Chapter 152

"Hanmo has just finished the task in H country, and his work has come to an end temporarily. If it is not possible, I will let him back."

Qi Fu sighed again. He was over 50 years old and left traces of years on his face. His naughty daughter made him tired both physically and mentally.

After hearing this, Yunfang nodded and wiped the red corner of her eyes. "We are such a daughter. She has been bullied into this way. We parents are responsible for nothing. If Yingying can't bear children, who will marry her

Yun Fang's voice dropped, and everyone was silent. The atmosphere was solemn and depressing.

Qi Yan Jun leaned against the wall and rubbed his eyebrows with headache. Everyone could see the anger brewing in his eyes.

"Qi Shao, here he is."

Soon, Huang Siwei, who ran away yesterday, was forced to appear in the hospital. At the moment, he was dressed in a neat suit, and his handsome and gentle face did not show any panic.

He glanced at all the people present, went to Qifu and Yunfang in front of him, showing a sad look, "uncle, auntie, Yingying's situation I already know, although I'm sorry, but I hope you can listen to my explanation."

"You don't call us, if you didn't mess around, we Yingying would not have become like this."

Although Si Wei was a little angry at Huang Li Fang.

After all, the child in Qi Yingying's stomach is not Huang Siwei's.

Before Huang Siwei came, he obviously thought out the words and took no time to show his injured appearance.

"Auntie, I can't say that. In fact, I'm also a victim of this incident. You know, I am holding a sincere association with Yingying, my parents also sincerely want to marry Qi family. But Yingying actually concealed the fact that she was pregnant, and she seduced me that day, so it's hard to say what her intention is... "


Huang Siwei's words made Yunfang speechless, so no one spoke, and he became more and more proud.

"My parents don't know about it yet. If they do, they will be very angry. Qi's family is also very prestigious in Haicheng. I believe your family style will not allow this kind of thing to happen. But it is a fact that Yingying conceals the pregnancy and deceives me, so I think you should give me an account. "

"Yingying, do you have no responsibility at all? You are not a gentleman either... " Du Hong's cousin couldn't stand it and scolded Huang Siwei, who had no apology at all.

Yun Fang was so angry that she couldn't speak. Qi Fu's face was also blue.

Qi Yanjun's narrow Feng eyes narrowed dangerously, and his hands hanging on his side became fists. However, before he started, a tall and strong figure stepped forward and scared Huang Siwei back again and again.

The corridor of the hospital was narrow, and he had no way to go back. He was still seized by the collar of Li Yiyao.

Huang Siwei, who claims to have built a perfect figure in the gym, is so weak that he can't even break a finger of Li Yiyao, but Li Yiyao's awe inspiring momentum is obscured.

"What are you doing! This is the hospital. You let me go

"Take back what you said, or I will beat you all over the place."

Li Yiyao grabbed Huang Siwei's collar with one hand, and directly grasped his neck with the other. His hands covered with thin cocoons were bulging with strength, and Huang Siwei's face turned red.

Li Yiyao in front of him is like a god of evil spirits. Huang Siwei has no doubt that he will strangle himself.

Huang Siwei was afraid and frustrated when he failed to cheat money. He had to put his life on again.

"Yiyao, don't kill people."

Seeing Huang Siwei begin to roll his eyes, Qifu opens his mouth in a deep voice.

Li Yiyao stopped, and his hand slowly moved away from Huang Siwei's neck. At this moment, Huang Siwei's neck showed clear finger marks, crisscrossed with blue and purple. After regaining oxygen, he took a long breath and collapsed on the ground like mud.

Although Qi Yanjun did not like Huang Siwei, he was more rational than Li Yiyao. He stepped forward and put on Li Yiyao's shoulder. He would not let him do anything to Huang Siwei again.

However, Huang Siwei didn't know what to do. He covered his neck and took a few breaths. He opened his eyelids and looked at Li Yiyao with sarcasm and ridicule on his face.

"You're crazy! You're going to kill me! You are so angry, did you make her stomach bigger

"Say it again!"

Li Yiyao is now like a wild animal that will be infuriated at any time and anywhere. His eagle eyes sweep at Huang Siwei and his knuckles creak.

After listening to Huang Siwei's words, Yunfang looks at Li Yiyao with a complex look.

Qi Yingying has been banned from foot before going to the training camp, and she has no contact with any men. Instead, Li Yiyao frequently goes to Qi's house.

To say that Qi Yingying's inexplicable pregnancy is really related to Li Yiyao.

"You want me to say it again, and I'll say it again? For the sake of sister Xu, I didn't tell you about it. You can do it yourself

Huang Siwei said hard words. In fact, he was very guilty. After that, he couldn't get up and walked quickly to the exit of the hospital.As he left, there happened to be a nurse leading two women towards this side.

