Chapter 175

"Men have everything if they have money. Qi Shao, you are born with a golden spoon. If you want a beautiful woman, you don't understand our difficulties..."

Lin Feng didn't know if he really drank too much, but he still had feelings.

"I'm so tired that I cheat that stupid woman in my house every day. If it wasn't for fengxiao, I would have divorced her

"Is it? Do you dare to say that in front of her? "

"No kidding! Qi Shao! How can I tell her that? By the way, Qi Shao, you can't tell Miss LAN about these words, or she will definitely have a hard time with me. "

"Don't worry. I asked you today. How could I tell her?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I am confused!"

Lin Feng laughs and pours a glass of wine into his mouth with big tongue.

Next to Wenxiang nephrite, he could not bear to hold his hands. He was in a trance and could only see the snow white.

I don't know how long, the mahogany tea table in the box was filled with bottles of different shapes, vogat, Lafite, brandy and so on.

Lin Feng, who was half drunk with all kinds of wine, was behaving more and more absurdly, while Qi Yan Jun, who was next to him, was dressed neatly and had a beautiful and cool face, which was incompatible with such an environment.

The women around him also wanted to show enthusiasm, but soon she noticed something strange and had to sit by Qi Yanjun's side.

"Lin Feng!"

When the box door opened, Lin Feng's body was also straddling a beautiful woman.

Hearing the familiar voice, he was excited and looked at the door in a hurry.

Guan Xiaoxiao doesn't know how long she has been there. At the moment, she looks at Lin Feng like a stranger.

"Xiaoxiao, why are you here?"

"Don't say anything, divorce!"

When she was brought here by LAN Yue, she heard Lin Feng's voice as soon as she came here. Originally, she didn't believe it. She wanted to go in and question, but was held by LAN Yue.

She stood outside in a trance for a long time. LAN Yue told her a lot, but her brain was blank and she didn't listen to anything.

The moment the door opened, she was hysterical. The picture in front of her eyes made her eyes hurt, and soon her heart seemed to have torn several holes.


"Xiaoxiao, wait, don't go!"

Lin Feng this moment scared silly, even drunk all subsided, he saw Guan Xiaoxiao around the blue Yue know that he was designed.

He wanted to catch up with him, but LAN Yue stopped him and patted him fiercely.

"Lan Yue, what do you want to do Lin Feng's eyes are red, staring at LAN Yue and roaring.

Blue Yue nimbly dodges, lips brim with sarcastic radian.

"I'm afraid you won't admit it, so I took it."

"No, I was designed by you. This is a trap at all. I was wronged..."

"Don't pretend to divorce Xiaoxiao. Let Xiaoxiao go! She doesn't owe you anything, but you've ruined her

LAN Yue's attitude is very tough, don't let Lin Feng go after Guan Xiaoxiao, she continues to speak with a sneer.

"Today, including yesterday, is a trap. We have been following you from the beginning, but how can you explain to Xiaoxiao that other women are pregnant with your child?"

At this moment, Lin Feng was confused and completely mad!

It turns out that everything is designed!

Mad, he would like to tear up the woman in front of him, but the psychological quality is still strong. He knows that Qi Yanjun is in the back.

So he forbeared and forbeared, pointed to LAN Yue's face with his finger only, and said darkly, "you wait for me!"

"Yan Jun, look at him. I'll go after Xiaoxiao."

LAN Yue shrugs her shoulders in the face of Lin Feng's threat. She gives a look to Qi Yanjun, who is lazy at the opera. She turns around to chase Guan Xiaoxiao.

After this incident, Guan Xiaoxiao has seen Lin Feng's true face thoroughly.

Changing the door key and sorting out the company's contract, Guan Xiaoxiao's performance is much better than lanyue imagined.

Thoroughly see a person, know the fact of betrayal, after heartbreak is heart death.

Guan Xiaoxiao had no hope for Lin Feng, and the divorce agreement was handed over to Lin Feng the next day.

"Xiaoxiao, did you release the photos you took in the box that day to the media?"

The next afternoon, LAN Yue found Guan Xiaoxiao in a hotel.

In order to avoid Lin Feng, Guan Xiaoxiao simply moved into a hotel.

"Well, it's a punishment for him. I want to ruin his reputation, and I don't want to leave any more way for us."

Guan Xiaoxiao stood in front of the French window with black hair. He looked tired, but fortunately, he was still energetic.

She spoke in a soft, determined voice.

Before Lin Feng received the divorce agreement, she sent the ugly pictures taken by LAN Yue in the box that day to the media.

Those photos, LAN Yue originally wanted her to be the evidence of Lin Feng's infidelity at the time of divorce, but she didn't expect Guan Xiaoxiao to make a lot of noise.Now all the people in Haicheng know about it.

The key is that Qi Yanjun was also photographed in those photos. The media who did not know the situation imagined to fabricate a series of news.

This is really bad! LAN Yue thought silently in her heart.

