Chapter 163

"Sorry, we didn't get in touch with editor Shen before, so we came uninvited. But we came here with great sincerity, so we hope that editor Shen will not refuse. "

LAN Yue smiles and explains patiently to the little girl who looks a little serious.

Next to Qi Yanjun clear throat, long and charming eyes with a little smile.

"We are all here. Are you going to drive us out? Let's go over and talk to editor Shen, at least to know what we're doing here. "


Qi Yanjun's words made the little girl waver.

But inside sat Guan Xiaoxiao can't stand it and looks back at the direction of LAN Yue.

"We are together. Let them come too."

"Then you go in."

The little girl looked at Shen Xinyue, hoping that he would give a hint, but Shen Xinyue drooped her eyelids and didn't look at this side at all. Instead, she looked like she had nothing to do with herself.

Seeing that the little girl hesitated, Qi Yan Jun opened his body, raised his eyebrows, and motioned to LAN Yue. LAN Yue walked towards the teahouse.

When the little girl came back to God, Qi Yanjun had already walked in the direction of the teahouse.

LAN Yue and Qi Yanjun take their seats in the tea room. Shen Xinyue maintains a plain face from the beginning to the end, with thick and slender eyelashes hanging down. He reaches out his bony hand and takes out two new cups, making two cups of fragrant tea.

"Now that you are seated, you are the guest. Who am I? You know very well. In order to be fair, should you also tell me who you are? "

See Shen Xinyue take the initiative to talk with LAN Yue and Qi Yanjun. Lin Feng, who is hanging on one side, is discontented to touch Guan Xiaoxiao, and then grabs in front to open his mouth.

"Chief editor Shen, let's talk about business first! Xiaoxiao told me about your conversation with her before. We are very happy to cooperate with Tianfeng, one of the top magazines in the fashion circle and with fans of potential customers. "

"It's a little early to talk about cooperation now. I just want to ask you to come here just to communicate with you. After all, some time ago your brand was in a big fire, and a lot of classic models were produced. I'm still very interested in those classic models."

"That would be great!"

Success will Shen Xinyue's attention attracted over, Lin Feng secretly complacent, urge the side of Guan Xiaoxiao to continue.

Guan Xiaoxiao looks at LAN Yue with some embarrassment, but LAN Yue sits quietly and has no intention to speak.

Next to Lin Feng another effort to wink at her, Guan Xiaoxiao can only take out the tablet computer, different from Lin Feng, Guan Xiaoxiao is very well prepared before coming.

"Editor Shen, with the continuous development of fengxiao, we have launched a large number of ready-made clothes in a short time, and have been recognized by the trend market. Many clothing styles have become popular online and offline. So I will come to the design that I think is good. I hope you can choose from them and let me have some understanding, so that we can further cooperate. "

Compared with Lin Feng, Guan Xiaoxiao's attitude is still satisfactory to Shen Xinyue.

Shen Xinyue takes over the tablet computer in Guan Xiaoxiao's hands, and swipes her fingers on it. She glances at several design drawings. Her dark and bright eyes are free from any waves.

He put his tablet computer aside and looked up at Guan Xiaoxiao with a faint smile on his lips.

"In fact, I don't need to look at these. I have already said that I have a certain understanding of your brand." Shen Xinyue pauses. "I'm willing to cooperate with you now, but you need to make further efforts to impress me..."

In the simple and simple tea room, the fragrance of tea and flowers is mixed. Shen Xinyue is sitting in front of her. Her black hair is blown by the wind outside the window.

There is no doubt that he likes the brands of Guan Xiaoxiao and Lin Feng.

This also gave LAN Yue and Qi Yanjun invisible pressure.

"Chief editor Shen, if you have any requirements, we will try our best to meet the conditions you put forward."

Shen Xinyue's words made Lin Feng feel a little relieved.

Originally, he did not intend to cooperate with Tianfeng magazine, and several other magazines also intended to cooperate with them. Although they were not as famous as Tianfeng, their chief editor was not as difficult to deal with as Shen Xinyue.

Money and beauty Shen Xinyue seems to have nothing to do with it. I don't know whether she is pretending to be lofty or just a freak.

If it wasn't for Guan Xiaoxiao's insistence on cooperating with Tianfeng fashion, he would not come here to ask for nothing.

"I chose you because some of your works are very similar to the works of a foreign designer I appreciate very much. I don't know which designer works in your brand team. It's not so much that I am willing to cooperate with you, it's more that I hope to cooperate with that person. "


Shen Xinyue's voice is very magnetic. When speaking, the ending is slightly longer, but it doesn't give people the feeling of procrastination and laziness.

After listening to his words, Guan Xiaoxiao subconsciously took a look at the silence of LAN Yue.Most of the designers in fengxiao's design team were selected by LAN Yue at the beginning. Except for a former designer introduced by LAN Yue, others did not leave.