"Two ladies, over here."

The nurse will LAN Yue and Yalan two people to the Qi family side, the slightest did not notice the other people's instant sinking face.

After seeing LAN Yue, Qi Yanjun frowned again. He immediately walked over and took her arm. His voice was a little cold and displeased.

"Are you coming? I'm not taking care of Yiyao and telling you not to come over. "

"I know what's going on, so I have to come over and I need a chance to explain."

LAN Yue glanced at Qi Yanjun's gloomy face, reached out to take his hand from his arm and looked at the ugly Qi family over there.

Yunfang couldn't bear it. She came over angrily, pointing to LAN Yue and scolding her head and face, "you are a vicious woman, but you still have the face to come here. If you didn't fake your family member's signature, Yingying would not have..."

"Mrs. Qi, please calm down. Did the doctor explain the situation to you? If I choose between adults and children, I can only choose to save adults. "

Looking at Yunfang full of resentment in the eyes, blue Yue's heart cool, face full of helplessness.

She knows that Yunfang has always been biased against her. She is not thinking that she deliberately hurt Qi Yingying!

"Don't be so hypocritical here. You signed the agreement before Yiyao took the experts to the hospital there! At that time, who could make it clear that you were not a patient's family member, and forged the signature of the patient's family member. What did you say was your intention? "

Cloud Fang said more angry, if not Qi Yan Jun stopped, she may now rush to pull blue Yue's hair, will she beat a meal.

At this moment, LAN Yue felt her eardrum was hurt by Yunfang's voice. Her eyebrows were locked and her lips were white.

Had known that would be such a result, all blame at that time she was soft hearted at that time, promised to help Qi Yingying conceal, now instead to recruit a black body to oneself.

"Auntie, I really don't blame LAN Yue for Yingying's affairs. I asked her for help."

Seeing that Yunfang has been aggressive, Li Yiyao is very sorry for LAN Yue. He goes to stop Yunfang from attacking LAN Yue, but Yunfang stares at him angrily.

"You go away!"

"I was the first to know that Yingying was pregnant, and I helped her hide it. All the responsibility lies with me. Auntie, I know you are angry, so if you have any anger, come at me. Don't involve innocent people. "

Li Yiyao is like a wood in front of Yunfang, separating her from lanyue.

Qi Yanjun half surrounded LAN Yue and protected her. Yunfang was even more angry when she saw this scene.

She reached out and pointed to Li Yiyao's face in a gloomy tone.

"Of course, I know that this has something to do with you. If it wasn't for the fact that Yan Jun regarded you as a brother, I would never let you step into our Qi family for half a step. I don't want to tell you anything else from my home

"I know."

In the face of Yun Fang's accusation, Li Yiyao had no intention of explaining.

"Your daughter did something wrong by herself. Why didn't you look for her problems from the beginning to the end! Why Yingying is like this, you should also be responsible... "

Some words LAN Yue wanted to say after a long time, not only to Yunfang, but also to everyone present.

She can be said to have grown up in the Qi family. All the people connived at Qi Yingying. She always felt that Qi Yingying would become like this, and she could not get rid of the relationship with the indulgence of Qi family.

"You can't say less!"

LAN Yue's words did not finish, was a black line of Qi Yan Jun to stop, his thin lips pursed out a helpless arc, firmly hold LAN Yue, not let her break away from himself.

"Yan Jun, let her go! Let her say it! Is it her turn to educate my own daughter? What is she? "

"I'm nothing, but I'm just telling the truth, whether you can hear it or not."

LAN Yue has no patience at this time. She originally wanted to explain clearly, but now she finds that there is no need to explain at all.

Because Yunfang's prejudice towards her is so deep that she regards kindness as a donkey's liver and lung.

"Oh! If you really want Yingying to be good, why did you have to have trouble with her at the beginning? Yingying will be sent to the training camp because you and your friend will not let her go. "

Du Hong's cousin is listening. She wanted to help LAN Yue say a few good words, but after hearing Yunfang's words, her face became a little ugly.

She is Qi Yingying's cousin. Even if she appreciates LAN Yue again, her heart is still toward Qi Yingying. Knowing that Lan Yue is the person who has repeatedly sued Qi Yingying, she immediately has a little less favor for LAN Yue.

So thinking, she began to doubt the intention of LAN Yue, how could it be so coincidental that she just appeared at her side that day.

"Why don't you talk now? Didn't you just be smart? I have exposed your evil mind, so you can't speak now? "LAN Yue's short silence makes Yunfang more fierce. She sneers and asks LAN Yue again. She is disgusted to the extreme.

Since LAN Yue came back, their Qi family has not stopped for a day. This woman is a disaster star. , the fastest update of the webnovel!