Chapter 154

In the photo gallery, the decoration is too luxurious. The Crystal hanging from the chandelier is shining. The man in front of him has a beautiful smile. LAN Yue looks at him in a trance.

In this way, confused, she was a big and a small two hands led to the studio.

The studio is completely arranged in accordance with the noble style of the Republic of China. LAN Yue and Qi Yanjun sit side by side on the retro sofa according to the requirements of the photographer, while LAN Chen Hao sits between them.

The outstanding appearance of the three people has been repeatedly praised by others. The photographer can't help but press the shutter, feeling that there is no need for extra action and guidance. The picture of their family sitting together is perfect and suffocating.

After shooting for an afternoon, LAN Yue took off her make-up and walked out of the dressing room. Just as she sat on the bench to rest, her slender hands fell on her shoulder.

"Tired out after shooting all afternoon?"

Qi Yanjun stands behind LAN Yue and gently helps her press her shoulder. Her eyes fall on the top of her soft hair, and her lips always have a beautiful arc.

Such a curtain fell in the eyes of the salesgirl nearby, and all the little girls were envious.

"Hao Hao didn't say I was tired. How could I be tired! By the way, what about Haohao? "

"The stinky boy is so energetic that he yells that he is hungry after shooting. I ask Lao Zhou to take him to a nearby restaurant for something to eat."

"It's normal for children to be hungry as they are growing up." LAN Yue frowned. "On weekdays, in addition to balanced nutrition for three meals a day, we also need to prepare some small snacks for him to supplement nutrients."

LAN Yue is concerned about his health all the time when his child left him for such a long time.

"Don't worry. On weekdays at home, my parents and grandfather dote on him. Sister Wu at home has prepared meals very well. You didn't notice that Hao Hao has grown a lot recently. She often stews big bone soup for him."

Qi Yanjun, who always disdains to be wordy, looks like a child in front of LAN Yue. He is afraid that Lan Yue misunderstands that he didn't take good care of LAN Chenhao and is very aggrieved.

LAN Yue pursed her lips and nodded, but her eyebrows were still locked.

Now that Muning has come back, what he promised her to do has also been done. Now it is time to talk about the ownership of Haohao.

"Sit down and have a good chat while Haohao doesn't come back."


"As we said before, as long as you come back, I can take Haohao back."

"Yes, I will send Haohao to you now?"


Qi Yanjun smile meaning is not clear, and blue Yue is confused, do not understand his meaning.

"From today on, I will take Haohao to live in the pear garden, you also live in the pear garden, so you and the kid can not stay together every day."

"Are you kidding?" Blue Yue disgruntled toward Qi Yanjun rolled a white eye, "you don't know that I have rented a house in the suburbs, you will return Haohao to me, I can take Haohao to live there, and Haohao also likes it very much."

"Now Haohao can only live in pear garden. My mother has done my best. She won't allow you to live alone with Haohao."

Qi Yanjun took LAN Yue's hand with an apologetic and sincere face. His long and narrow Phoenix eyes twinkled, trying to impress LAN Yue with his own eyes.

But LAN Yue didn't move at all. She frowned and pursed her lips angrily. "Do you mean to let me live in the pear garden with Haohao? When will you stay? If Haohao and I have been living, it will be different from imprisonment. "

"Don't make it so serious. I'm trying to figure it out. I promise you live in the pear garden, and I will not restrict your freedom, as long as you do not take Haohao back to the United States. "

Qi Yanjun see blue Yue angry, face dew worry, slightly cool thin lips some dry, he waved to the shop assistant, let her send two cups of black tea.

"What's more, Mu Ning lives in the pear garden now. Beiming hasn't let him go. He's the safest place to stay in Qi's house, isn't he?"

LAN Yue, who had a firm attitude, showed a trace of hesitation after hearing Muning's name.

Qi Yanjun is right. Staying in Haicheng, Qi's family is covered, and Lansi's family dare not mess around.

She believes Munin will soon be able to cheer up, but now he needs a chance to breathe.

"Beiming knows that Muning is now in Haicheng. For him, Muning is like a thorn in the throat. If he doesn't get rid of it, he will have trouble sleeping and eating. He won't let Muning go. Muning's staying in the pear garden is bound to cause you trouble. "

LAN Yue deeply looks at the man with clear eyes in front of him and calmly analyzes the complicated emotions brewing under his eyes.

All the facial expressions of LAN Yue are in full view. Qi Yanjun's eyebrows and eyes are picked up and her mouth is filled with a smile. She looks careless.

It seems that he doesn't care at all.

But he stares at LAN Yue and says slowly, "according to your analysis, should I drive him out immediately so as not to cause losses to Qi.""If you do that, what's the point of helping me bring him back from America."