"As long as the brand of fengxiao is played when the magazine is published, it will be OK for editor Shen to communicate with any designer of our company."

Lin Feng now happy smile, he sat next to Guan Xiaoxiao, grabbed her hand, handed her a refueling look.

Feeling the temperature from Lin Feng's palm, Guan Xiaoxiao's eyes also curved out of a shallow arc.

She was no longer hesitant and had more confidence. "Chief editor Shen, here are the new models to be released in this quarter. There are five series in total. In addition to two series designed by me, the other three are the works of three designers of our team. You see, which one do you admire most? "

Guan Xiaoxiao said as he handed the prepared materials to Shen Xinyue in front of him.

Shen Xinyue took a close look after it. Her eyebrows moved and her eyes showed some complicated color.

When Shen Xinyue put the data down, everyone obviously felt that his face became ugly.

"What's the matter? Chief editor Shen, don't you like our works this quarter? "

"To tell you the truth, the number of ready-made clothes issued by your brand has always been the best among the major brands, but the style of ready-made clothes is on the decline. I don't know what you think. Maybe you should talk to your designers... "

Shen Xinyue's way of speaking is very straightforward. He pauses and adds tea to the cup in front of him.

"Of course, this is the internal business of your brand. What I want to cooperate with is the designer of several classic models before. I believe the works you show me are not her works."

"Impossible, chief editor Shen. All the designer works of our brand are here. I think we must have some misunderstanding."

What Shen Xinyue said naturally hurt the face of Guan Xiaoxiao and Lin Feng. After all, the brand's later work was released after lanyue left.

According to Shen Xinyue's idea, what he appreciates is Lan Yue's works when he is in charge of the brand.

Thinking of this, Guan Xiaoxiao's face turned white. She bit her lips stubbornly and clenched her fist secretly. Over the past few years, she has been able to take charge of her own affairs. At the beginning, lanyue gave her financial support, and her design is still the basis of her brand development.

Now LAN Yue is present, Shen Xinyue said so, which inevitably leads to misunderstanding.

"There's no misunderstanding. If you don't understand, I can be more blunt. I don't like the works designed by your brand now. I want you to come here to cooperate with your original designers."

"We left a designer before, and there are some of her designs on the tablet. Chief editor Shen, if you can't, I can invite her back."

Guan Xiaoxiao somehow became a little excited. She took the tablet computer and slid it for several times. Her long eyelashes blinked and she felt a bit anxious.

At this moment, she was flustered because she was afraid of a possibility.

"Don't worry. You can look for it slowly."

Shen Xinyue is aware of a trace of abnormality in the air. He smiles and turns his eyes to LAN Yue and Qi Yanjun, who have been neglected by him for a long time.

"Both of you, we can move on to the previous topic."


Before LAN Yue had time to speak, Guan Xiaoxiao suddenly stood up and frowned.

"Yueyue, that Can I trouble you with one thing? "


"I want to talk to chief editor Shen first, so I'd like to ask you and Mr. Qi to go out and wait a moment."

"Oh Qi Yanjun sent out a sneer, which made Guan Xiaoxiao's face red.

Guan Xiaoxiao is very uneasy to lower his head, hanging on the side of the hand is very tight, dare not look directly at the opposite LAN Yue.

Blue Yue's bright eyes are full of soft light. She nodded thoughtfully and dragged Qi Yan Jun out.

Outside Shen Xinyue's assistant saw Qi Yanjun and rolled a white eye toward him at that time. He was still angry about what had just happened.

Qi Yanjun grabs LAN Yue's arm, pulls her to the living room sofa to sit down, a pair of hate iron is not steel expression, but Obsidian eyes are always mixed with gentle.

"Don't tell me you didn't see it. You are the foreign designer just mentioned by Shen Xinyue."

"I know, but I can't say it in it. If it's not embarrassing. If it's really me, Xiaoxiao won't be able to get off the stage. "

"What can't get off the stage? It's fair competition. You're not saying it will help me develop Hyatt and reduce my losses. Now you're going to let me do the wrong thing for the sake of Guan Xiaoxiao? "

Qi Yan Jun, with a pair of deep and charming Phoenix eyes, turned his face sideways and looked at lanyue, pretending to be sad.

Qi Yan Jun looks uncomfortable. LAN Yue purses her lips and moves her position in disgust. She is afraid that he will do something too much in the next second.Opposite Shen Xinyue's assistant is still staring at this side, looking at Qi Yanjun's eyes is particularly bad. She has been following a beautiful man like Shen Xinyue for a long time, so she is immune to Qi Yanjun's evil face.

"I didn't say to give up. Now let Xiaoxiao talk to chief editor Shen first. It's not too late for us to go in after they finish chatting."

"What's the use of us going in if they've already settled the matter."

"No, chief editor Shen's character is here. Xiaoxiao and Lin Feng can't convince him." , the fastest update of the webnovel!