Chapter 166

Lao Liu's words stopped in the middle, because he could feel the murderous intention of the seemingly weak man over there through the computer screen.

He quickly changed the subject and explained in embarrassment, "Mu Shao, don't be angry, and wait for me to finish speaking. When the lance family was fighting, the third and I killed you several times in order to stop you from going up. In the end, you left us a way to live. "

"So you remember."

Listen to Laoliu said here, Muning in the eyes of the cold to ease.

"How can we not remember that, according to the lance family rules, we will not have a good end. If it wasn't for your kindness, we wouldn't be as beautiful as we are now. Although we can't disobey the orders of the LANs family, don't worry. Even if we know you are in Haicheng, we will never hurt you. "

"There is no need to mention the past! Beiming can't catch me, let alone you. I'm just asking you if you'd like to help me

"It's not that you don't want to help, but you can't help! Mu Shao, you know how vicious Beiming's methods are. "

Old six rubbed some bald head, a face of tangled and guilty color.

Muning fingers gently buckle the keyboard, the expression of old six all over the eye, the cool thin.


The keyboard makes a light sound, the computer screen is black, and the video call is over.

Muning looks light, as if nothing happened, although he was down here, but also not to ask for help.

Moreover, Lao Liu is not willing to help him now, and he will regret it sooner or later.

"Well, you can't even watch me like that. The doctor said you must be quiet, or it's no different from chronic suicide. "

At the door, Yalan quietly appeared, holding the bread sent by blue Chen Hao in her hand. The bread box had been opened. She took a bite with impoliteness. Obviously, the taste was very good, so that her eyes narrowed with satisfaction.

Blue Chen Hao originally wanted to send in to Mu Ning, but ya LAN knew that Mu Ning was talking with old six video, so he stopped.

"My own body knows it's not that serious."

Muning pursed his lips and glanced at the pills beside the bed cabinet. He reached out and picked up the pills and swallowed the cold water.

Yalan looked at Muning thin cheekbones some prominent face, repeatedly shook his head.

"Beiming is hard to deal with. They won't help you easily, will they?"

"Well, they think Beiming is not easy to deal with, so I can deal with it? I'll go out tomorrow and do something. "

"You go out alone? I'll send someone to help you with something. In case you faint or die on the road, no one knows

Although Yalan's words are somewhat vicious, they are also concerned about Mu Ning.

Muning looks warm-hearted, but he is a very stubborn person. In addition to LAN Yue, it is not easy for others to change his mind.

Inside the room, the windows were open, the breeze was blowing the velvet curtains, and the light moonlight was falling on the marble table of the windowsill.

No matter how bad Yalan's words are, Mu Ning's eyes are always full of waves.

"I have to do it myself. I'm not at ease if I leave it to others."

Muning is not a man who can't calculate. When he took over the LAN family, although he let go of those who opposed him, he also collected a lot of their tricks in recent years.

I thought he could not escape from Beiming's hand, but now that he has survived, he will not have any more scruples.

In the quiet room, Muning's eyes are very dark, and his long eyelashes cast two shadows on his thin cheek.

"Forget it, it's up to you."

In front of her eyes, she opened her eyes.

"Lan Yue and Qi Shao came back together today. They are cooking downstairs. Do you want to go down later?"


Ya LAN like careless words, but let Mu Ning eyes flash.


Yalan chuckled, turned to take the door, slowly walked out.

Standing on the corridor outside, you can see the activity of the living room downstairs. Blue Chen Hao goes in and out of the kitchen door, but there is no figure of LAN Yue and Qi Yanjun.

The two of them have been in the kitchen ever since they came back, and they haven't come out yet.

Aware of this, Yalan was extremely upset. Her slender but powerful hands clung to the railing, and her nails dyed bright purple under the light were particularly eye-catching.

"If you don't help, go out! Standing here is just taking up space. You can go out and play games with Haohao. "

In the kitchen downstairs, LAN Yue skillfully holds a knife and cuts the vegetables after washing.

And behind her, Qi Yanjun holds his arm, with a smile in his eyes, and looks at LAN Yue all the time, which makes LAN Yue feel quite uncomfortable.

See blue Yue tone discontented to complain, Qi Yan Jun's thin lips hook up a good-looking arc.

"The kitchen is so big, how can I occupy space? I am here to supervise your safety.""I'm not safe if you're here."

LAN Yue lowered her voice and murmured in a low voice. She didn't know if Qi Yanjun heard her.

However, Qi Yanjun, who always has a habit of cleanliness, can't smell any lampblack. Now it's rare that he is willing to stay in the kitchen for such a long time.

LAN Yue, who is good at cooking, doesn't know if Qi Yanjun is there. She always feels in a hurry. When she puts the oil into the pot, she just reflects that the water in the pot is not dried.