"Well, you have a point in saying that."

Qi Yanjun holds his chin like a smile. His eyes covered with long eyelashes stare at LAN Yue without blinking. His eyes are full of fun.

This kind of look is like teasing a little pet, but also like looking at one's favorite toy.

Qi Yan Jun looked inexplicably unhappy, blue Yue with a straight face, in the heart of sullen, "then how do you want to help Muning."

"Let him continue to live in the pear garden, if you live with Haohao. As long as he stays in the pear garden, I can guarantee his safety. "

Qi Yanjun's voice is full of bewilderment. LAN Yue is stunned and her eyes turn dark. Why does she have a feeling of being led by his nose.

Blue Yue, in a rather depressed mood, was silent for a few seconds and sighed a long sigh.

"I can live there, but what about Xu miaoyong? She's your wife and I'm your ex-wife. Isn't it ridiculous that we live together? "

"You don't have to worry about that. Miaoyong is recording programs outside now and won't come back soon." Referring to Xu Miaolong, Qi Yanjun is also quite uncomfortable, "and I told you before, I have been discussing with her about divorce. When she comes back this time, we will divorce her."

An unintelligible shop assistant came in a hurry at this time, and Qi Yanjun frowned displeasantly.

After the shop assistant left, his burning eyes once again focused on LAN Yue's face.

"And I'll take this opportunity to tell you. Muning is with Yalan now. They are both more suitable for anyone to see. So you should find a chance to divorce him! "

"Muning and I got married in a foreign country. Even if we get divorced, we have to go to the U.S. to complete the procedures. It's not urgent."

"I can help you find a way. If you don't divorce him, it will be more dangerous for you. People in Beiming may also turn to you and Haohao at any time."

"No, I should discuss it with Muning again. If the LANs family knew that my marriage with him was false, and Haohao was not his child, then the LANs family would not stand on his side, and it would be even more difficult for him to take over the lance family again. "

LAN Yue is sitting on the bench with drooping eyelids and wriggling her hands on her legs. She is carefully and calmly analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the current situation.

But Qi Yan Jun could not bear to stand up, facing her, eyes burning.

"How can you think about him when it's time? Are you a fool? You and he have no real name. Now he has other women. Is it worth your risk for him? "

See blue Yue still for mu Ning consideration, Qi Yan Jun inexplicably a burst of upset.

He is worried about the danger of lanyue staying beside Muning, and he is also worried that lanyue still has feelings for Muning.

LAN Yue is a stubborn temperament, has always recognized death, Muning is her great benefactor, if not for him, she and Hao Hao in the United States simply can not live.

So just from this point of view, let her not agree with her divorce from Munin before she knows the situation clearly.

"I don't have any opinions about him being with Yalan now, but I think it needs to be considered just about the divorce."


This time, Qi Yanjun was so angry that he couldn't say anything. He tried to set LAN Yue step by step, hoping that she could go through the divorce procedures with Muning as soon as possible.

It not only completed Muning's wish, but also made him a step closer to the goal.

But LAN Yue is now this attitude, which makes Qi Yanjun depressed. He was really worried that Mu Ning would become a vegetable, and LAN Yue was still standing by his side.

"I tell you, you must leave this marriage!"

Qi Yanjun, who was angry, suddenly went to LAN Yue's face. He held her chin directly and forced her to look up at herself. He drew her face closer and sprayed her sensitive lips with cold fragrance.

In front of you, you can't even see a blue flap on your lips.

"I'll ask Lao Zhou to go to the suburbs to help you with your luggage. If you have anything special you want to take, please tell him Monday."

"I wish I could go there myself. It won't take long anyway."

Qi Yan Jun side face, her head pressed on his shoulder, and then close to her ear.

There was no sound for a long time. LAN Yue only felt that her ear was bitten by someone, and a stabbing pain made her come back to her senses.

She pushed away Qi Yanjun in front of her and glared at him angrily, "are you a dog?"

"Just a little punishment for you, and you're absent-minded in front of me? And since you live in the pear garden in the future, let me know about all the big and small things. Remember, don't make small moves from me

For Qi Yanjun's words, LAN Yue can't refute it in person, even though she has left ear in and right ear out. After all, there will be a period of time for LAN Yue to rely on others."In a moment, Lao Zhou will send Haohao back. After we have seen the photos, I will take you to the company."

"To the company? To which company? "

Qi Yanjun suddenly came out with a sentence, which made LAN Yue confused.

"Of course, it's the brand company you founded in the United States. Although I took over the company, you are still the founder, and there are many things you need to consult. I've moved the headquarters of the brand to Haicheng. I'll take you to have a look. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!