Chapter 150

"Upstairs, I'll take you to see him."


Qi Yanjun walked in front of him. His tall and straight back made LAN Yue calm down.

He finally came back, and kept his promise to her. Based on this, LAN Yue had to admit that she was moved.

On the second floor of the villa, the smooth marble refracts the light soft light, faintly can hear the voice of Muning coming out of the room.

Hearing the familiar and gentle voice, LAN Yue's heart finally fell down, and she couldn't help quickening her pace.

Just as she was about to reach out and open the door, a cool hand caught her arm. Before she could react, the whole person was pulled backward.

When she opened her eyes, she had already put her back against the wall and was imprisoned in Qi Yanjun's arms with cold fragrance.

The beautiful face in front of her eyes magnified infinitely. When the soft lips collided, she blinked her eyes and froze again until the pain of biting came from her lips.

"You Well... "

Qi Yanjun closed his eyes and could see his clear eyelashes from LAN Yue's point of view. He frowned. LAN Yue could feel that he was angry, but he didn't know what he was angry about.

For no reason, she was forced to kiss, and the other party was not happy. LAN Yue's eyebrows beat and her drooping hand stretched out. She twisted Qi Yanjun's arm.

Qi Yan Jun ate pain, the eye color dark ground let go of her, thin lips hook up a trace of smile not smile radian, "he is in it, our transaction is completed, you have nothing to say to me?"

"Don't make a fuss. I'm worried about Munin."

LAN Yue glanced at Qi Yan Jun with a complicated look, turned to avoid him, and opened the door in front of him.

The scene that appeared in front of her made her stunned, because Muning was not alone in the room, and there was a strange woman.

The woman's bleached and dyed hair is very attractive. She has her back to LAN Yue, but LAN Yue can imagine that she must have a personality and beautiful face.

It's just

The sight falls on Mu Ning and the woman tightly clasps together on the hand, blue Yue's step suddenly stops, behind Qi Yan Jun follows in, the narrow eye son also is looking at her.


Muning saw blue Yue, his face as usual gentle and elegant, his smile gives people the feeling of spring breeze.

"What's wrong with your leg?"

Soon, LAN Yue found something strange, because Muning in front of him was sitting in a wheelchair with a thin blanket covering his legs.

Can not see Muning legs have any abnormal, blue Yue worried ground forward.

Muning did not speak, just quietly looking at her, such eyes like water general gentle boring.

"His leg was hurt to save me, but don't worry, I'll be responsible for him."

At this time, the woman holding Muning's hand walked slowly to LAN Yue's face and looked at LAN Yue with great interest.

She has a pair of small but extremely seductive eyes, looking at LAN Yue's eyes full of provocation.

"Hello, my name is Yalan. I'm one of the leaders of the largest gangsters in the United States. Miss LAN, you have lived in America for some time. You should have heard of me! "

Blue Yue Leng Leng Leng, and then gently nodded, for the sudden appearance of Yalan, she is at a loss, but in comparison, she is more worried about Mu Ning's leg injury.

"I used to be elln's official model, so I asked about the name of the fashion queen, Jennifer. Today, if it's really different, no wonder Muning will choose you as his wife."

Yalan's words let blue Yue eyes deepen. Since she knew that she was Muning's wife, she had just openly held hands with Muning, which showed that she knew more than that.

What happened when Muning returned to the United States?

"To tell you the truth, Muning and I fell in love at first sight, and then he saved me. I have decided to marry him. I know that you two are married by contract, so this time I come here with Muning to divorce you and Mu Ning, and let us both be aboveboard

Yalan's voice dropped, and LAN Yue was even more confused.

It was all so sudden that she couldn't accept it for a moment.

Here, Muning felt blue Yue's eyes, he pushed the wheelchair over, Junya face calm.

"Xiaoyue, what Yalan said is true. This time I went to America, I was in danger, and there were too many twists and turns in the way. Without Yalan's help, I couldn't have come back safely

In the middle, Muning drooped his eyelids, making his dark face hard to see.

With a cough over his lips, he continued to speak.

"She sacrificed so much for me that I can't let her down."

"Munin, I know what you want to say. Can you give me a little more time? I'm a little confused now... "


Muning gently should a, half dark light, thin like wax like eyelids pan light luster.Yueyue needs a person to digest the matter.

At the beginning, marriage was an agreement. In the past five years, she and Muning had no real name. Now Mu Ning proposed a divorce, and she should agree.

But now she is very confused about what happened in the United States, and how the relationship between Munin and the lance family is handled. All sorts of perplexity lingers in LAN Yue's mind, let her some trance.