There is a sound in the pot. Qi Yanjun behind LAN Yue is confused. The next second, he responds and reaches out to block LAN Yue's face.

"Are you stupid! It would have been better if I had covered the pot with the lid. What did you do to block my face? As a result, I burned myself like this. "

A few minutes later, Qi Yanjun is sitting on the sofa. LAN Yue grabs his hand, frowns and rubs the wound medicine for him. Qi Yanjun has a thin cocoon on his hand, which he left when he was practicing in the army.

In recent years, he has recovered the days when the young master was well cared for, but these thin cocoons have not faded away. At the moment, there are many small red dots on the back of his hand, which is caused by his hand to block the oil spray.

LAN Yue's tone is helpless, but the action is very gentle.

Qi Yanjun hung a pair of charming peach blossom eyes and laughed a little bit.

"As long as your face is not hurt."

"It has nothing to do with you that my face is not hurt, and even if it is scalded to a point, it will not be disfigured! It's you who, like a fool, don't hide and splash so much oil. "

"You can say anything. Whatever I do now is a thankless thing for you."

Qi Yanjun takes out the hand with good ointment from LAN Yue's hand, droops his eyelids, and looks sad.

LAN Yue choked by his words, stopped, did not know what to say, just sighed and packed the medicine box.

Just as she turned to put the medicine box back, a warm palm clasped her means, and she lowered her head to meet Qi Yanjun's deep eyes.

"After dinner in the evening, I'll wait for you on the terrace and have something to say to you."


Blue Yue nods to agree to come down, but Qi Yan Jun still does not have the meaning of letting go, until sitting on the sitting room sofa playing game blue Chen Hao turns head, wrung Ba small eyebrow to call.

"Mom, there seems to be a strange smell coming from the kitchen."

"Ah! Did I forget to turn off the gas just now

"You don't go, I'll go!"

The resplendent room suddenly filled with a strange smell of burning. LAN Yue and Qi Yanjun ran to the kitchen in a hurry.

Sitting on the sofa, the blue Chen Hao turned his head and looked at this scene, with a bright smile and a bright and clean little white tooth.

The movement of the downstairs also obviously startled the people upstairs. Yalan has been standing in the corridor with a gloomy face, looking at it with a smile. Seeing Muning pushing the wheelchair out of the room, she turned her head and looked sarcastic.

"Their relationship seems to develop more and more as you had planned. Before long, they will be together. Don't you regret it now? "

Muning did not speak, he looked quiet, sitting in a wheelchair, but like a fairy in the painting.

Yalan see Mu Ning do not speak, but angry, she is very regret promised to cooperate with them, so that this period of time under the threat of Mu Ning, she did not destroy the feelings of LAN Yue and Qi Yanjun.

"You are a saint! If you say let go, you will let go, and you will push the woman you like to others

"I'm not a saint."

Silence for half a ring, Muning warm voice, tone mixed with if there is no sadness.

Yalan glanced at him, and could not help it any longer. She stepped on her slippers and went downstairs to have a look, so as not to make ambiguous things between LAN Yue and Qi Yanjun.

Muning some efforts to push the wheelchair, stop at the stairway, too pale lip flow exposed a bit of self mockery.

Now he has no other people's help, even the ability to go downstairs, so he has no qualification to keep her around.

More than an hour later, LAN Yue is still ready for dinner despite some twists and turns.

Before the servants came back, there were only five of them, LAN Yue. All of them sat at the table with their own minds. No one spoke very quietly, so quiet that they could hear the sound of a slight collision of tableware.

After dinner, Qi Yanjun took the lead to walk to the terrace. LAN Yue remembered what he had said before and followed him to the terrace.

"Hum! Damn it

Yalan looked in the eyes, clenched his fist, pulled up the slightly open leather collar, and was ready to follow.

"Yalan, stop and accompany me upstairs."

Muning's wheelchair timely blocks in front of her. The man in the wheelchair has a cold face. But when he looks at him like this, Yalan finds that she can't step out of her feet.Time so static for a few seconds, Yalan bit red lips, reluctantly ran into Muning's wheelchair.

Accompany Mu Ning upstairs, she secretly cursed, how she met these two Chinese men after becoming so cowardly!

"You didn't ask me here to see the stars, did you?"

On the terrace, LAN Yue and Qi Yanjun are sitting on pure white wooden chairs, with the moon on their heads turning into bright rays. Looking into the distance, you can see the lights of the metropolis winding into the distance.

"Of course not. There is something for you."


LAN Yue was a little bit curious and turned too far. Then she found a document beside her.

Qi Yan Jun hooked his lips and motioned for her to see for herself.

Slowly open the document, LAN Yue swept a few eyes above the dense small characters, in the soft light of the beautiful face without concealing the color of surprise.

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