I can't guarantee that the other leaders will let the former leader of the lance family leave when they know about this. "

Qi LAN shrugged her shoulders again.

"So! I'm just taking great risks for you, using my people to find people secretly. We've sent out all the people we can use. If we add more people, we will not only disturb the LANs family, but also other leaders of our gang, and the consequences will be very serious. "

"Can't you think of anything else?"

Qi Yanjun's eyebrows are locked and his thin lips are tightly pursed.

"If you want me to do something about it, you have to make me happy, don't you? You don't always use such a cold face at me, I look at the heart can be sad

"How do you want me to make you happy?"

Qi Yan Jun pressed his hand to draw a circle on his chest, a face of impatience.

Yalan how to see is a beautiful woman, but Qi Yanjun is still so indifferent to her, which makes Yalan feel interesting and angry.

She was determined to delay for a while to see if Qi Yanjun would make her happy.

Qi Yanjun's Obsidian eyes seemed to see through Yalan's mind. He suddenly bent down and put his hand on her sharp chin. His breath vomited on her healthy wheat skin.

"Help me find the person first, and then you can play with me as much as you want."

"Well, to tell you the truth, you should find a way to contact your rival. If he takes my man as the one who wants to catch him, he hides deeper, and it will be more difficult for me to find him. "

"I see what you mean. I'll think about it later."

"Well, I won't disturb you. If you live here, let me know if you are not used to it."

Ya LAN Jiao smiles and pats Qi Yan Jun's back and leaves the room enchanting.

The room where Qi Yanjun lives is Yalan's own second bedroom. If she can excuse Qi Yanjun to live, it proves that she is really fond of Qi Yanjun.After Yalan left, Qi Yanjun knocked on the door of two of his cronies who came to the United States. He glanced at the luxurious arrangement of the room and the fresh fruits and high-grade drinks piled on the tea table.

"Boss, that woman really takes a fancy to you. Your treatment is so different from ours."

"That's right. The woman put us in the backyard, and we didn't have any hot water except for a few beds."


Qi Yanjun picked up his eyebrows and showed a helpless look. "This time I brought you out is not out to enjoy happiness. You take this action as a task and take the most rigorous attitude. I have already told you about the degree of danger before we set out. When I go back this time, I will remit a million dollars into your account, which is regarded as a reward. "

"Boss, we can't take this money. In the past, you were the leader in the army. We listened to your orders. Now even if we leave the army, the rules will not change. "

"That is, if it was not for the boss, you taught us Kung Fu and skills, and took care of us in the task, we would not have been today."

The two confidants were just joking. When Qi Yanjun said this, they immediately got serious.

In their hearts, Qi Yanjun is always the boss they are proud of, and the boss who always rushes to the front to protect them when carrying out the task.

Think about now is not the time to reminisce, Qi Yanjun cold face will two confidants out.

Before the two guys left, they did not forget to steal a few bottles of good wine and snacks in Qi Yanjun's room.

A person stayed in the quiet room, Qi Yanjun looked at the clock, went to the desk by the window and turned on the computer. He was not sure whether LAN Yue would accept the video at this time point.

"Are you still up?"

When a beautiful little face appeared on the computer screen, Qi Yanjun's used to lock his brow was finally extended, his eyes glimmering, and his mouth was filled with a faint smile.

LAN Yue on the other side of the screen has just taken a bath. She has a plain face, and she is wearing a chiffon sleepiness. Her loose bubble sleeves are her favorite conservative style.

Lanyue wiped her hair and glanced at Qi Yanjun, who had a brilliant smile.

"I usually don't sleep at this point. How do you have time to video with me? Is there any news about Muning?"

Although in the process of connecting the video, LAN Yue reminded herself not to ask about Muning first, but her mouth was always a step faster than her brain.

Feeling Qi Yanjun's thin eyelids like waxing, and his face darkened, LAN Yue immediately regretted.

She stopped wiping her hair, and she wanted to draw her mouth, "that That What I want to ask is... "

"You didn't want to hear what you said."

At this time, LAN Yue had some admiration for Qi Yanjun's ability to lie, but she knew that Qi Yanjun was giving her a step.

LAN Yue moved her pink lips, her voice was very low, "I want to ask you how are you these days? Did you get hurt? "

Although there are still some injuries in the bottom of my heart, knowing that Lan Yue is not a wooden head, Qi Yanjun's mood is slightly better. He hooks the corner of his mouth and spreads a smile under his eyes.

"You have a little conscience, but how can I get hurt when I'm so strong. Things are going well, but now there are some problems. "

Qi Yanjun tells LAN Yue about Mu Ning hiding in the warehouse and asks if she has any way to contact Muning.

"Before I sent a message to Muning, he never replied to me. He is now hiding in the warehouse, the conditions must be very difficult, there may be no other communication tools around him. Or I'll think of other ways to get in touch with him. "

"It's OK. You don't have pressure. I spend more time on my side at most, but I can always find him."

"Thank you." Silence for a long time, blue Yue raised his eyelids, eyes clear to thank Qi Yan Jun.

"Be polite to me."

Qi Yanjun frowned and looked at LAN Yue up and down. He found that she looked much better and her body was a little bit more fleshy than before.

"Yiyao tells you that you have almost recovered and moved out of the hospital. Now you live in Guan Xiaoxiao's place. Are you used to living there? Do you want me to arrange a better place for you? "

"No, I'm fine here." Hesitated under, blue Yue bit lip, eyes suddenly dodge up, she na na na mouth, some helpless, "in fact, I want to take Haohao to live with me, but your parents do not agree."

"I know, they know that Haohao is their own grandson. They are afraid that you will take Haohao away, so they will guard Haohao. When I go back, I will communicate with them well. "

"Don't you want Haohao to stay with you? After all, Haohao and you are..."

LAN Yue looks at Qi Yanjun's clear-cut cheek deeply, and sees that he has a circle of bruises on the bottom of his eyes. Obviously, he didn't sleep well, so he felt a little more heartache.

"Hao Hao, the only one who can take you away from me. You have to bear with it for a while, and my parents won't hurt Hao Hao. They want Hao Hao to live better than anyone else. "LAN Yue is not unreasonable person, otherwise she would have thought of a way to go to Qi's home to rob Haohao back.

She tied her unwashed hair behind her head, revealing a swan like graceful white neck, and a drop of water slid down her cheek to her neck and down her chest.

Quietly put this scene in the background of his eyes, Qi Yanjun's deep eyes are more dark, his sexy laryngeal knot moved and swallowed his saliva.

Forced to move away from his eyes, Qi Yanjun's magnificent face revealed a trace of evil spirit. Sooner or later, this woman will completely belong to him. , the fastest update of the webnovel!