Walking to the end of the corridor, she turned around and found that Qi Yanjun had been quietly following her.

The man leaned against the wall with his arm in his arms, staring at her obliquely.

"Tell me, what happened during this time? Muning how can and Yalan together, he always did not like to deal with gangsters

"Are you jealous?"

"I'm not. I'm just concerned about his safety. I'm afraid Yalan's purpose is not pure."

In the face of Qi Yanjun, LAN Yue said her concerns without concealment.

Qi Yanjun's sight fell on blue Yue's tiny frown, and some of them turned their lips in disgust. "The eyebrows are as wrinkled as a little old lady, and they say they are not jealous."

"I'm really worried. Please tell me what happened in the U.S. and why Munin was with the gang leader."

The dark color in Qi Yanjun's eyes was fleeting.

"Muning was trapped in the warehouse of the gang, his nephew Beiming and the gang VIP, thanks to Yalan from the circle to keep him. For this reason, there are other leaders of the gang who are not satisfied with Yalan's behavior and send people to assassinate her. Muning is injured in order to save her... "

Qi Yanjun side said while observing the look of LAN Yue, see blue Yue has not spoken, his cold face more than a little unhappy color.

"You'd better accept the reality as soon as possible."

"If they really love each other, I will help them. But will Beiming continue to trouble Muning? Are they safe now? "

LAN Yue can't say what it's like now, but the situation makes her worried.

Lansi home there must have not let Muning, and Yalan for Muning and his gang leader, LAN Yue how to think Muning is still in danger.

Seeing LAN Yue or worried about Mu Ning's safety, Qi Yanjun's dark eyes like a deep pool are full of cold meaning.

"He has decided to divorce you and be with other women. Why do you care so much about him?"

"You hurt me. Let go!"

Qi Yan Jun inexplicably excited, her hands grip her arm cone heart pain, she glared at him, eyes deep color.

"It's about him and me. You don't have to worry about it. And divorce is nothing to me. Anyway, Munin is my friend."

LAN Yue's words like a thorn pierced into Qi Yanjun's heart.

He is very distressed to look at LAN Yue, think of all kinds of five years ago.

At the beginning, he had made a cut in her heart, and now Mu Ning had to make a cut in her heart.

The color of hesitation and entanglement interweaved in Qi Yanjun's eyes. His hands hanging on his side tightly clenched into fists. "Whatever you think now, you must leave when you marry. I advise you to be more straightforward now, or you will only be injured in the future."

Finish a few words, Qi Yan Jun cold face, turned away, left LAN Yue a tall and straight back.

Qi Mu Ning wants to stay in the same place, but she can't stay in the room.

"Miss LAN, the young master asked me to call you to the restaurant downstairs. He said that you were recovering from a serious illness, and specially prepared some supplements for you."

After a while, a kind-hearted babysitter came up downstairs and asked LAN Yue to go to the restaurant.

"Where is he now?"

"The young master didn't seem very happy. He answered a phone call and went out."

"Well, I'll go down with you."

Blue Yue followed the nanny downstairs, quietly observed her eyes from the crack of the door before leaving.

Muning is in the room, Yalan will not close the door, turned to face the elegant man sitting in the wheelchair.

"She's coming downstairs. She's not looking very well. Are you sure you want to do this? Why don't you tell her the truth? "

"I'm like this now. I can't drag her down any more."

The man's light tone makes Yalan inexplicably angry. Her eyebrows are almost invisible and wrinkled.

"But I don't think you're acting like that! Now with your domestic contacts and the help of my forces, you will soon be able to control Beiming. At that time, the LANs family will still be yours. You have no confidence in yourself if you give up her now. "

"I'm very clear about the poison Beiming injected me with. Now my legs are completely unconscious. Soon my whole body and even my brain will lose consciousness. It's no different from a vegetative person. I left her beside me, which is harmful to her."Mu Ning sighed, and her eyes and brows were full of complexity.

Two days ago, Beiming found another big leader of the gang. He successfully entered the warehouse and found him in front of Yalan and Qi Yanjun.

One day and one night he was taken away by Beiming, he suffered from inhuman torture, and Beiming injected him with a new type of poison.

By the time Yalan and Qi Yanjun tried to rescue him, his legs had been completely destroyed. With the spread of the poison step by step, even if there was drug control, sooner or later, he would become a vegetable, just like a gradually frozen man.

"You don't want me to divorce LAN Yue because you like Qi Yanjun?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!