"Yueyue, I now understand that only you and Mengmeng are the people I can trust. If there were no you, I would be cheated by Lin Feng Guan Xiaoxiao now think that there is still some fear, if not found out earlier, Lin Feng unconsciously took fengxiao from her hand.

"You don't have to worry now, lawyer. I've found it for you. Before I left fengxiao, I had done some procedures for you. Even if Lin Feng transferred part of the real estate belonging to fengxiao's name, I could try to help you recover it. "

"Thank you really, Yueyue. I was so obsessed with it that you still help me now."

"Don't say that, Xiaoxiao. As I said before, we are friends. We don't need to thank them before friends."

After appeasing Guan Xiaoxiao for a long time, LAN Yue left the hotel room wearily.

Sitting in the elevator, she could hear people talking about the derailment door.

Because Guan Xiaoxiao sent the photos to the media, the hot search of the major media networks is all around Qi Yanjun's topic of looking for miss in the club.

Instead, Lin Feng was ignored.

"Wang Ma, did Qi Shao come back today?" LAN Yue rushed back to the pear garden for the first time and wanted to apologize to Qi Yanjun.

But Wang Ma shook her head. "Qi Shao hasn't come back yet. It seems that she went to the old house."

"To the old house?"

LAN Yue's pupil shrinks, and the heart shrinks.

Should not be Qi family all already knew this matter!

LAN Yue guessed well. At this time, Qi's family was really holding a critical meeting. Everyone was present. The magnificent living room atmosphere was particularly serious.

"Stinky boy, you have disgraced all the faces of our old Qi family."

"Did I tell you what you want to do before you get married, but you can't make any mistakes after you get married."

"Now miaoyong is a public figure. If you spread out such a thing, the media must publicize it. Yan Jun, what you have done this time is really lacking in consideration! "


Qilaozi, Qifu and Yunfang all blame Qi Yanjun for their mistakes.

There is a newspaper on the coffee table in the middle of the sofa, with photos of Qi Yanjun and Lin Feng in the Haitian club.

While Qi Yanjun and Xu miaolung are sitting on the same sofa. His eyes are dim. From the beginning to the end, he listens silently, without any explanation.

Xu miaolung stares at the photo. The sarcasm on her face is fleeting. She clenches her fist and opens her mouth in the silence of the crowd.

"Parents, grandfather, don't scold Yan Jun any more! I believe in him. Maybe it's just social intercourse. The media always like to exaggerate. "


Xu Miaolong's calmness and erudite knowledge made Qi's family speechless.

"In fact, it's my fault. If I wasn't the abbot reality show, there wouldn't be so many paparazzi following me all day, even you would be disturbed."

"You silly girl, it's the son of a bitch who makes mistakes. How can you blame you?"

The old man Qi was angry and anxious. The wrinkles on his face became more and more obvious. He glared at Qi Yanjun and his eyes were burning.

"Yan Jun, explain it! I believe you, you must go to the club for the sake of work. You are not familiar with the man named Lin Feng? "

Xu miaolung kept calm, because she didn't believe that the woman whose temperament was not outstanding in the photo could get into Qi Yanjun's eyes.

There may be other reasons for this.

"There's nothing to explain. I was thoughtless that day. Grandfather, parents, I know I'm wrong, I promise I won't do it again

"Son of a bitch, do you think it's enough to apologize? Even if Miao Rong forgives you, we won't forgive you. Get out of here

Seeing that Qi Yanjun admitted and seemed insincere, he immediately got angry. He stood up on crutches and pointed to the door to show Qi Yanjun to leave his sight.

Because this kind of thing is on the front page, this lets their Qi family face where to put.

"Dad, calm down!"

"Yes, Dad, it matters."

Qi old man's face was white with anger, and his hands covered his chest. Qi's father and Yunfang rushed to support him.

Qi Yanjun's face was not good-looking, his thick slanting eyebrows were locked, his thin lips moved, but he did not know what to say for a moment.

"Yan Jun, why don't you go first! I'll say good things for you. I know you've got a problem

Here, Xu miaolung comes forward with gentle voice and burning eyes.

Qi Yanjun rubbed his eyebrows, nodded, and then turned away.

"Stop! Come hereWhen he came to the door, a tall figure appeared on the right side of the steps. Qi Hanmo stood there, dressed in black, with a strong and handsome face full of cold air.

In the courtyard of the old house, Qi Hanmo and Qi Yanjun started to fight. Some of Qi Yanjun, who was guilty, didn't use his full strength to fight back. After more than a quarter of an hour, he fell to the ground and his whole body fell apart.

"For whatever reason, don't do these things in the future, especially when I'm at home."

Qi Hanmo pursed his lips with a serious tone, and his eyes fell on Qi Yanjun.

Elder brother as father, Qi Hanmo was strict with Qi Yanjun since he was young, so such a thing happened. Qifu didn't do it, but he punished him a little.

"Brother, you are really merciless

Qi Yanjun fell on the grass with a wry smile on his mouth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!